Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

    Being able to marry into Jiang's family is the lifelong dream of so many little O's. Now such a shocking happy event falls on Yan Shi, but Yan Shi's mind is not about flying to the branches, but thinking about how he can turn Jiang Can's father and daughter around. feelings between.

    Jiang's father had finished his words here, and he didn't stay any longer. Just as Yuan Nai and Guan Zixin came back together, Jiang's father and Yuan Nai left the cafeteria directly.

    Because of Father Jiang's appearance, Yan Shi became a topic of discussion in the cafeteria. People were discussing the relationship between Yanshi and Chairman Jiang, but because they were related to Chairman Jiang, they all kept their morals.

    Guan Zixin turned his head to look at the people who were all staring at Yanshi, and then looked at Yanshi who was eating in Ansheng like a normal person, but he still held back some words in his heart.

    There are quite a few people in the legal department of JA company, and now all of them are legal people from the headquarters in the company, and there are many in other branches.

    In fact, this department does not have any substantive matters at ordinary times. After Yan Shi went to work, he has been watching some matters that the legal department has handled for the company in recent years.

    Unknowingly, a day passed by, but Yan Shi was so forgetful about reading that Yan Shi was still looking at the documents when everyone else was off work.

    Because Jiang Can didn't come back at noon, he waited early in the evening to receive the speech opposite JA Company. Seeing that all the people in the company left after get off work, Yan Shi hadn't come out yet.

    He called, but the phone was turned off. Jiang Can had no choice but to wait by the side of the road.

    It wasn't until it was getting dark that Yan Shi finally came out of the company building. He trotted all the way, and his face was actually anxious.

    Jiang Can rolled down the car window and waved at him, and Yan Shi hurried over.

    "I'm sorry, I was fascinated by reading the file, and I forgot the time all of a sudden. After realizing it, I found that the phone was out of battery. Have you been waiting for a long time?"

    "It's okay, what did you have for lunch? Are you hungry now? Let's go out to eat."

    Yan Shi turned to the co-pilot and sat on it, and quickly refused:

    "Farewell, I still have the things I bought last time at home. I'll go back and make something simple and we can have a bite. I'm nervous at work today, and I'm also a little tired,

    so I don't want to go out." Said Jiang at the meeting. Can definitely not force her to go out to eat, so she drove home directly.

    Same as last time, Yan Shi was cooking in the kitchen wearing an apron, and Jiang Can was standing next to him, watching him cook, and the two of them chatted from time to time.

    However, Yan Shi seemed to be a little absent-minded when cooking today. Sure enough, when he was finally chopping the scallions, Yan Shi made a deep gash with his hand.

    Although Jiang Can does not often come back to live in the house here, the emergency medical kit is always updated and stocked.

    Hastily pulling someone to sit on the sofa, Jiang Can frowned tightly, and treated the wound while speaking.

    "Why are you so careless? You can still be absorbed in cutting vegetables. I just saw you cooking and something was wrong. Did something happen at work today?"

    Yan Shi always wanted to say something about Chairman Jiang, but he didn't know how to say it. So with one mind and two purposes, this is the cut.

    When Jiang Can asked, Yan Shi suddenly felt that his chance to speak had come.

    "During lunch today, your father came to look for me."

    Jiang Can paused for a while before he treated the wound, and

    said, "He is not my father, so stop saying that in the future. If you want to mention him, just call him Director Jiang."

    Jiang Can's tone was cold, and he could hear it when he spoke, and he grabbed Jiang Can's busy hands to prevent her from treating his wound.

    Jiang Can raised his eyes and looked at Yan Shi in confusion:

    "What's the matter? Did he say something unpleasant to you? If you think it's not good, it's okay not to work at JA, we don't have to work at his house.

    I've said it all, take the money to open a personal office for you, and it will save a lot of trouble."

    "Entering JA has been my dream since I was in school, and now I finally go to work, so I don't want to. It's

    just that you and Director Jiang haven't had any contact for so many years, and now because I have an intersection, things are not going well. After such a long time, can you go home and see Director Jiang when you have nothing to do?"

    As a lawyer, Yan Shi is the most eloquent, but when facing Jiang Can, Yan Shi can't speak any sweet words.

    Jiang Can frowned:

    "What did he tell you?"

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