Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

    Rongrong's eyes widened in surprise, and she raised her hand as if she couldn't control it, giving a thumbs up.

    "As expected of you, the boss, you act decisively, but you can find out that Lawyer Yan hides so well, and you are the boss. Originally, elite men like Lawyer Yan are relatively rare. After all, it's still cheap, boss, boss, you must ask Lawyer Yan It ’s fine.”

    “Nonsense, I don’t feel sorry for my people, so it’s nothing good. Okay, okay, you must control your mouth, and you will hide your identity when you have unavoidable difficulties. You don’t want His identity was exposed by your mouth.

    What's more, I swore to him that you would not reveal it, and you must not let me take risks with you."

    Rongrong nodded solemnly, and talked with Jiang Chan talked about the situation in the store, and saw that the chicken soup and white porridge were almost cooked. Rongrong sent Jiang Can another recipe for soup and porridge, and then left and went back to the shop to help Jiang Can watch.

    Yan Shi slept until the afternoon, Jiang Can kept the soup and porridge hot, feeling that Yan Shi could not let Yan Shi go to bed hungry, filled a bowl of each, and Jiang Can brought them into the room.

    Jiang Can has not been wearing a restraint bracelet since last night, because she heard that when she is with her little O, the smell of her pheromone can make them feel at ease.

    Jiang Can was able to control his pheromones well, and usually just didn't want to be too troublesome, so he wore a bracelet. Now that he has a lover, Jiang Can doesn't need to wear that cumbersome thing anymore.

    Coincidentally, when Jiang Can came in, Yan Shi had just woken up. Seeing Jiang Can, Yan Shi rubbed his eyes and sat up.

    "It's just right, drink some soup to warm your stomach first, and eat some porridge to pad your stomach. You can't sleep without eating like this. Yesterday I felt that there was no flesh on your body. The princess hugged you several times and looked at you. Big, maybe actually lighter than me."

    Although Jiang Can's words were a little exaggerated, they were true.

    Yan Shi shook his head and wanted to refuse, but seeing Jiang Can's unhappy expression, he was a little timid.

    "Then can I have some porridge, I don't like chicken soup."

    Jiang Can nodded happily, as long as he eats it in time, it doesn't matter what it is. But this time Jiang Can also remembered that he didn't like chicken soup, and he definitely wouldn't eat it when he got it for Yan in the future.

    Yan Shi wanted to eat by himself, but Jiang Can held the spoon forcibly and refused to let go. Although being fed was a little shy at first, but I got used to it slowly.

    "By the way, Xiaoyan, the colleagues in your firm don't seem to like you very much. Didn't you get hired by Qi Zhan with a high salary?"

    Jiang Can said while filling a spoonful of porridge and handing it over. Shaking his head, he reached out and pressed Jiang Can's hand.

    "They are jealous that I was hired by Qi Lu with a high salary. They are all similar newcomers, but they will give me any big orders. They just feel unbalanced. It was the same in other firms before, and I am used to it."

    "Xiaoyan, in fact, with your ability, if you set up a firm by yourself, as long as you have enough funds, I think you will have no problem.

    After all, working for others is not a long-term solution. You don't plan to open a personal office, so you don't have to experience the unfairness of the workplace. "

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