Chapter 49

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Chapter 49 Talking

    Although Father Jiang smiled kindly, he was full of respect and fear for him when he spoke. The respect is because Father Jiang is his big boss, and the fear is because Father Jiang is Jiang Can's father.

    It seemed that they were having lunch together, but Father Jiang deliberately distracted Guan Zi, not knowing what Father Jiang meant when he spoke.

    As soon as Guan Zixin left, Jiang's father asked Yuan Nai to follow. The place where the juice is made is not far away, but now Guan Zixin has disappeared, and everyone knows what happened.

    Jiang's father looked at Yan while eating, saw that he had not moved his chopsticks, and said,     "

    The food in the cafeteria is not to your liking?


Chan said, let her have time to take you home for a meal. That girl may not take it seriously, remember to remind her when you go back."

    Said, Father Jiang put down his chopsticks, he came today because he was drunk Weng didn't mean to drink, and he seldom came here to eat, and he was not used to the food in the cafeteria for a while.

    "How long have you and Jiang Can known each other?"

    When Jiang's father asked Yuan Nai to investigate his words behind his back, he was also a child of a poor family, and he was honest. Moreover, he is still a rare male O, such a person is quite suitable for Jiang Can.

    So Jiang's father's attitude towards Yan Shi is not bad, just because he is more complex and can be Jiang Can's fiancé, and he can also spread branches and leaves for their Jiang family in the future. The most important thing is that Jiang Can really likes him.

    Although he knew about Yan Shi's life experience, Jiang's father didn't know about the relationship between him and Jiang Can, so he came here today mainly to ask these questions.

    During the years when Jiang Can left home, Jiang's father always knew where she was. Even though Guan Shaocheng helped Jiang Can's sloppy eyes, Jiang's father's strength was beyond the reach of the Guan family.

    Father Jiang knew that his own family could not bring warmth to Jiang Can, but Father Jiang's later wife already had a child, and she was still a boy. For the sake of the next generation of Jiang's family, Father Jiang could only wrong Jiang Can.

    So Jiang Can left home, Father Jiang didn't stop her, but let her do what she wanted.

    "We haven't known each other for a long time."

    Yan Shi was very worried when he said this, because he was afraid that Jiang's father would ask him the next sentence, so how could they develop so fast.

    In fact, Yan Shi also felt that the development between him and Jiang Can was a little fast, but all of these things happened naturally, and Yan Shi always felt that the two of them were destined.

    That's why Yan Shi relied on Jiang Can wholeheartedly, gave himself completely to her, and was not afraid of anything.

    "Oh, then what are you going to do next?"

    Father Jiang's question was completely beyond Yan Shi's expectations. He didn't expect Father Jiang to ask such a question, and Yan Shi was at a loss for words.

    Jiang's father didn't know how to come back when he heard the words. He didn't want to force him to answer, so he immediately pulled the words back.

    "Young people naturally have the ideas of your young people. If you work hard in JA in the future, you will have great prospects for development. But I also want to tell you in advance that I will not treat you differently just because of the relationship between you and Jiang Can." Take care.

    All the people in JA rely on their own ability to improve, including Jiang Yan, he is not capable enough, and I will not let him touch JA projects."

    "Yes, Director Jiang, I understand all this. I will Work hard and break through the world with your own strength."

    Jiang's father nodded again and again:

    "Okay, young man has courage, but you don't want to patronize work, since Jiang Can has permanently marked you, as Jiang Can's O , and care about her more."

    When Jiang's father said this, he deliberately lowered his voice so that only Yan Shi could hear it.

    "Our Jiang family is different from ordinary families. After all, such a big company will be taken over by our own family members. You know the relationship between Jiang Can and me. If you can persuade Jiang Can to come back home, you marriage, I will also decide for you at that time."

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