Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

    Although Jiang Can told Guan Shaocheng to help the queen, he was still worried that other people who wanted to be unfavorable to the talk would come to him.

    There are two Omegas living in Yan Shi's house, so it's really inconvenient for Jiang Can to stay upstairs at such a late hour.

    So after Jiang Can went downstairs, he stayed in the car for the whole night. Fortunately, no messy people came to the door.

    At dawn, Jiang Can breathed a long sigh of relief, stretched his waist and relaxed his body.

    Seeing that it was almost time for Yan Shi to go to work, Jiang Can deliberately drove the car outside the community.

    Jiang Can now roughly understands the situation of Yan Shi, as long as he can get up on time today, he will go to work on time even if he is not feeling well.

    Sure enough, as Jiang Can expected, within a few minutes, Yan Shi hurriedly ran out of the community, and Jiang Can secretly followed after seeing this.

    Yan Shi usually takes the subway to work, Jiang Can is still not at ease, so he parks the car in the parking lot near the subway ahead of time, puts on a hat to cover his face, and follows Yan Shi to squeeze the subway all the way to the suburbs.

    Jiang Can has never squeezed through the subway since he was a child, and the journey took nearly an hour, but Jiang Can was embarrassed.

    This is the rush hour for work, and there is no gap in the crowded subway. Jiang Can is always paying attention to Yanshi, and finds that many people are taking advantage of the opportunity. Although Jiang Can is upset, he can't squeeze through, so he can only secretly get angry .

    Following Yan Shi all the way to the downstairs of the office building and watching people go up with his own eyes, Jiang Can was relieved.

    He took off his hat and wiped the sweat from his brow with his sleeve.

    "Followed all night, are you willing to come back?"

    Jiang Can's attention was all on Yan Shi, and he didn't even see Guan Shaocheng sitting on the chair in front of his shop.

    Jiang Can was slightly taken aback, then hurried forward and sat opposite Guan Shaocheng.

    Guan Shaocheng knew what kind of personality Jiang Can had, so he came back early in the morning to wait for her, and bought breakfast specially.

    Pushing the insulated lunch box in front of Jiang Can, Jiang Can gave him a tired smile. After all, he was a little tired after touching someone last night, and he didn't sleep all night. Now Jiang Can finally relaxed. All the exhaustion came up.

    What Guan Shaocheng brought was preserved egg and lean meat porridge, and Jiang Can pushed it aside after eating two mouthfuls.

    "You don't need to open a shop today? Why do you have time to come to me."

    "What do you say, my little ancestor Jiang?"     "

    What did you do with those people?


She has always been at ease in doing things, and sending her to the bureau is also the best choice.

    In broad daylight, it is estimated that when someone wants to talk to someone, he would not dare to be so blatant. Jiang Can just wants to go to sleep now, and talk about other things after he sleeps well.

    Seeing Jiang Can getting up to leave, Guan Shaocheng quickly called people to stop:

    "Jiang Can, don't you really want to know what that group of people did last night?"

    Jiang Can stopped and turned to look at Guan Shaocheng:

    "He is a lawyer, and his job is to handle unclear lawsuits for people in various industries. Who knows if he offended some big boss before.

    Well, Shao Cheng, I know you are also kind, and I will leave the rest to you." Just let me deal with it, you go back first."

    "Who is he to you? You plan to help him deal with the rest of the matter? Will you accept this kind of favor when you don't say anything? Are you sure you can?" Can you handle it for him?"

    Guan Shaocheng's words angered Jiang Can, but Jiang Can couldn't hear anyone saying that she couldn't do it.

    "Others don't know about my ability, don't you know? I said I can help him deal with it, so I can handle it."

    "Then what if it was someone from your Jiang family who came to Shangyan?"

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