Chapter 46

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Chapter 46 JA interview (modified)...

    "Boss Jiang, you are not too embarrassing. The new shareholder is busy with people. I haven't even met him. I really can't find you."

    Qi Zhan didn't tell the truth. Among the three shareholders, the new shareholder acquired the other two shares, and only Qi Zhan owns the remaining shares.

    He can barely be said to be a partner, how could he not know who the new shareholder is?

    Although Qi Zhan was indeed the one who recruited him when he made the speech, but once it involved himself, Qi Zhan couldn't think of anything else.

    Qi Zhan is a well-known person in the legal profession, and he is also extremely picky about the choice of his partner.

    In his opinion, it doesn't matter when a lawsuit is lost, new talents in the legal profession come out in large numbers, and there will be others when there are no lawsuits.

    Qi Zhan knows that Jiang Can is also very picky about choosing a mate. When he is able to fall in love with Yan, besides his figure and appearance, he must also recognize his work.

    If Yan Shi is fired, then Jiang Can's opinion of him may change.

    To Qi Zhan, losing his job at Yan Shi is nothing at all. If Yan Shi's job can be exchanged for a little change that Jiang Can likes with Yan Shi, Qi Zhan will not lose.

    Qi Zhan's profession has long been practiced and he can tell lies without blushing or heartbeat. Jiang Can can't tell that he is lying, but as a lawyer, it's nothing at all.     Yan Shi has always felt that people have gains and losses in life. Looking at Jiang Can, who was not hurt and depressed just now, but now because of his own affairs, he still insists on taking the lead for himself, Yan Shi feels that losing his job is not counted. what.     Bending down to pick up all his things, Yan Shi walked in front of Qi Zhan.     "Although I am still in the internship period, because your firm invited me to come here, we have already signed the contract before going to work.     The compensation you want to pay for dismissing me will be directly deposited into my account, since your firm does not need it. It doesn't make sense for me to force you to stay. I hope that in the future in the workplace, I won't run into each other again."

    Yan Shi's temperament has always been a bit weak, perhaps because Jiang Can is by his side, Yan Shi, who has never liked to talk too much, has a strong backing.

    Turning his head to look at Jiang Can, Jiang Can obviously did not calm down. Yan Shi has been ill for so many days, Jiang Can has been taking care of him really hard, Yan Shi always remembers it in his heart.

    "Didn't you say you wanted to go to the playground last time? This time I have time to go with you."

    Jiang Can raised his head to look at Yan Shi, Yan Shi raised a big smile at her, and looked at Yan Shi as if letting go Jiang Can also felt that there was no need to entangle with Qi Zhan and the others.

    "Yes, this time I will have time to spend time with me. What a broken office, if you can't be honest and trustworthy, it will close sooner or later."

    Taking the things they had in their hands, the two left the office building together.

    After playing in the playground all day, when night fell, Jiang Can and Yan Shi got on the Ferris wheel and looked down at the brightly lit city from the highest point.

    In this small and sealed place, no one disturbed, Yan Shi leaned on Jiang Can's shoulder and rubbed the tip of his nose against Jiang Can's neck.

    "Xiaoyan, have you decided not to go abroad for further study? If you want to go, I can provide you with convenience and I will accompany you to go."

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