•𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 189 🥀

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Y/N's POV, February 8th 1992

Nikki was acting really fucking weird, and this morning especially- it was Vince's birthday today but Nikki hadn't even acknowledged it, I was going over to see Vince today as I normally did on his birthday but Nikki made it very clear he wasn't joining me, he told me he had a meeting today, a band meeting to be exact.

Instantly that gave me questions, a band meeting without Vince? Sure, it's his birthday and that's probably why he wasn't invited but it's still strange.

I said to Nikki can't he cancel it or just not go because he should come with me to see Vince but he just said there's no point of him going and moved the subject on. I then brought Blaze into the question and asked whether I could take him with me but Nikki said that he'll take him to the meeting and was rather insistent about it.

A part of me wanted to grill him on the meeting but in the end didn't. I trusted Nikki to be honest with me and tell me if this meeting was important for the band.

Nikki and I left at the same time, Nikki took his corvette and I took the practical less flashy car, our Mercedes. Nikki followed me for a while as we both had to go in the same direction to start with but I did have to turn off eventually to get to Vin's place.

The drive was short so I didn't bother even turning on the radio before I knew it I was pulling into Vin's driveway. There was already a car which wasn't Vince's parked up and I wondered who would be here. It wasn't Sharise's car so the only other logical conclusion I jumped too was Vin's mom and dad.

I got out of the car, making sure to take Vince's presents with me and went straight to the front door and knocked loudly on the wood. Obviously, Vince knew I was coming over I wasn't just appearing without any heads up so when he opened the door he instantly addresses me "If it isn't my bestest friend in the whole wide universe- wassup?"

"Hey." I greet with a laugh at what he'd said "Not much, what about you?"

"Same here." He shrugged as he spotted the bag of presents I was holding "Ooh, is that for me?"

"Yes because I know how much you like presents, I brought you a bag full. Happy birthday, Vinnie." I grinned, holding out the gift bag I had for him- he took it, pulling me inside the house and into his arms in a hug without much hesitation.

"Thank you, so... it's just you then, no Nikki?"

I shook my head "Nope, hope you don't mind- he er-... he sends his love but he's apparently got a meeting with Doug... Mick and Tom are apparently there too for whatever reason."

"Nah, it's fine gives us a chance to hang without him mentally tearing flesh from my bones but... er-... meeting? There's a meeting and I'm not invited to said meeting, what's that about?" Vince asks pulling away from me with a raised eyebrow.

"I know it's weird... Nikki didn't say why you weren't there... maybe cause it's your birthday, you'll probably get caught up on it tomorrow or something."

"Probably." he hummed taking my hand in his and kicking the door closed "Anyway, make yourself at home... I've been on the phone all morning answering birthday calls, fun times... but seeing you is now the highlight of the day though."

𝗔𝗶𝗻'𝘁 𝗡𝗼 𝗩𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗲𝘆 𝗟𝗼𝘄 𝗘𝗻𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵 🤍Where stories live. Discover now