•𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 242 🥀

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Y/N's POV, August 16th 1999

Vince was coming over today, it was the anniversary of Skylar's death and because of that I'd offered him to spend tonight with Nikki and myself not wanting him to be on his own and drink himself into stupidity.

Vince broke his sobriety way back in March of this year, on Skylar's birthday actually and I only knew he'd broken his sobriety because he'd called me that evening a total mess, drunk out of his mind, I'd been with him during the day but after I left he must have brought something, he was so out of it that I went over and stayed the night with him to make sure he didn't hurt himself by falling down the stairs or something similar.

Because of that mess, I thought I wouldn't give him the chance to do that again today. I've tried my best to make sure on 'trigger days', which is what I call the days where Vin is most likely to get incoherently drunk or have the most chance of harming himself in any way, I've always tried to be there for him.

The days are the day Razzle died, Skylar's birthday and the day Skylar died. In 1996, for both her birthday and her anniversary of her death I spent the day with Vince, then in '97 I did the same but Vince didn't have the chance to get that drunk the anniversary of her death because the guys had that interview the day after and he knew better than to drink that day, but I still spent the day with him just to make sure and only left to return home when Vince was fast asleep.

Then the cycle repeated last year and this year well... I'd already explained. But today, Vince would be here for dinner and would be staying with us tonight. It was still strange for me to not have to ask Nikki's permission anymore and to not have him grumble or eye roll or do anything which signalled he didn't want Vinnie around.

It was something I hadn't adjusted too yet but that wasn't a complaint.

Away from Vince for a minute though, I'd turned forty just over a couple of weeks ago and although I feel no different I did now think I was old. I hated that feeling but I couldn't stop myself from feeling that way, I'd had a nice birthday though, Nikki had organised a party which all the guys attended, yes, even Tommy as Nikki by now had gotten over Tom leaving the band and accepted his reasoning.

The night had been full of a lot of people, old friends which included Lizzie, because obviously we'd invite him, Slash attended and we hadn't actually seen him in a long while, a couple of years actually so it was great he could attend, Duff was there also and a few other rockstars including a couple of RATT, mainly Warren, Robbin and Stephen. Robbin was still struggling with drugs and now I felt no anger or any hard feelings towards him for helping to lead Nikki down a bad path back in the day, I did just feel sad for him, there was no other feeling, it was just pity.

I'd felt pity for him for a while but never as strongly as I did at that party. He didn't look good and I just knew if he didn't get help, he'd be dead in a couple of years, maybe less.

Aside from the state of Robbin, there were a couple of other people that we caught up with who we hadn't seen in a while who actually were in better places than they had been before which was a nice contrast. Bottom line was, I had a good birthday catching up with old friends and hanging out with the people who mean the most to me.

Anyways, back to today- it was getting on for four o'clock and Vince was due to be here at four and I was preparing dinner and because Nikki isn't any help in the kitchen, I had to cook this all by myself. I was going simple because I had to cook for me, Vince, Nikki and the three kids, I was just making pasta, a pasta bake to be exact, one of my personal favourite pasta dishes after spaghetti meatballs and tortellini. I'd been in here for not too long, about ten minutes getting stuck into cooking Nikki walks in the room with Blaze while also holding Nico who's getting his daily dose of Daddy cuddles.

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