Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 Jiang Can's Little Thoughts

    When I spoke, I couldn't believe what I heard. It was true that Jiang Can was a girl, but it seemed that it was not a good idea to go to a man's house to live at random.

    But what Jiang Can said was right, if he really sent her back to the shop, he would definitely not be able to come back.

    The situation was special yesterday, and it was enough to stay with Jiang Can for just one night. If it were to stay for another night and spread the word in the future, it doesn't matter if I am a big man. How would others talk about Jiang Can?

    When I spoke, I thought about the friend I rented with. He was not a fussy person, and he didn't live at home at night. Tell him, give up the bedroom to Jiang Can, and just sleep in the living room by yourself.     Jiang Can didn't reply for a long time when he saw Yan, thinking that Yan probably didn't want to take him back. But I have already said what I just asked to be taken in, and I have already given up the face that should be given up. If I still can't achieve what I want, then it is a bit unreasonable.     There is no other way, Zuo Jiangcan just pretended to be drunk, so he just pretended to be asleep.     With his head thrown to the side, Jiang Can was paralyzed in the co-pilot.     Originally, when he was in a trance, he realized that something was wrong with Jiang Can, but when he came back to his senses, he realized that Jiang Can finally fell asleep because he drank too much.     Come on, don't even think about sending it back this time, since Jiang Can is so drunk, most of what he said just now was drunk.     Otherwise, he is usually quite honest and alone, how could he beg to go to a man's house to stay overnight.     Yan Shi sighed, and reached out to his friend who shared the house with him, and sure enough, he asked Yan Shi to take him back without saying a word, and he deliberately waited at home for a while.     The car parked in the parking space downstairs of Yan Shi's house, which was originally bought by the landlord's family. Neither Yan Shi nor his roommate had a car, so they were usually free all the time.     After getting out of the car, Yan Shi helped Jiang Can down. Although Jiang Can was pretending to be drunk, he couldn't let Yan Shi see his flaws, so he kept putting his body weight on Yan Shi's side.

    Yan Shikong is more than 1.80 meters tall, but because of the attributes here, it is still a bit difficult to hug Jiang Can. In the end, he had to force Jiang Can to support him, and reluctantly returned home.

    "Xiaoyan, you're back. My manager has urged me several times."

    Hearing the sound of the door opening, Fang Yang, Yanshi's roommate, came out of the room with his bag on his back. He didn't know that Yanshi was an omega person After all, they lived together every day, and if they wanted to hide it from him, they couldn't hide it.

    In the phone call just now, Yan Shi only said that he would bring home a drunk friend, but he didn't say it was a female A.

    Fang Yang is also an omega. When Yan Shi helped Jiang Can into the room, he had already faintly smelled Jiang Can's pheromone.

    "Why, why is she a woman, she's still an Alpha."

    Fang Yang strode forward and quickly separated the two, throwing Jiang Can on the sofa, without treating Jiang Can as a woman at all.

    While looking up and down Yan, Fang Yang heaved a long sigh of relief seeing that his clothes were well dressed and his glands were well hidden behind.

    "Xiaoyan, are you crazy? You can take whoever this is at home. There is no one at home at night. She is so drunk that you are not afraid to touch you."

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