Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 Lime Mint

    There is no electricity in the stairwell, and the windows are not closed, and the cool breeze blows in, which feels a bit like a haunted house.

    Jiang Can firmly believes that there are no ghosts in this world, and she is still very confident in her own strength and strength, so Jiang Can easily went up to the second floor without using a mobile phone to illuminate it.

    Jiang Can just wanted to knock on the door of the office, but he opened it as soon as he touched the door.

    Pushing the door open, Jiang Can turned on the flashlight of her mobile phone. She was not very familiar with the furnishings in the office, so she was afraid of knocking over something in the dark.

    Jiang Can slowly groped along the direction of the office where the lights were just turned on.


    There was another loud thunder, and who knew that something seemed to fall to the ground in the office.

    With good hearing, Jiang Can quickened his pace towards the office where the sound came from. He reached out to open the door, but who knew the door was locked.

    I knocked three times, but there was no sound from inside.

    Jiang Can knew that omegas were generally timid. Although Yan Shi hadn't been afraid of the dark when he came back just now, the sound insulation in the office was so good that he couldn't even hear the sound of the rain outside.

    The thunder just now was so sudden and loud that Jiang Can was startled, let alone Yan Shi who was in the dark.

    "Lawyer Yan, are you in there?"

    Jiang Can asked while knocking on the door.

    After about two or three minutes, there was still no sound inside.

    Jiang Can remembered the sound of things falling in the room just now, and suddenly wondered if Yan Shi hit something and fainted. Although it might not be so bloody, she couldn't think of anything else for a while.

    Taking a step back, Jiang Can raised his foot and kicked the door open, a strong smell of cappuccino came to his nostrils.

    Jiang Can took a deep breath and closed her eyes enjoying it. The smell was too good for her.

    Throat throbbing, Jiang Can swallowed his saliva, forced himself to calm down, and then raised his phone to take a picture inside.

    The documents were scattered on the table and on the ground, Jiang Can frowned and walked in slowly.

    This office is not very big, except for the office desk and chairs, there is only a bookcase and a sofa for visitors. Such a small room has a panoramic view, but Leng didn't see Yan Shi's figure.

    Jiang Can felt strange, Yan Shi's pheromone was so strong, he must still be in this room, but the place is so big, there is no place to hide people.

    Seeing the office chair beside the table in front of him being pushed aside, Jiang Can subconsciously strode up to look under the table, and sure enough there was someone hiding there.

    Take a photo with your phone, hey! The person under this table is Yan Shi.

    "I'm talking about Barrister Yan, I called you a few times just now and you didn't answer?"

    Yan Shi was not short, and he huddled under the table in a suit, hugging his legs with his hands, and buried his head in his knees.

    Jiang Can was speaking like a living person, but he didn't seem to hear him at all. Jiang Can was a little unhappy, when he squatted down and stretched out his hand to push the remark.

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