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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, as well as ancient curses and human sacrifice. Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and injury caused by someone - so trigger warning for that.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

"Oh god." I was excited about the idea of being fucked by both of them, I think it gave us a closeness that was unique.

"Let's switch, I want a piece of that ass." Rooster muttered to Hangman, I found myself blushing, hard at his words. He normally didn't talk like that – treated me like an object, I had no idea why that turned me on so much.

They moved me to where they wanted, we were naked and Hangman maneuvered me so I was straddling him, I whimpered as was slowly placed down on his cock.

When I was fully down, he grabbed my hips and held me steady, they both didn't do anything for a moment as I slightly wiggled my hips getting used to him – not that he was huge, he was a good size but he was just – hard.

"Do we have your permission baby? Will you take both of us?" Rooster asked, I felt him moving behind me.

"Yes..." I whimpered, anxious and excited.

I felt Rooster grab the back of my neck and push me down, keeping one hand on my hip Hangman wrapped his arm around my upper body holding me there.

I felt cold lube on my ass, I half wondered where they had gotten it.

"Do you want me to stretch you out or just do it?" Rooster asked gently, I actually had to think about this for a moment.

"Just do it, I can take it."

"Okay baby."

Slowly he pressed his cock against my ass, he had never taken me this way so he seemed to be going slow, letting me adjust.

I was whimpering and writhing a bit.

"Baby..." Rooster started to say.

"She's getting used to it, just keep going, make her take it." Hangman demanded, Rooster listed to him and kept going, when he was balls deep he held it there, I put my head against Hangman's shoulder – he kissed my temple.

Slowly Rooster started moving, I buried my face harder in Hangman's neck, because of how they were taking me Hangman didn't need to move.

"Fuck." Rooster muttered.

"I know right, she feelings amazing." Hangman gently but with light force threaded his fingers in my hair and made me look at him, the kissed me."

At the same time Rooster was kissing the back of my neck, there was such an amazing mix of pleasure and pain that I lost track of time, getting lost in the feelings Hangman came first, then Rooster followed soon after – I felt like I had a continuous orgasm.

Rooster gently removed himself from my ass and Hangman moved as well, I was exhausted and all but carried to the shower.

I didn't even have to clean up, they did it – it was kind of awkward but I allowed them to pamper me, when I was clean Rooster wrapped me in a fluffy town and carried me to the bed, setting me down on it he walked back into the bathroom

After a while the both came back out, showered.

"I'm craving pizza." I got up off the bed and walked over to my closet and started to get dressed.

"Really?" Hangman laughed, I quickly finished dressing, and when I turned Hangman had just his boxers on and Rooster his pants and no shirt.

There was a knock at the door, without checking the camera and doing it so fast that I wasn't able to protest Rooster opened the door.

Maverick was there, when the hell had he gotten there?

I could usually get a read on people, I watched as he looked between Rooster and Hangman and me, I could tell my how his eyes shifted and a light redness under is collar that he had guessed at the three way tango we had just had.

"Uh, Chase, someone is here to see you, someone high up."

I let out a sigh, knowing it was maybe the dark ops general. I walked to the door, I didn't know why he was blushing – I was the one that was still having Roosters and Hangman's cum dripping out of me.

Before I walked out the door, I looked at Rooster and Hangman.

"Can you get me a pizza, I'm not picky about brand, just make it cheese."

I left the door open and walked all the way out, I wanted to just have time with Rooster and Hangman, and some pizza.

"I apologize, was I interrupting something?"

I turned and gave him a look and raised my eyebrow. "Do you really want to know?"

"No, uh, how is the baby?"

"Fine." I really wasn't in the mood for THAT conversation, I was thinking that I needed to demand that I be sent to a very, very fucking safe house – with Rooster and Hangman, if I am going to be having his child I want to be left the hell alone. 

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now