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A/N: This might not be relevant to anyone but I did upload yesterday's chapter at a later time than usual because I genuinely forgot too, I thought I had but then found out I hadn't so if you missed the update yesterday, read yesterday's chapter first 😂


Y/N's POV, April 22nd 1996

I hate that people have to die, it's cruel, getting to know someone then them just simply not be there anymore, it had to happen of course but it never got any more pleasant. Nikki's grandfather died three weeks ago and his funeral had taken place four days ago.

It was a horrible phone call to receive though it was expected, we flew out to Idaho for a two days for the funeral, it was a nice send off for Tom. I'd miss him, he was always fully supportive of Nikki and I's relationship and gave Nik good advice over the years. It had been tough for Nikki and the night of the funeral he cried himself to sleep.

Since getting back he'd been quiet, still mourning the loss of Tom, Blaze and Nico have both asked what was wrong with Nikki and I'd told them Tom was dead but they didn't grasp the concept so they were just under the impression he had gone and wasn't coming back which was the same thing Blaze had done when Skylar died.

My parents once again had stepped in to look after the kids while we were in Idaho, and the last few days we'd just been taking things slowly, Nikki adjusting to life without Tom.

It was pretty early morning right now and Nikki and I were just sat up reading, we'd chosen not to go back to sleep, it was half six and we usually got up at half seven or later depending on the kids so an hour of reading would be fun.We'd been reading for twenty minutes now and I wanted to ask Nikki if he was okay as I was extremely worried about him, he couldn't close off from me, that wasn't allowed with us anymore, we had to be honest and talk to each other.

I bit the bullet and just asked straight "Nik? You've been quiet since we got back. You gotta talk to me baby, closing yourself off isn't healthy. What's wrong?"

Nikki sighs and looks at me "Nothing's wrong, it's just that now Tom's gone, I don't have anymore close family left. Him and Nona were the only close family I had who truly cared for me no matter what... it feels weird that I'll never have that again."

"It's hard, I know... I wasn't ever really that close with my mom's parents, they were too judgemental for their own good so when they died it didn't hit me too hard... but losing my dads parents hit me harder but I know that's not the same as it is for you... but I do kinda know how you feel."

"It sucks ass... I'm trying to look at the positive which is Tom's back with Nona now, they're together and that's good. I hate that I've lost both of them now though... I used to get advice off Tom when I didn't know what to do, not having that to fall back on is gonna take some adjusting... I'll do it... it's just gonna take time."

"I understand that. Don't push yourself away from me though, you can't. It's never got you anywhere but up shit creek... talk to me if you need too... you know I'm always here for you. Always."

Although Nikki knew that I did feel like I need to remind him every now and again just in case he second guessed it because he still hated bothering me with his problems at times when he didn't need too.

"And I love you for that." The bassist sighed softly, we smiled at one another then went back to reading, and we probably got another hour or so of reading in before it was abruptly put to an end as Nico started his usual fuss to get either myself or Nikki to go in and give him attention. As soon as we both heard him, we put our books down and Nikki said "I think that's our que to get up."

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