Chapter 90

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Chapter 90

    As soon as the elevator with Jiang Can and his assistant was going down, Jiang Yan came out from the safe passage.

    Jiang Yan heard all the conversation between Jiang Can and his assistant just now. Originally, he was curious about who the man with Jiang Can was, but he didn't expect it to be that Yan Shi.

    A few days ago, Jiang Yan was called to the house by Bai Yuting. Originally, they had a meal together when Father Jiang said to make peace with Yan, but when Jiang Yan went back, Jiang Can left with Yan Shi. Neither said.

    Jiang Yan used to weigh much more than Jiang Can in Jiang's house. When Jiang Can came back this time, Jiang's father seemed to have his whole heart on her. Jiang Yan was angry in his heart, but he couldn't express it too much. too obvious.

    Originally, Jiang Yan had already searched for Yanshi's whereabouts, but he only found his friend named Fang Yang. Yanshi and his children seemed to have disappeared from the world.

    Bai Yuting said that it was Jiang Can who deliberately hid Yan Shi, fearing that he would be in danger.

    Jiang Yan was still worrying that he had nowhere to look for anyone, but he didn't expect Yan Shi to appear like this.

    Thinking of this, Jiang Yan could not resist a smirk, and went directly to the elevator to leave the company.

    When it was time for the meeting, Jiang Can glanced at the senior executives present and found that only Jiang Yan's seat was vacant.

    "Where's Jiang Yan?"

    Jiang Can didn't address Jiang Yan as Mr. Jiang, but called him by his first name.

    "Did he not come to the company again today?"

    Jiang Can was a little displeased, and the senior management lowered their heads when they saw Jiang Can's frowning.

    If this was done in the past, the high-level officials would definitely be dissatisfied, and everyone would be too proud.

    However, Jiang Can built up a foreign company in two years. This is not something that ordinary people can do, so everyone is also convinced.

    "No, just now I saw Boss Jiang coming to the company, and he said he came here for a meeting on purpose, why is there no one there now?"

    Seeing Jiang Can's frightening face, Guan Zixin immediately opened his mouth to speak for Jiang Yan. Jiang Can took a look at Guan Zixin, and opened the tablet in front of him.

    "Don't wait for him."

    After clicking on the video connection with Jiang's father, the assistant projected the tablet to the screen. Everyone sat up straight when they saw Father Jiang, whom they hadn't seen for a long time:

    "Everyone is here."

    Father Jiang looked around and saw that Jiang Yanren's seat was empty. Without words, Jiang's father knew it in his heart.

    "Today I suddenly have a video meeting with the big guys, and there is no other major event. You can talk about yours normally first, and I will talk about it last, Jiang Can..."

    Jiang's father called Jiang Can, Jiang Can understood, and started today's regular meeting. After talking for about half an hour, today's meeting is almost over.

    "Jiang Dong, we have finished talking here, what can you say?"

    Jiang Can called Jiang's father, and Jiang's father also sat up straight:

    "Everyone should know that the reason why our family and the Shui family divorced is because Xiaocan has a sweetheart, and now the eldest grandson of our Jiang family will soon be called grandpa, so we will not hide this matter from the big guys.

    Today I just want to ask the big guys for their opinions. Our little grandson is so old. He must always be protected by the family.

    So for Jiang Can’s marriage, whether to hold the wedding directly, or hold the engagement banquet first, and secondly, whether to take this opportunity to invite the mass media, or our family will do it ourselves.”

    Jiang Can Can has been looking for an opportunity to talk about this matter. Jiang Can doesn't care if he is engaged or not, but he doesn't want to get in touch with the mass media.

    "Jiang Dong, I mean, I'm not too young, I don't want to be too lively, so I want to avoid the media."

    Jiang's father listened to Jiang Can's words and nodded. After all, this is Jiang Can's own business , so it is necessary for him to listen to Jiang Can's opinion.

    "However, Deputy Director Jiang, although this is your wedding, you are closely related to our company's economy. If we can take advantage of your wedding this time, we can at least secure the top spot in the headlines and hot searches. Our company is doing a free large-scale traffic promotion."

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