•𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 275 🥀

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Y/N's POV, December 28th 2005

I'd chosen the day where I was heading back to Nikki... December 31st. New year, new start. That's what I was hoping for anyways but it wasn't going to be that straight forward.

It's going to be uncomfortable the first few days, that much was clear and we probably won't speak to each other much but at least we'd be in the same facility.

I hadn't told the kids yet that we were going home soon, Nico and Zeta would be happy about it but... Blaze was still extremely pissed off at Nikki so I wasn't sure how he'd react telling him we're going back.

I'd spoken to Vince about it and he was happy that I'd taken that step, I was grateful to Vinnie though for letting us all stay here, it meant a lot, really it did. He had a heart of gold, even if at times he didn't want to see that.

Christmas had been good in the end, the kids enjoyed themselves and that was the most important thing. Cooking Christmas dinner here did make me remember the Christmases in which Vince and I were together, it was almost exactly the same and it was nice to think about.

Though, I forgotten how much of a pain in the ass Vince is on Christmas, he like he always used to do, lingered around me in the kitchen and purposely was a nuisance. I love him, I really do, but I did just want to punch him in the face by the end of the day.

Aside from Vince and his irritating ass, after my parents left Christmas night they did go to Nikki and yes, he was okay but my parents ended out staying with him the night, feeling like they had to be with him but of course they wanted too at the same time and I felt better knowing they had stayed too.

I did worry even after all these years that me not being around Nikki would make him turn back to old habits, I knew he wouldn't, not now but I know he can still struggle with staying in the right frame of mind when I'm not with him which was my only reservation about leaving him on his own.

Vince had rang Nikki, like Nik said to do in my Christmas card, and told him that I'd be coming back to him on New Year's Eve so it wouldn't be a shock to him or anything. The only thing I had to do was like I said, tell the kids.

They were all upstairs in their room right now, enjoying the time they had left to do nothing better they do back to school, I'd removed myself from Vince and the TV show we were watching and took myself upstairs and into the room the kids were all sharing.

I walked up to the door and knocked softly before opening it, peeking my head around the side, all three of them looked up at me and I smiled when they did "Hey, what you guys doing up here?"

"Monopoly... but Blaze keeps winning." Zeta says exasperated.

Blaze shrugged "It's not my fault you both suck."

"No! You're cheating."

"How am I cheating? Just because I actually play the game and buy properties doesn't mean I cheat! If you'd stop being cheapskates I'd actually have some competition."

"You buy properties every time you land anywhere and you always seem to make money, how are we meant to play properly when even the game doesn't want us to win." Nico said, coming to Zarina's aid in the back and forth.

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