•𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 207 🥀

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Y/N's POV, April 5th 1994

The album had been out for a few weeks and things weren't looking good in the court of public opinion, this album wasn't going down very well, I'd heard very little positive about it and magazines were panning it and fans reviews of the album within these magazines wasn't exactly favourable- most fans hated this album or liked it but still preferred the band with Vince.

Nikki and I brought these magazines and Nik made me read the reviews to him and what all these different people were saying about the music and by the time I finished reading each of these magazines and reviews within them Nikki never said a word, he just stayed deathly silent, giving no emotion away on his face.

He was still in denial, unable to admit the truth, the truth deep down he'd known all along. I'm fairly confident now that denial will end the moment the guys do their first show of this tour they're going on, it spans only a couple of months, due to many shows being dropped. Why? Nikki hadn't said, and Doug wouldn't say either but I'm assuming it's because not enough tickets had been sold to even allow the guys to play.

The tour went around the US playing twelve shows in total, there was one show in Canada, two in the UK, then a handful around Europe and two in Japan. I didn't know the ticket sales for any of these places but they at least sold enough for the show to go ahead.

We were heading out for the first tour date next week and between then and now Nikki and the other guys had an interview with John, their first proper one since firing Vince, that would be an experience and I had a feeling it wouldn't be a pleasant one.

For today though, Nikki and I were home, Nikki was doing some household chores sparing me the effort of doing it- it's probably my favourite pregnancy perk. Actually talking of that, I'd had an ultrasound last week and we could find out the gender of the baby if we wanted too... we made the choice to find out and then maybe leave the next kid we have as a surprise. So, we found out in the end we were expecting another baby boy.

Nikki was on naming duty once again and I'm sure he'd come up with another good name, he'd been going back through the same notebook he'd used when he named Blaze hoping he could find a name in there he liked the look of, he's pulled three out of that book then was on the scout for new ones so I'll see where this goes.

I was excited about having another boy but it was going to be a pain in the ass if this child was going to be anything like Nikki. I was praying he took after me this time around but why do I get the feeling that won't happen?

Aside from getting a gender assigned to our baby not a lot else since the album release had gone down yet. Vince was away with some friends of his, I spoke to him last night and apparently he's jet skiing with said friends today, their idea not his though Vince was up for trying it, Vince loved anything to do with water sport, that's the surfer in him I guess.

Nikki had cleaned upstairs and was now in the kitchen and he'd been there for about twenty minutes and would surely be done soon. I was on the couch intently watching a TV show or at least that was the case until the phone started ringing, fortunately for me, it was only right next to me on a special table, as it was easier to reach this way, I didn't have to get up all I had to do was reach over and pick it up.

"Hello?" I say not taking my eyes off the TV screen as I placed the phone against my ear, not expecting the call to be anyone or anything that important.

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