Chapter 71

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Chapter 71 I Already Have a Lover

    Jiang Can knew something about the Shuiqing Consortium.

    Father Jiang and Shui Zishan, the president of the Shuiqing Consortium, were classmates in junior high school. Both of them inherited the family property. At first, JA and the Shuiqing Consortium were neck and neck, but later, under the leadership of Father Jiang, JA gradually became popular. Crossed the Shuiqing Consortium.

    Jiang's father and Shuizishan have always been in contact. The two companies are also close to each other. Jiang's father has also helped Shuiqing Group a lot, but it's just that the two of them have an intersection. Jiang Can can't even see Shuizishan's son. I haven't seen it, let alone talk about engagement or not.

    Originally, Jiang Can wondered why Jiang's father would let him return to China so soon, but he didn't expect that such a grand banquet was waiting for him when he came back.

    In this case, if Jiang Can went straight up, there would be no room for reversal, so Jiang Can looked around and wanted to slip away.


    "Is it Mr. Jiang?" A

    slightly milky voice sounded, and Jiang Can looked at the boy who was walking towards him from outside, and looked him up and down.

    The boy was about the same height as himself. Although he was wearing a dark blue suit, he still couldn't hide his innocence.

    As soon as the media reporters saw the boy, they immediately surrounded him. Jiang Can immediately realized that the boy in front of him seemed to be Shuilishan's only young son, Shuili.

    Shui Li came here by himself, probably he has never faced any reporters before, seeing so many people surrounding him and asking questions non-stop, Shui Li was so flustered that his face turned pale with fright .

    Seeing his expression, Jiang Can, who was too kind, couldn't stand it anymore, and asked the security guard to separate the reporter. Jiang Can stepped forward and grabbed Shuili's arm, led him into the hotel, and directly into the elevator.

    Although it was true that he shouldn't have done this in front of the media just now, Jiang Can really couldn't get over the energy in his heart.

    In order to avoid suspicion, Jiang Can let go of Shuili as soon as he entered the elevator, and walked to the innermost corner of the elevator by himself, keeping the furthest distance from Shuili.

    Shui Li seemed to be terrified by what happened just now, and he got into the elevator and gasped for a long time before he could catch his breath. After recovering, Shui Li stared straight at Jiang Can with big watery eyes.

    Although Jiang Can didn't look at him, he knew that he was looking at him.

    The elevator goes directly to the top floor, which is the place where various banquets are held in the hotel.

    After getting off the elevator, Jiang Can asked the person who picked him up to go in first. The person felt that he had reached the place, and Jiang Can didn't resist too much along the way. He also saw that Shuili was here, so he went in first.

    Seeing the news from the man's back, Jiang Can boarded the elevator again, leaving Shuili alone, and prepared to leave.

    Seeing that Jiang Can was about to leave, Shui Li blocked the elevator door:

    "What are you going to do? Isn't today our engagement banquet? Where are you going?"

    Shui Li's voice was quite loud, and Jiang Can frowned. , Seeing that no one came out yet, Jiang Can wanted to leave as soon as possible, so he could only choose to pull Shuili back into the elevator and press it to the basement floor where the parking lot is located.

    The gate of the hotel is full of reporters. It may be difficult for Jiang Can to go out, and there are many security guards there. If Jiang Can wants to get out as soon as possible, he must not go there, so the parking lot is the best choice.

    Jiang Can undid two buttons of his shirt, and Shui Li couldn't help feeling a little nervous watching her movements.

    "You, what are you doing?"

    Jiang Can looked at Shui Li without a trace of expression, and said coldly:

    "Since you know who I am, you should also understand that today's engagement banquet is not what I want at all. I don't want to delay your life, so don't meddle in your own business, just quietly let me go."

    Shui Li bit He pursed his lower lip, with a very sad expression:

    "How do you know that getting engaged to me will delay my whole life, how do you know if you don't try? You just use this as a reason to throw me away, what is it?"

    "I You already have a lover, and you are also a person who has grown up through higher education, so you should be able to understand the truth, right?"

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