Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 Evening

    Jiang Can sleeps very well, and usually she can't fall asleep when she changes places, but staying in Yanshi's room tonight, the faint smell of pheromone reassures her, and she sleeps until dawn.

    If it weren't for the loud sound of Fang Yang closing the door when he came back, Jiang Can wouldn't be able to wake up.

    Rubbing his sleepy eyes, Jiang Can walked out of the room, and what he saw was Yan Shi who was already dressed and ready to go to work, and Fang Yang who was a little messy because he hadn't slept all night.

    "Lawyer Yan is going to work?"


    Yan Shi nodded, and Jiang Can immediately woke up when he heard it, and tied his hair casually. When he saw his car keys on the coffee table, Jiang Can was ready up.

    When he walked to the door and changed his shoes, Jiang Can smiled and patted Fang Yang on the shoulder:

    "Thank you for letting me stay yesterday, Lawyer Yan's roommate, if I have a chance, let Lawyer Yan take you to my shop, I will treat you to a drink." Coffee."

    As he spoke, Jiang Can put on his shoes and was about to go out, Yan Shi watched her leave as well, and stopped the person:

    "Boss Jiang, what are you doing?"

    "Go back to the store and open the door, Drop by to take you to work."


    Before Yan Shi could finish speaking, Jiang Can had already rushed out, Yan Shi looked at Fang Yang in surprise, Fang Yang had already been released last night, and he also felt that the time of Yan was too long. At the age of almost thirty, it was time to find someone to rely on, so he simply turned his head and went back to his room.

    Jiang Can went downstairs, started the car and waited for Yan Shi, within a few minutes, Yan Shi came down.

    Glancing at Jiang Can's car, Yan Shi didn't get in, but walked straight ahead.

    Yan Shi felt that in the first two days since he arrived in Ruifeng, he didn't seem to have much contact with his colleagues, but he became acquainted with the coffee shop owner who he had known for just two days.

    Yan Shizai didn't know what Jiang Can's attribute was. Last night, Yan Shi thought about it carefully. There must be a purpose for Jiang Can to get so close to him, so he planned to keep a little distance from Jiang Can in the future.

    "Eh, eh? Lawyer Yan, where are you going?"

    Jiang Can lowered the car window, and slowly drove to Yan Shi's side.

    "Go to work."

    "Then you should get in the car."

    Yan Shi stopped and turned to look at Jiang Can:

    "Boss Jiang, many things have happened that I didn't expect in the past two days. I am very grateful to you for treating me But I am not a person who likes to make friends with people.

    I will ask for the price of the suit and return it to you as soon as possible, so be careful while driving."

    After Jiang Can looked at Yan Shi and nodded slightly to himself, he did not turn his head Looking at Yan Shi's back, Jiang Can let out a long sigh.

    Is it because I acted a little too much, so I aroused the resentment when I spoke? It seems that this method is not correct for Yan Shi.

    Licking his lips, Jiang Can thought for a long time on the spot, until a car came from behind and honked, then Jiang Can started to drive back to the store.

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