Chapter 31

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Chapter 31 The smell of my own body wash...

    Apart from the breathing of the two people, there was no sound in the air.

    Jiang Can was like a human flesh cushion, bearing the weight of Yan Shi, but Yan Shi just looked at the big one, and it didn't weigh much at all.

    The two were very close, and their four eyes looked at each other. In the end, it was Jiang Can who broke the silence.

    "Lawyer Yan, go and wash it up. It may not be okay to bring the smell of alcohol on your body into the office."

    Jiang Can did not tell lies, and the smell of alcohol on Yan Shi's body was indeed very strong.

    Yan Shi came back to his senses, and hurriedly struggled to get up from Jiang Can's body. Yan Shi could easily blush, the distance just now was too close, so when Yan Shi got up, his face was already red to the base of his neck.

    "You look so cute when you blush."

    ​​Jiang Can couldn't help saying this, and Yan Shi fled shyly to the bathroom.

    Jiang Can let out a long sigh, then stood up, tidied up the bedroom and the house, and took a shower at Yan Shi.

    Jiang Can put a suit of men's home clothes in the bathroom in advance. This was the first time Yan Shi lived in her house, and Jiang Can bought it online.

    I just hoped that Yanshi would stay there again, who knew that so many things happened during this period, Jiang Can thought that the clothes would not be needed anymore, but he didn't expect that there would be such a day.

    Because the smell of alcohol on the suit was too strong, Yan Shi came out wearing the home clothes prepared by Jiang Can. Usually he usually wears a suit to meet people, but today he still saw Jiang Can in this suit, and Yan Shi felt as if he was not wearing any clothes. Same.

    Jiang Can looked quite tall in a suit when he saw Yan Shi, but after getting in touch with him, he realized that he was very thin. After all, the home clothes were bought too big.

    But it is precisely because of this that Yan Shi looks so cute. In Jiang Can's eyes, Yan Shi is the best in everything, and he can't pick anything else.

    "The color suits you quite well, is my vision okay?"

    Jiang Can was stunned when he saw the words, and Jiang Can came back to his senses and said this immediately to ease the embarrassment of his gaffe just now.

    Yan Shi nodded, and looked at Jiang Can with a little confidence:

    "I hurry up and go to the office to take off my clothes. I can't wear this at work later." As

    he spoke, Yan Shi was about to go outside, Jiang Can stepped forward Pull the person back.

    "Is it stupid to drink? Today is Saturday, what kind of work do you go to work?"

    "But you just said that I smell like alcohol at work..."

    Jiang Can couldn't stand up after hearing this, and the sun came out from the window of the living room. The light came in and just hit Jiang Can on the body.

    When Yan Shi saw the smiling Jiang Can glowing, he was amazed for a moment.

    Stretching out his hand to scratch Yan Shi's nose, Yan Shi came back to his senses.

    "Sure enough, I was stupid. I said that on purpose just now to wake you up."

    When Jiang Can approached the words, he smelled the scent of his own body wash.

    "Hmm~ Isn't it more fragrant now?"

    Yan Shi got a little angry because of Jiang Can's joke, snorted heavily, and sat down on the sofa.

    When Jiang Can turned around and looked at Yan, he smiled softly:

    "Okay, don't be angry with me, I'm just joking with you. Let's go downstairs, drink a cup of hot milk, and I'll take you to the city to find Shaocheng. I made an appointment to see you today. You probably won't be able to rest on your rest day this time."

    "See Mr. Guan?"

    "Yes, don't ask, you will know in a while."

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