Chapter 102

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Chapter 102 The Truth

    When Bai Yuting heard this, she fell backwards, as if fainted.

    If the doctor hadn't caught her quickly, Bai Yuting would have fallen to the ground.

    "Aunt Ting, what are you doing? Isn't Dad okay? Can you listen to the doctor?"

    Jiang Can said it to Jiang Yan and Bai Yuting on purpose. She knew that if she said that, Jiang Yan will definitely jump out and speak for his mother.

    "Jiang Can, what do you mean? The old man has just entered the ICU, and you are going to use your status as the quasi-heir of the Jiang family to scold my mother? Let me tell you, even if you inherit the Jiang family, my mother is also my father's legal wife." , if the property matter goes to court, Mom will at least get half of it."

    Hearing Jiang Yan's words when he had been silent, he couldn't help chuckling.

    Jiang Yan is a little afraid of Jiang Can now, but he is not afraid of speaking. Laughing at him when he saw the words, Jiang Yan immediately showed his so-called 'heroic'.

    "Why are you laughing? You are a foreigner, and you dare to read jokes here. Don't be complacent when you talk. Do you really think that you can marry into the Jiang family smoothly after giving birth to a child for Jiang Can?

    Are you It’s not that after reading too many novels, I feel how easy it is to fly on a branch and become a phoenix. I’ll leave my words here for you. If Jiang Can inherits the family property, why would he care about you, a man who gave birth to a child? You just wait Take your little bastard with you, and get driven away together."


    Hearing this, Jiang Can really couldn't bear Jiang Yan, and he clenched his fists and was about to rush forward. If Yan Shi hadn't stopped him, Jiang Can's fist would have landed on Jiang Yan's face.

    "Xiaoyan, what are you pulling me for? So many things happened today, all because of Jiang Yan's broken mouth. Now that Dad is lying in the ICU, he doesn't have a long memory. Since he won't listen, he must use some force It 's gone."     Although Yan Shi controlled Jiang Can, he couldn't restrain Jiang Can's pheromone. Jiang Can's pheromones radiated out like a canopy, and everyone present couldn't help but take a few steps back when they smelled it.

    Seeing Jiang Can lose control, Yan Shi dragged her to a place where no one was around.

    "Don't be like this... I'm afraid."

    Yan Shi's soft voice and drizzle were Jiang Can's weakness, and sure enough, when Jiang Can saw Yan Shi like this, there was nothing he could do about it.

    He stretched out his hand to hold him in his arms, and patted him on the back:

    "Okay, I'll just listen to you."

    The smell of pheromones gradually faded, and the trembling words in Jiang Can's arms also gradually recovered. up.

    "Did Rongrong go to Jiang's house to pick up Sibo?"

    Jiang's father is not in Jiang's villa now, so it is not a very safe place for Yan Shi and Sibo.

    "Picked up. Not a while after you went to the hospital, Rongrong and Guan Shaocheng came over and picked me up and Sibo.

    I asked Rongrong to take Sibo to Fang Yang's side. It shouldn't be so with Wang Chuanning. What's the problem, not to mention Guan Shaocheng."

    "Did Rongrong and Guan Shaocheng go together?"

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