Dark Ops

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. The chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and cheating – lot's of red flags, so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View –--

I couldn't find Rooster after looking around, so Hangman and I decided to get some sleep, he led me to the sleep area – that was somehow empty, and then went to the mess hall and got us some sandwiches and waters.

Tuna melt...not bad, a bit dry.

Slowly I ate it – my stomach had been upset for a while now but I knew that I needed to get some food into me– I couldn't let Roosters emotional temper tantrum stop me from taking care of this child.

I made sure to take slow bites and I could feel his eyes on me the whole time, and I felt as if it was burning into my very soul. Just being in his presence with such power and domination that I felt myself start to shiver inside.

Without Rooster as a buffer between us I felt more vulnerable, even though I might be carrying his baby.

I wasn't sure about his silence, he took the plates that the food was on, quietly we both brushed our teeth and got ready for bed.

He stripped down to his boxers, and me my under shirt and underwear. The bunks that were in the room were about the size of a twin bed, I made a move to get on the top bump.

"You are laying on me..."

I gave him a shocked expression, he smirked and laid down on the bed, and opened his arm a little, I moved forward and onto the bed, and I laid on top of him, snuggling against his chest.

He kissed the top of my head.

"I saw you were eating slowly, is the baby giving you trouble?"

I nodded. "Why are you so silent?"

"I was more trying to temper my rage at Rooster, I know that you are a completely self-sufficient woman, and when it comes down to it you really don't need Rooster or I, but I am kind of old fashioned. The baby might be his and you don't leave a girl once you have knocked her up."

My whole body relaxed as I realized that his silence has nothing to do with me.

There was comfortable and long silence between us the I felt him gently kiss my shoulder as I was starting to fall asleep.

I was woken up what had to be hours later, I was alone in bed and turned to the side, seeing Hangman standing there, dressed and looking down at me.

"Morning beautiful."

I blushed and looked away sitting up and smoothing down my messed-up hair.

"Were you...were you watching me sleep?"

"Yes, not for very long– you pout when you sleep, did you know that?" He teased, then his face got serious and sober.

"We need to go, I looked all over, Rooster has gone – and he took my single seater aircraft, I'm going to be taking you home apparently."

I stood up off the bed and I felt the tears start to come, I moved away from his arms when he tried to reach for me, but I stepped out of his grip and got dressed quickly.

An idea came to me.

"I will be right back, I will meet you on the runway."

I walked past him to fine the guy in charge on the base.

{1 Hour Later}

I followed Hangman to the aircraft that Rooster hand flown in, he got in the cock pick and I sat behind him, he talked to the tower, and we taxied.

"Are you strapped in my love?"

"Yes, stop for a moment, your flight screen is going to go black, then come back up with a red dot – we are not going to Fightertown."


The screen shut off and came back on.

"Woah...is that, what is that?"

"That is a dark ops stealth aircraft carrier."

"I've never heard of anything like that."

I gave a rueful laugh.

"You wouldn't ever have, but I know, fly us there."

"I know better than to argue with you, let's go...will Rooster be able to find us?"

That question thew me for a moment

"Not at all."

"Fair enough." With that he started down the runway. 

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now