Chapter 66

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Chapter 66 She is silently doing this for you behind your back...

    "She came again a few days ago, and she still renews so much, so there is no need to renew in the short term."

    Yan Shi walked into the ward where Yan's mother lived in astonishment. Before, after seeing that it was Yan Shi, he hurriedly grabbed him to look out.

    She didn't see the person she wanted to see, and Yan's mother was disappointed. Like every time, she sat back on the bed and looked out the window.

    "Mom, I've come to see you. How are you doing recently?"

    Yan Shi actually wanted to see Yan's mother for a long time, but he suddenly had a child and suffered from physical discomfort, and had to go to court again, so he just got better recently.

    Taking the stool and sitting in front of Yan's mother, Yan Shi took her hand and touched his belly. Although there is not a slight bulge there yet, Yan Shi still wants to tell Yan's mother the news.

    "Mom, you are going to be a grandmother."

    Yan's mother froze for a moment, looking at Yan Shi's abdomen and gently stroking it. Inadvertently raised her head, Yan's mother said lightly:

    "Xiao, Xiao Can's?"

    Yan Shi was stunned. Just now when Yan's mother saw herself, she seemed to be looking for someone else. Yan's mother, who had refused to speak for many years, opened her mouth and asked Jiang Can, Don't think about it, the person she was looking for just now must be Jiang Can.

    "Mom, has Jiang Can visited you?"

    Yanmu nodded and took her hand back:

    "Xiaocan, good boy."

    Without saying too much, Yanmu returned to her usual state and sat by the bed Looking out.

    Yanmu is not easy to be moved by others. Those doctors and nurses have been with Yanmu for these years, but Yanmu doesn't care about them. How good Jiang Can has to be to Yan's mother to make her miss her so much.

    After talking to Yan's mother again, Yan came out in a panic and got into Wang Chuanning's car.

    Fang Yang originally thought that it would take a while for Yan Shi to come out, but he didn't expect him to come out so soon.

    "Why did you come out so soon, did you renew your aunt's hospitalization fee? The money is not enough for me to have here, and it is enough for you to pay for your auntie."

    Fang Yang took out the card Jiang Can gave him, and he kept They didn't dare to take out the card, because they were afraid that Yan Shi would ask him how he got so much money.

    However, Jiang Can suddenly appeared in the court today, and combined with what happened these days, Fang Yang and Wang Chuanning discussed that it would be better to take out this card and give it to Yan Shi.

    Yan Shi glanced at the card, and suddenly his eyes widened. If he read the card correctly, he seemed to have seen Jiang Can pay with this card many times.

    At that time, Yan Shi also teased Jiang Can, how convenient WeChat payment is now, and there are a few young people who come out to swipe their cards like Jiang Can. Jiang Can also responded at the time that swiping the card is about feelings.

    But later, after Jiang Can was told, he seldom took out his cards.

    Back home, Yan Shi went into his room and didn't come out until it was dark.

    Fang Yang cooked the meal and wanted Yan Shi to eat, but Yan Shi put on his shoes and was about to go out.

    How can Fang Yang rest assured that he went out by himself, and immediately stopped him:

    "Xiaoyan is getting dark today, where are you going? There is nothing to worry about, let's go together after dinner, okay?"

    "I'm not hungry , you eat first, I’m going to JA company to find Jiang Can, I have to explain something to her.”

    Fang Yang was a little anxious, at this time, Jiang Can should have already gone to the airport to wait for the flight, Yan Shi is now going to JA How is it possible to see him.

    "You, why are you going to see her all of a sudden?"

    Yan Shi took out the card that Fang Yang gave him, and waved it in front of Fang Yang's eyes:

    "Is this Jiang Can gave you? And my mother's hospitalization fee I want to make it clear to her together, I don't want to take any more money from her."

    Yan Shi didn't know why he suddenly became more energetic, but Fang Yang reacted quickly and grabbed the handle of the door. But in the panic, Fang Yang still couldn't hold back:

    "You won't see anyone at all now, Xiaoyan, let me tell you the truth. It is true that Jiang Can did all this without telling you, and I know all about it, but I didn't tell you.

    Also, today I am here I saw her in front of the court. Although I'm not sure, 80% of JA's withdrawal of the lawsuit today was done for you.

    She is sincere to you. Just because of what she did to you, I There is no way to believe that she was the culprit in your father's car accident."

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