Chapter 103

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Chapter 103 Two Wills

    "But fortunately, it's not too late now. You gave me a chance to make amends to you. When I come to see your mother, she won't blame me too much."

    Father Jiang said from the bottom of his heart. After coming out, Jiang Can is also a mother now, so she can naturally understand that parents want their children to be good.

    Knowing that he returned to Jiang's house this time, compared to Jiang's father's abnormal attitude towards him before, now Jiang Can understands that Jiang's father gave himself everything he could because he felt guilty about himself.

    "Okay Dad, I know everything. When there is a compromise on the financial side, leave everything to me. I will take care of it. You can take good care of your body and wait to see Sibo grow up slowly."

    The ICU cannot easily come in and visit, but this hospital is also supported by the Jiang family after all, so Jiang Can can come in and talk for a while.

    After talking for a long time, Jiang Can didn't want to embarrass the doctor, so he left the ICU automatically.

    According to Jiang's father, when Jiang Can returned to Jiang's house the next day, he discovered that Bai Yuting had never returned.

    Just as he didn't want to meet her, Jiang Can immediately went to the study, took out the documents mentioned by Jiang's father from the safe, and found Qian Wen, the lawyer who handled the matter for Jiang's family back then.

    On the way there, Jiang Can suddenly remembered that Yan Shi seemed to admire this old lawyer, so he turned around and picked up Yan Shi together.

    Qian Wen never thought that Jiang Can would come to him because of what happened back then.

    Jiang Can didn't show the documents at first, and Qian Wen bit him to death and refused to say anything. Seeing how tight-lipped he was, Jiang Can knew why Jiang's father trusted him so much.

    Jiang Can gave Yan Shi a look, and Yan Shi put the document on the table. Qian Wen's face changed drastically, and he immediately put on his reading glasses to take a look.

    "Sure enough, as rumored, the Jiang family is really going to change."

    "It's really going to change. Everyone thought that I would never come back to the Jiang family. You all thought that Jiang Yan would definitely swallow the Jiang family. " All the property, who knows that I will come back, and I can find out the truth from the old man here."

    "Jiang Can, you will ruin the Jiang family, and you will also ruin Jiang Yan. What's more, even though you have been away from home for many years , but Director Jiang’s medical order has already been made, and there is no shortage of what should be missing.”

    “I know, but Lawyer Qian, as my father’s most trusted lawyer, he said that he would let you I know, I know." As he

    spoke, Jiang Can handed the phone that had been on the phone to Qian Wen, and Qian Wen picked it up suspiciously, only hearing Father Jiang's voice on the other side of the phone.

    Jiang Can didn't know what Jiang's father said to Qian Wen, anyway, when Qian Wen hung up the phone, his face was really not pretty.

    But Jiang Can guessed that Jiang's father should have explained the cause and effect of the matter clearly to Qian Wen, and Qian Wen's expression should not change after hearing the other things, but Jiang Yan did not happen to Jiang's father, but anyone who heard it would be very shocked .

    "Deputy Director Jiang, you...wait for a while."

    Just now, Qian Wen called Jiang Can and Jiang Can by Jiang Can's first name. It was just a phone call, and Qian Wen immediately changed his name to Jiang Can as Deputy Director Jiang.

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