Chapter 43

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Chapter 43 The Jealousy of Two Men

    Yan Shi didn't go to work for three consecutive days, and the people in the office began to spread all kinds of strange scandals.

    The last time Jiang Yan came to trouble Yan Shi, all the white-collar workers in this office building knew about it, and Jiang Can was involved in the incident at that time, so Yan Shi's colleagues did not spread it very well.

    Everyone knows that Jiang Can is a peerless and excellent A that everyone likes, and Yan Shi also appears in front of everyone as an A. Everyone in the office said that it is shameless to talk, and as an A, he would go to another high-quality A to take the initiative, and what he did was what a villain would do.

    Qi Zhan is in the office every day. Although the people in the office will not say it in front of Qi Zhan, Qi Zhan still hears it more or less.

    Qi Zhan has known Jiang Can since Jiang Can opened the coffee shop. Because it is a face-to-face office building, Qi Zhan and Jiang Can are relatively close, and they usually take care of Jiang Can's business.

    A girl like Jiang Can, whether she is an A or not, is attractive to people. Qi Zhan was attracted by her, and he pretended to be her in his heart.

    From time to time, Qi Zhan would always see another A coming to Jiang Can. At first Qi Zhan felt a crisis because Jiang Can was very close to that A. It was only after going back and forth that Qi Zhan found out that the man was Guan Chengshao, and he was Jiang Can's best friend.

    Although it can be seen that Chuguan Shaocheng also likes Jiang Can, but Jiang Can's attitude towards everyone is similar. Qi Zhan is also a relatively shy person, chatting with Jiang Can can tell that she doesn't want to get out of the single, so Qi Zhan has never been in a hurry.     After Yan Shi came, Jiang Can's reaction seemed to be different from usual, but Qi Zhan didn't think much about it, who knew that when Jiang Can called again, the two had already confirmed their relationship.     Yan Shi was the one he personally recruited, Qi Zhan felt a little regretful now.     People in the office were still discussing about Yan Shi, Qi Zhan felt a little confused, and habitually left the office building and came to Jiang Can's coffee shop.     When Rongrong saw Qi Zhan coming, he continued to entertain him warmly. Qi Zhan didn't expect that he would come here unconsciously, but he came here anyway, so he ordered a glass of his usual drink.

    Normally, the seat where Jiang Can used to sit was not used to entertain guests. After Qi Zhan took the coffee, he found someone sitting there. After a closer look, he found that the person was Guan Shaocheng.

    Guan Shaocheng and Qi Zhan are not very familiar with each other. The last time we met was because Guan Shaocheng wanted to understand Yan, so he followed him to the office to meet Qi Zhan.

    After a few encounters, Guan Shaocheng also recognized Qi Zhan and waved to him. Qi Zhan didn't want to go back too early, so he simply sat at the same table with Guan Shaocheng.

    "Qi Lu is well-known in the legal profession. It's a pity that I didn't talk to you last time."

    Although Guan Shaocheng is a cynical son, his family's education has always kept up. Even though Guan Shaocheng is unwilling to take over his family's company, he is still very proficient in the principles of life.

    "Mr. Guan is too polite. You came here today to see Boss Jiang, right? Recently, she may not come to the store anymore."

    Last time after Guan Shaocheng rejected Jiang Can for helping the conversation, he actually regretted it in his heart. . He has liked Jiang Can since he was a child, but Yan Shi took his place.

    After calming down, Guan Shaocheng wanted to talk to Jiang Can about the matter, who knew that Jiang Can's cell phone had been turned off all the time, and there was no one there. Guan Shaocheng had no choice, so he came to the store to look for her, who knew that Jiang Can hadn't come back for several days until he came here today.

    Guan Shaocheng asked the clerk, and all the clerks, including Rong Rong who knew about it, said they didn't know where Jiang Can went, so Guan Shaocheng planned to wait for her to come back in the store.

    Hearing Qi Zhan's words, Guan Shaocheng raised his eyebrows and looked at him:

    "Jiang Can and Qi Lu have contacted?

    " When time can recover, they will come back together."

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