Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

    Unlike the last time I went to the supermarket, the things I bought were basically picked by Jiang Can, and he took the lead in speaking this time.

    Always remembering the two dishes Jiang Can mentioned just now, Yan Shi picked out a few dishes that he was relatively good at, and bought a large shopping cart.

    Because I asked Jiang Can if there were any seasonings at home, and after hearing that the kitchen had never been fired, Yan Shi started to buy, buy, buy.

    Today happened to be the day when the cleaning aunt went to clean Jiang Can's house. Jiang Can and Yan Shi returned home with big bags and ran into the cleaning aunt.

    The cleaning aunt was still thinking about who would come from a house that would never come back at all. When she saw that it was Jiang Can who came in with a man, the cleaning aunt speeded up and specially left them a space alone.

    When he came to the kitchen, Jiang Can looked at Yan and began to tidy up and put the condiments in a very regular way, chuckling lightly.

    Hearing Jiang Can's smile, Yan Shi raised his head and looked at her:

    "What are you laughing at?"

    "Looking at you like this, you look like a very gentle and pleasant househusband, but I don't often go back to my house here. Waiting for today After cooking, let's pack it up and take it away."

    Jiang Can's home is decorated in a completely open style, and the kitchen and living room are completely connected. Except for the bathroom and bedroom, the rest is basically unobstructed.

    Yan Shi glanced sideways at Jiang Can's house, this place is obviously much better than the second floor of the coffee shop:

    "Are you still going to live in the coffee shop?"

    "Yeah, it's not as convenient compared to this place. " There are a lot of them. What's more, the city and the suburbs are far away, and I'm alone, and I don't want to run between them, it's too boring."

    Hearing this, Yan Shi frowned slightly.

    With a soft 'oh' sound, Yan Shi continued to pack the things in his hands.

    Jiang Can noticed that something was wrong with Yan Shi, and hurried to Yan Shi's side, and stood shoulder to shoulder with him.

    Pretending to help him pack his things, Jiang Can stretched out his hand, and missed the soy sauce next to him, Jiang Can grabbed Yan Shi's hand.

    Obviously, Yan Shi was taken aback, but he didn't stretch out his hand, but said a little aggrieved:

    "What are you doing with my hand, let me go."

    Just now I saw that Yan Shi was not right, and sure enough, it was even worse when he said it. Something is wrong. Jiang Can has already felt a drastic change in his attitude towards himself when he spoke, and the pheromones in him are becoming more and more in line with his wishes.

    Even if Jiang Can was solo in her mother's womb, she also understood that Yan Shi has probably gradually fallen in love with herself now.

    He has already taken the initiative with a small O, and he is unwilling to be left behind with such a big A.

    Jiang Can has never been a person who is willing to socialize too much with others, but he is different when it comes to those he likes.

    She dislikes the cold war with the person she likes the most. If there is anything, it is best for everyone to talk about it and solve it together.

    "What's the matter with you? It seems that something is wrong just now. Did I say something to make you unhappy?"

    "You just promised two days ago that you would pick me up to and from work every day. Although I said no, in my heart I’m still happy.

    You just said that you don’t want to run around in the suburbs and cities. Did you forget all the promises you made to yourself?”

    Yan Shi didn’t want to say it, but when she saw Jiang Can, she remembered what she said just now, and felt wronged No way.

    I didn't want to be so squeamish at first, but I couldn't hold back when I spoke. Yan Shi didn't know what was wrong with him, he was usually strong in front of everyone, but he couldn't help wanting to 'act like a baby' in front of Jiang Can.

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