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Y/N's POV, July 15th 2015

Hello, so the tour was still going strong and everyone was still having a great time, we had played on last night in England and we're now on our way to Alaska for a show tomorrow.

On our flight from England back to America we all used the flight as a way to catch up on a little sleep but did eventually talk with each other when we got off the flight and in a car to drive us from the airport to our hotel for the next couple of nights.

However there was an issue, not a major one or anything but something bothered me, after exiting the plane and waiting for the car to pick us up I noticed Vince start to act strange, he was glued to his phone and hardly acknowledged anyone, and when he did have too he was distant and... sad? And I couldn't fathom why that could be.

It got even worse when we got to the car, he hung back a few steps from the rest of us and sat as far from everyone as he could during the car ride, deep in thought every now and again going back to his phone and looking at something.

I didn't call it out infront of anyone because I was seemingly the only one who saw that something was deeply upsetting Vince and I think the others just put it down to exhaustion or something similar as Tommy had that issue a week or so ago and he wasn't himself for a day or two but it was deeper than that for Vinnie.

When we arrived at the hotel, Vince was the first one to leave, not saying a word to anyone not even me and still nobody seemed to really pay it much mind and when Nikki and I got to our hotel room I decided to ask if he'd noticed the same thing I had "Have you noticed anything strange about Vince today?"

"More so than usual?"

The comment made me roll my eyes but I agreed regardless "Yes."

"He was a little quiet I suppose but he's probably just tired, Tommy was the same remember the start of last week? Give him a couple of days and he'll be fine."

"I don't think it's that... he was fine then he started looking at his phone and then he wasn't anymore."

"Maybe he's been seeing someone on the sly and got dumped?"

"Nikki, be serious."

"I am!" He insisted.

"No, you're not, you know as well as I do he'd tell me if he was seeing someone, I'm worried about him, legitimately."

"Don't... it's probably nothing, could be you were just reading too much into it?"

"No, it's definitely something, I know him too well, something really wasn't right with Vinnie, earlier... I saw it, he kept to himself too much, he moved away from us, away from me and that never happens. I need to make sure he's okay and if it's nothing it's nothing but I have to find out."

"Give it five minutes then before dashing out the door, I've hardly seen you today."

"You have me every day I doubt missing a few hours matters."

"Every second with you counts." Nikki said quickly "Just give me five minutes cuddle time then you can go see if Vince is okay."

𝗔𝗶𝗻'𝘁 𝗡𝗼 𝗩𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗲𝘆 𝗟𝗼𝘄 𝗘𝗻𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵 🤍Where stories live. Discover now