•𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 240 🥀

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Y/N's POV, March 1st 1999

There was a meeting today to discuss the next album they're due to work on, Nikki had already written songs for it both solo and with Mick, Vince. Tommy not so much because so much of last year was spent in jail for him and since getting released, Tom hasn't done much work with the guys.

Tom hadn't said anything to me yet about what we spoke about a couple of weeks ago, about doing that what makes him happy so wasn't sure what he'd decided to do, if anything that is.

There was a band meeting today to actually discuss ideas for the next album, something which was meant to have been done last year but after everything went down, it was decided we'd wait and today was the first meeting. It would basically just be ideas being thrown around and shouldn't take longer then a couple of hours if things go smoothly.

When Nikki and I got there, Mick was already at the meeting point which was Doug's office, he wasn't here so had left the keycard with Mick like he has done before but this time there was someone actually at the reception desk as you entered the building so Mick didn't have to wait outside for everyone, as soon as Nikki and I arrived he gave the keycard to the girl on reception once we opened and went to wait in Doug's office.

Ten minutes after we got here, Vince came through the door and I greeted him with a hug and a kiss and then Tommy walked in, but he walked in half an hour late... which made alarm bells ring in my head when I saw him because he looked hesitant to be here.

When he walked through the door into the room everyone looked at him as we'd all been sat in silence for the last five minutes, he stood in the doorway seeing all our eyes on him and he smiled a little uncomfortably.

"And where the fuck have you been?" Nikki shot at the drummer before he has a chance to say anything.

"Sorry man, I-... I er-... I've just been all over the place today and lost track of time."

"You're wearing a watch and can still loose track of time? What were you even doing to lose track of time, do I even want to know? I can't imagine life for you being anymore interesting than the rest of us so if we can be on time why can't you?" Mick wondered slightly irritated with Tommy's lack of punctuality.

"You know me, I'm a dumbass, remember?" Tom jokes but it didn't come out like a joke, he was too preoccupied looking nervous to actually joke.

"You don't have to tell any of us that. Seems as times getting on, just sit down Tommy and we can start." Nik sighed, while Vince remained silent and un-opinionated, having learnt with Tommy with the way he can still kinda be a dick towards the vocalist it's best to just stay quiet and let everyone else bitch on his behalf.

Tommy came over to the group of us and sat down beside Nikki, as Mick was at the far end of the couch, then Vince, then me, then Nikki. When he did sit down he never relaxed, just sat there, lightly tapping his foot against the carpet. I slowly began to suss what was going through his head and what had got him to behave this way but I wanted him to say it not wanting to jump to any conclusions.

"Right..." my husband began pulling out a notebook from his pocket and a pen, ready to jot ideas down, having already used this notebook to write some songs for this project, or rough outlines of lyrics and instrumentals anyways "Let's gets straight to it because I don't think anyone wants to be here longer than necessary... I don't need to start saying this decade hasn't really been our best moment and we need to get back on the good side of the industry because we haven't been the last few years but we can do it, we've achieved more than we ever thought we would and this isn't it for us. No way in hell." Nikki said sounding confident... he'd always believe in the band, it was his dream after all.

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