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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and sexual punishment.

--- Rooster's Point of View ---

We were driving back to the base, and she was looking outside of the window and she was thinking so loud that I could almost hear it.

"Everything okay."

"Yeah... do you mind sharing me with him?"

I glanced over her for a moment then focused back on the road, letting out a very involuntary sigh that I hadn't meant to be so loud, glancing over at her again I saw she hadn't seemed to pick up on that.

"Honestly I don't mind it, I never thought that I would be open to a polyamorous relationship, but I felt like it works between the three of us." I explained gently, she was quiet for a moment.

"Do you mind having us share you?"

"No, it can be a bit hard sometimes, the balance between the two of you, I...I kind of feel bad that the baby is not, not because I don't want her, but I fell like it is unfair to you."

I reached my arm over and gently caressed the back of her head, trying to do it in a comforting manner.

"It's not unfair to me, I knew it could go either way, would I like to maybe father a child with you, absolutely but I already love her and I love you."

She took my hand and delicately put it up to her lips and gently kissed my palm and then brought my hand up to cup her cheek as she turned into the touch before giving my hand back, my heart started to pound hard at the small gesture of affection.

"I need some alone time with Hangman, I want to tell him about her."

Glancing sideways I saw that she had her had on her lower stomach, I did my best to understand this, the baby was Hangman's and he deserved to have a moment with her when she tells him the gender.

I drove up to the base and onto it, I drove right up to the entrance putting the car in park.

She looked over at me shocked. "Are you not parking."

"No, I'm going to handle some things, I'll be back tomorrow or the next day, don't worry, if you want to make it seem like he's the first one to know about her I will act surprised when you tell me."

I conspired playfully, he leaned over and gave me a deep kiss.

"Thank you." I gave her a smile as she left the car, I watched making sure she got into the building before driving off.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I felt vulnerable going to Hangman without Rooster with me, it knew that was absurd because even thought people have told me Hangman might be betraying me he had never hurt me – so I didn't believe that he was really doing any harm.

And my daughter was his, he was so loving and gentile with both me and her, how could he possible be willing to hurt me.

"Babe?" I looked up at him shocked as he walked forward, I looked around, to see where had he came from, he was wearing his uniform so maybe coming from a meeting?

"Hi." He looked around me.


"He had some things to take care of, and I wanted to talk to you for a moment."

He smiled at me and walked forward wrapping his arms around his waist he pulled me against him.

"About what."

"About us." I put my hand on my tiny bump.

"Is everything okay."

I looked up at his green eyes, wanting to soothe the worry behind them.

"We are having a daughter." 

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now