Chapter 41

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Chapter 41 Discomfort After Marking

    The next day, Jiang Can kept sleeping while hugging Yan, only to feel that the person in his arms was getting hotter and hotter. At about noon, Jiang Can finally woke up.

    It was Jiang Can's first taste of sweetness, and sure enough, he couldn't extricate himself once he tried it. The whole body is very comfortable, Jiang Can has lived for nearly thirty years, and has never felt so relaxed in his body.

    Standing up, Jiang Can looked at Yan Shi who was still sleeping soundly in his arms, and originally wanted to reach out and touch his face, but who knew that Yan Shi's face was very hot as soon as he touched it.

    "Xiaoyan, Xiaoyan."

    Jiang Can was a little anxious, and hurriedly called Yanshi twice, but Yanshi didn't wake up, he just frowned and kept moaning.

    Realizing that something was wrong when he spoke, Jiang Can panicked, dressed Yan Shi quickly, and took him directly to the hospital.

    It took a long time to go to the hospital, but Yan Shi didn't wake up, and the fever was getting worse.

    Jiang Can waited anxiously outside the clinic, and finally saw the doctor coming out of the clinic. Jiang Can greeted him:

    "Doctor, what's wrong with my boyfriend? He suddenly had a high fever, and he still can't wake up." The

    doctor looked roughly Appearing to be about fifty years old, he took off his glasses and glanced up and down at Jiang Can.

    "Looking at your mature appearance, you should be about 30 years old, right? Don't you even know that an omega is permanently marked and will feel unwell? The

    patient should have been marked yesterday, right? You didn't pay attention to it ?He had a high fever because he was marked, but he fell asleep all the time because of excessive physical exertion.

    Young man, there will be a long time in the future. You have already marked him, and you are afraid that he will run away?"

    "I...I really I don’t know, but is there anything wrong with him? Can I go in and see him?”

    “It’s nothing serious, after the infusion, take him back to rest for a few days, and don’t touch him. Wait until he adapts to being permanently imprisoned. Mark, take it easy. Go and pay the money first, come back and go in and stay with him."

    Jiang Can nodded, took the payment slip from the doctor, paid the money as quickly as possible, and entered the consulting room.

    "Where is this?"

    Yan Shi asked weakly, his voice hoarse. Jiang Can heard it in his ears, but felt pain in his heart.

    "This is a hospital. You have a fever and passed out. It's my fault. It's all my fault. You said no to it last night. Hit me!

    " Little stars, I wish I could tear myself apart.

    Jiang Can grabbed Yan Shi's hand that was not infused with fluid, and slapped himself on the face. Yan Shi was terrified, his body was sore and hurt, but he struggled to avoid hitting Jiang Can in the face.

    "What are you doing? I didn't blame you. Why did you still find it yourself? It's not your fault, it's all voluntary."

    Although Yan Shi didn't feel comfortable all over his body, especially the glands at the back of his neck. , burning feeling. But Yan Shi was very happy in his heart, Jiang Can had given him all the sense of security he had been looking for all along.

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