Chapter 57

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Chapter 57

    Sitting in the car, Jiang Can rested her head on her hands, and now her mind seemed to be exploding.

    After coming out of the hospital, everything was fine, but Jiang Can couldn't figure out why it was like this now.

    Jiang Can's heart is confused now, and his mind is even more confused. Of course, he has no time to observe Guan Shaocheng.

    Guan Shaocheng had an unstoppable look of joy. If Jiang Can raised his head at this time, he would definitely find something wrong with him, but Jiang Can didn't.

    If Yan Shi wasn't pregnant, Jiang Can could feel a little more at ease, but Jiang Can couldn't help worrying about Yan Shi's appearance.

    Seeing that Jiang Can still couldn't lift his spirits, the perpetrators started a new attack.

    "Xiao Can, that was a big man at that time. Since he has kept his distance from you, we don't have to insist on him. Relax, let's go. I'll take you to have a drink and have a good rest. Don't think too much about it." Now ."

    "Shao Cheng, the matter is not as simple as you said, I can't let it go, after all, he has already..."

    The words 'pregnant with my child' almost blurted out, but finally Jiang Can realized, Still took it back.

    Although Jiang Can couldn't figure out what exactly happened, Jiang Can still didn't want everyone to know about Yan Shi's having a child.

    Looking up at the upstairs, Jiang Can was overwhelmed. Since he didn't know why Yan Shi acted like this, he would wait here and always know what happened.

    "You are waiting with me from here. Rongrong will send my car over later, and you are helping me to send her back."

    "What about you?"

    "I plan to wait here forever. There must be something, they will always come out, I must figure it out."

    Guan Shaocheng now has no idea why Jiang Can is so affectionate to Yan Shi, but if Jiang Can knows that he and Yan Shi said those things, Don't know what's going to happen.

    "Why are you bothering others? The ready-made car is parked here for you. I have nothing to do around me. I don't feel at ease when you are here. You can tell Rongrong to go back directly. I am here to accompany you."     Jiang Can After thinking about it, if she really didn't delay Guan Shaocheng, she hoped that Guan Shaocheng would stay. After all, Rongrong is a girl, and she is still a little girl. If she waits here for a few days, Rongrong might not be able to hold on.     Nodding her head, Jiang Can sent Rong Rong a WeChat message, directly asking Rong Rong to drive her car away first.     Yan Shi was so uncomfortable that he couldn't eat anything, Fang Yang asked Wang Chuanning to order a lot of Yan Shi's favorite food, but when Yan Shi saw those things, his stomach retched.     At first I could bear the discomfort, but in the end I couldn't bear it at all, and the whole person would lie on the ground, lie on the bed, and breathe heavily with his mouth to relieve a little.     Little O is pregnant, and the most important thing is that A who marked him is by his side. If the pheromone of the person who marked him surrounds Little O, then these situations will be much better.     Yan Shi's face was pale, and he insisted not to go to the hospital, but Fang Yang couldn't persuade him, so he could only stay there silently and worriedly.     In the past few days, Fang Yang and Wang Chuanning were basically inseparable, for fear that something might happen during the conversation.     It was inconvenient for Wang Chuanning to stay with Yan Shi all the time, so he helped investigate the events of the year in the living room.     However, the Jiang family is an existence that covers the sky with one hand, no matter now or at the beginning, and the events of those years have passed so long, it is necessary to find out if they have money.     Fortunately, hard work paid off, and Wang Chuanning finally found out some clues.     Hastily knocked on the door of Yanshi's room, Fang Yang opened the door quickly, with a displeased expression on his face:     "Fuck you, Xiaoyan finally fell asleep, what do you have to say now."     "I I found out some things from that year."     Yan Shi has been sleeping very lightly recently, although Fang Yang stopped Wang Chuanning in time, he still woke Yan Shi up.

    Hearing Wang Chuanning's words, Yan Shi staggered out, reached out and grabbed Wang Chuanning tightly:

    "What did you find?"

    "The case almost went to court at the beginning, but Jiang's family suppressed it with their own snobbery and money. I found out that the lawyer Jiang's family had looked for is still living in the urban area, but he has retired." After

    hearing this, Yan Shi finally lifted his spirits, and if he can find this lawyer, maybe he can find out from his mouth little thing.

    Yan Shi is also a member of the legal profession. The lawyers the Jiang family could find at the beginning must have a certain prestige in the legal profession.

    "The lawyer you mentioned, what's his name?"

    "Qian Wen."

    He was stunned, if he remembered correctly, Qian Wen is a very prestigious old lawyer in the legal profession, and he is also Qi Zhan's teacher .

    Qian Wen has a very high status in the legal profession, if Yan Shi wanted to visit him, he would undoubtedly not be able to see anyone at all. Although Yan Shi is no longer in Qi Zhan's office, the two get along pretty well, Yan Shi finally decided to go see Qi Zhan first.

    Qian Wen once brought a student of Qi Zhan. Everything that Qi Zhan has now can be said to be supported by Qian Wen. Perhaps Qi Zhan should also know something about what happened back then.     Talked to Fang Yang, Fang Yang originally wanted Wang Chuanning to go, after all, Yan Shi's current physical condition really shouldn't go out, but Yan Shi insisted, there was no way, Fang Yang could only follow Yan Shi's heart in the end .     After changing their clothes, the three of them went downstairs. When Fang Yang helped Guan Yan for a year, he was afraid that if he didn't pay attention, he would drop Yan Shi.     Jiang Can and Guan Shaocheng waited downstairs for several days, and they left alone in the middle. After all, if they don't take a shower in this weather, or if the car doesn't refuel, it must stink.     Every day, Jiang Can felt that Yan Shi would come down, but he couldn't see half a person every day. He thought that people would not come out today. Who knew that the most unexpected day, but saw people come out.

    Quickly and Guan Shaocheng followed Wang Chuanning's car, drove all the way to the suburbs, and finally arrived at the downstairs of Ruifeng Office.

    When Guan Shaocheng saw Yan, they went straight into the office building, obviously flustered, after all, he was the one playing tricks here.

    Jiang Can was confused and didn't know what they were doing here, but Jiang Can didn't dare to go upstairs easily. About thirty minutes later, Qi Zhan personally sent Yan Shi and them out.

    Qi Zhan watched them leave, and Jiang Can took advantage of this moment to rush forward and stop Qi Zhan.

    Jiang Can's coffee shop is basically closed now, Qi Zhan couldn't contact Jiang Can, and he didn't expect Jiang Can to come over suddenly.

    With a face full of joy, Qi Zhan said,

    "Boss Jiang, why are you back? Could it be that opening a shop in the city is not satisfactory and you want to move back? But yes, the other coffee houses in the office buildings here are not as good as yours Well, the people in our office miss the taste of your coffee."

    "Come back to check on some small things, just saw Xiaoyan came back, but he didn't tell me, I thought about it and asked, what did he do when he came back ?"

    Qi Zhan pursed his lips, and when he spoke, he made it very clear that the direct question was about the Jiang family's past. Of course, Qi Zhan still knew something about that matter.

    Seeing that Yan Shi's state was really bad just now, Qi Zhan guessed that something must have happened to the two of them.

    "He... asked about your family's past."

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