Chapter 75

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Chapter 75 The Most Regretful Thing

    Yan Shi lost weight, this was Jiang Can's first reaction after seeing Yan Shi. The fundus of his eyes is very dark, which should be the reason why he has not been able to sleep well since he has to take care of the store every day while taking care of the children.


    Jiang Can's stomach groaned a few times inappropriately. Ever since he knew he could go back to China, Jiang Can only drank a cup of coffee on the plane, and he hasn't even touched water until now.

    Finally came to the place where I lived for a long time and considered it home, not to mention the subtle smell of time pheromones in this room, Jiang Can felt at ease, that's why he was hungry.     Yan Shi slightly opened his mouth, he seemed to have a lot to say to Jiang Can. When Jiang Can hadn't seen Yan Yan for a long time, she was full of words and didn't know how to speak.     But we can't continue the stalemate. As an A, Jiang Can must take the initiative.     "Are...are you okay?"     Yan Shi thought for a while before nodding his head slightly.     An O brings a child by himself, and although he has endless cards left by Jiang Can, Yan Shi's life is not so easy.     However, Yan Shi didn't want to talk about this with Jiang Can. After all, if he had always believed in Jiang Can, things would not have turned into what they are now.     "Are you hungry? I'll make you something to eat."     Jiang Can originally wanted to stop Yan Shi, but Yan Shi was so fast that he rushed into the kitchen in a few steps, and Jiang Can could only follow in a hurry.     I have to say that Yan Shi is a person who can live a good life. When Jiang Can was here, there was nothing in the kitchen, let alone food.     It was only after Yan Shi and Jiang Can came to live sometimes that the kitchen was slowly filled with things.     But now, there is everything to eat and drink in the kitchen. Although there are many things, they are organized in an orderly manner and not messy at all.

    Jiang Can quietly watched Yan Shi busy there, and within a short while, he made a bowl of noodles. After Yan Shi handed it to Jiang Can, he took out two cups of coffee from the kitchen.

    Jiang Can's love for coffee has been ingrained in his bones. Just by smelling the coffee, Jiang Can knew that it was a cappuccino.

    But the cappuccino cooked by Yan Shi was different from the ones in other shops, because Jiang Can seemed to smell a hint of mint and lime in it.

    Jiang Can felt a sudden sharp pain in his heart, and when he looked at Yan with red eyes, Jiang Can choked up,

    "I miss you very much."

    Yan Shi tightly gripped the handle of the cup, and his eyes could not help sliding down his cheeks. He also missed Jiang Can, whether he was asleep or awake during the past two years, Yan Shi never forgot her at any moment.

    "Xiaoyan, I really didn't cause your father's car accident back then. Although I don't have enough evidence now, I have collected a lot.

    I am very glad that you are a lawyer, so that even if the evidence is not so strong, you can still offset me. Doubts in your heart."

    "Yeah." Yan Shi nodded in response, Guan Shaocheng had already admitted everything, even if Jiang Can didn't say anything, Yan Shi knew it all.

    Jiang Can couldn't control himself, walked to Yan Shi's side, Jiang Can put his arms around Yan Shi's head, and locked him tightly in his arms.

    Yan Shi's hands trembled, and he climbed onto Jiang Can's waist after a long absence, crying loudly.

    "Xiaoyan, whether you believe it or not, I still have to show you evidence for this matter. Everyone in this world can think that I caused the car accident, and I don't care. But only when I face you, I I have to ask for an explanation for myself."

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