Chapter 70

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Chapter 70

    Everything happened so fast, Jiang Can still couldn't believe it was true until the phone was hung up.

    It wasn't until the next day when he was waiting at the airport that Jiang Can knew that he could really go back.

    The rare and sudden relaxation made Jiang Can, who had been tense, feel tired for the first time in two years, but Jiang Can still couldn't sleep.

    Now her mind is full of Yan Shi, all she thinks about is the moment when she went back and saw Yan Shi.

    After sitting on the plane for nearly sixteen hours, Jiang Can finally stepped on the domestic land again, and hurried out of the airport. Jiang Can originally wanted to go directly to Yan Shi, but Jiang's father still sent someone to pick Jiang Can up.

    "Give me the car keys, you go back and tell Director Jiang that I will meet him at the company in two hours."

    Jiang Can reached out to the person who picked him up to ask for the key, and the person was a little embarrassed:

    "Mr. Dong didn't wait for you at the company, he asked me to go to a place directly after picking you up, or you can call Director Jiang and tell me that I really don't have the right."

    Since Jiang's father had given such an order, he Calling in the past probably won't help. In fact, Jiang Can can stop listening to Jiang's father now, but the evidence Jiang Can has obtained over the years is not enough.     The most important thing is that Jiang Can inadvertently learned from Yuan Nai that these so-called evidences were released to Jiang Can intentionally by Jiang's father, and Jiang Can could not find them by himself.     Jiang Can has always hated Jiang's father, but now she has much less hatred, and Jiang Can admires Jiang's father very much. After all, Jiang's resourcefulness and calculations are not something ordinary people can have.     Without talking to that person, Jiang Can got into the car directly, and the driver immediately followed and drove to the hotel owned by JA.     Jiang Can got out of the car, looked at the tall building of the hotel and was surprised, how could Jiang's father choose to meet him in such a place.

    In the car just now, Jiang Can roughly arranged her clothes and makeup. After all, as the executive vice director of JA, she represents the company in every word and deed, and there is no room for error.

    Just as Jiang Can was about to go inside, suddenly a lot of people with cameras and video cameras poured out of the hotel lobby. Jiang Can encountered this kind of scene not once or half of the time abroad, so he naturally knew that these people were all reporters.

    Jiang Can retreated subconsciously, because the first thing she had to do in this situation was to protect her own safety.

    The person who came to pick up Jiang Can had sharp eyes and quick hands, and rushed forward to block the reporter for Jiang Can. Domestic reporters are much more enthusiastic than foreign reporters. From home, they desperately took the microphone and tried to hold it in front of Jiang Can, and even asked in a chirping voice:

    "Vice Director Jiang, I heard that JA opened up a new foreign market in just two years. , Regarding this point, what success secrets do you want to share with you?"

    "Deputy Director Jiang, you have been away from home for many years, why did you suddenly return to Jiang's family two years ago? After returning, you became the executive deputy director of JA, Are you trying to grab the family property with your half-brother?"

    From the reporter's mouth, Jiang Can never heard a single well-meaning question, but every question they asked was more extreme than the other, and Jiang Can had already Disapproved.

    The security finally rushed out and divided the reporters into two sides, leaving a way for Jiang Can in the middle.

    Jiang Can originally wanted to stride in quickly to avoid the reporter's questioning, but another reporter asked a question:

    "Xiao Jiang Dong, did you suddenly return to China today to hold an engagement banquet with the young master of the Shuiqing Consortium?"

    Jiang Can Unable to believe his ears, he stopped a step and immediately turned his head to look at the voice, with an expression of disbelief.

    Seeing that Jiang Can seemed very interested in his question, the reporter immediately pressed him to ask. After all, if Jiang Can opened his mouth to answer the question, she would be able to get bombshell news.

    "Xiao Jiangdong, as far as we know, you don't seem to have any contact with the young master of the Shuiqing consortium before, so this time, is it because of the alliance between the two powerful parties that you came up with a political marriage?"

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