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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. The chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and cheating – lot's of red flags, so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View –--

I was happy when Hangman really didn't talk a lot, I could tell that he was focusing on flying, and I needed to be alone with my thoughts.

I wanted Rooster with me, I know it could be either one of there but something deep inside, something that I really couldn't explain was telling me that this was Rooster's.

I put my hand on my stomach, a moment of panic was filling me and I had to take a few deep breaths to calm myself.

'I'm sorry your Dad – weather who I suspect is your father - is being such an asshole right now.' I sent the thought to the baby, just in case it was listening.

"You are such a smooth flyer; it is easy on my body."

"Thank you, do I fly better than Rooster?" I gave him an odd look that he couldn't see, he sounded insecure – it was something that you really didn't associate with him.

"I will deny it if you ever tell him, but yes."

"I like hearing you say that, so how is our third passenger?"

I smiled happy at him asking that question, even though something told me this baby was Rooster, a part of me wishes that it was Hangman's, at this moment he is clearly the better choice in every way.

"Still growing I would imagine, but I will be happy when I can get some more food in me."

"Do you want me to land in California? I'm sure I can find another base so we don't run into Rooster."

"No, go straight to the aircraft carrier. It's the saftest place we can be while I try and work some emotional thing out."

"As I said I am not leaving your side, not you or the baby."

"Thank you Hangman..." Tears started to come to my eyes, because yes again – Hangman was the better man on this moment and I care deeply for him, but I was in love with Rooster – and my heart is still broken and my soul bleeding for him abandoning me.

{Two Hours Later}

"Oh my god it is real!"

I looked to the side, the aircraft carrier was dark and huge.

"Did you think I was lying?" I teased I got on the radio and contacted the deck controller; they said that I was clear to land, and that Hangman would be allowed to exit the aircraft but he wouldn't be allowed in any restricted areas, I thanked them.

"Alright Hangman, you are cleared to land, but you will not be allowed to go into restricted areas like I am."

"I understand that."

{One Hour Later}

We were in a large bedroom, that had a dresser, and a large queen bed.

"Ok- this is so cool."

The rooms on this carrier - at least for people like me - were actually built like real bedrooms, because sometimes we stay on this boat for months and it helps our morale, they change the crew every two weeks, on a rotation.

He walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders and but his face in my shoulder.

"Let's get some sleep, I'm sure you are exhausted as I am, tomorrow is a new day and we can figure things out."

I turned in his arms and started crying into his chest.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry." He apologized, I knew that he was apologizing for Rooster, I was happy he was here to help me.

--- Rooster's Point of View ---

{Three Day's Later}

We were at The Hard Deck bar, and I was having a few drinks with Mav.

"I can't believe you fucking left her there, why on earth would you do something so stupid – she's pregnant for fuck sakes."

"The baby could be Hangman's." I muttered, that is what had scared me, I loved her and I wanted the baby to be mine, but the idea of it being his...that shook me. The moment I was back at Fightertown I regretted my actions, and I had waited for them to land – but they never did.

"The baby could fucking be yours you asshole." He seethed through his teeth.

"It's to late for that, I can't fucking find her or Hangman, and I doubt she would forgive me."

"I'm working on finding them – pull yourself together for that baby and for her."

I took another shot and held up my hand to order another one. I had no idea where she was, and I missed her desperately. I wanted to apologize but – it was like they both had just vanished.  

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now