Chapter 40

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Chapter 40 Permanent Marking

    When he came to the shopping mall, Jiang Can originally asked Yan Shi to choose his favorite clothes, but Yan Shi was used to wearing suits and didn't have any clothes of his own, so he finally asked Jiang Can to choose for him.

    Jiang Can took two suits. Although Yan Shi didn't know much about fashion, he liked the ones Jiang Can picked out from the bottom of his heart.

    There is a 24-hour Michelin restaurant on the top floor of the shopping mall. Jiang Can came here with Yanshi, and he was going to have a midnight snack at his house.

    When he came to the top floor, although Yan Shi had never eaten Michelin, he still recognized the name, so he quickly grabbed Jiang Can.

    "You don't plan to eat supper here, do you? You also know my situation. I feel very sorry that you insisted on taking money to buy clothes just now, so you still let me treat you for supper. But this restaurant is too high-end , I still want to save more medical expenses for my mother."

    Jiang Can smiled lightly, and shook Yan Shi's hand:

    "Of course I know that Yan Shi's lawyer is the cheapest, but I'm happy today, so let's go inside Spend it. Don't worry about it, I'm just greedy today, so you can just accompany me, okay?"

    Jiang Can acted coquettishly, and hated himself several times in his heart. But in order to let Yan Shi go in, Jiang Can has already sacrificed his face.

    Yan Shi looked at Jiang Can really wanting to eat, and couldn't bear to refuse her.

    "Then this time, let's talk about it. Next time, if you want to come to such a high-end restaurant, let me invite you to eat when I get a dividend at the end of the year.

    " I just drink coffee every day and don't do anything." While talking

    , the two entered the restaurant together.

    After ordering food, Jiang Can said that he was going to the bathroom, took his bag and left his seat, returning after a long time.

    The same dishes were served, but Jiang Can became more and more nervous. Sitting face to face with her, Yan Shi could feel something was wrong with Jiang Can.

    "What's wrong with you? Is there any discomfort?"

    Yan Shi asked with concern, Jiang Can shook his head.

    "Isn't that wearing too little? I also feel that it's getting cold at night. Let's eat quickly and go home early."

    When he saw the words, he was about to leave, Jiang Can was even more flustered, thinking that he couldn't wait any longer, Jiang Can Chan stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers.

    Because it was already late, there were not many customers eating in the restaurant, the lights were suddenly turned off, and a pianist who should have left work early sat down next to the piano.

    The beautiful piano sounded, and the waiter pushed a cart, slowly walking towards Yan Shi and the others.

    Yan Shi had no idea what was going on, and was still poking his head over the excitement. When I saw cakes and a large bouquet of champagne roses on the trolley pushed by the waiter, I was very curious about who the protagonist would be.

    But Yan Shi never expected that the waiter stopped when they arrived at their table.

    Jiang Can took a long breath, took out the ring box from his bag, and walked to Yan Shi's side.

    "Xiaoyan, I wanted to tell you this at home in the afternoon, but no matter how I thought about it, I didn't think it was important enough.

    I have been single for so many years, and I thought I was going to be an only child, but I didn't expect to meet you. I am with you When we first met, I thought about how to make you stand by my side.

    Although we have known each other for a short time, I think we have experienced a lot of things together. I don’t have much ability, just run a coffee shop shop, but I am not bad at the rigid conditions of other people. At least I can afford to see your mother in the future.

    I know that you are under a lot of pressure and it is not easy to be alone, so today I officially propose to you. Mr. Yan, are you willing to be my boyfriend, so that I can help you share the pressure on you, and walk by my side in an open and aboveboard manner in the future? "

    Only asking for a relationship, it made Jiang Can feel as if he was asking for marriage. Everyone looked at them in an instant, waiting for a reply from

    the other party. It happened so suddenly that there was no time to speak. I thought that Jiang Can would ask for a relationship so formally.

    "You, why are you so sudden? I didn't even prepare for it. I..."

    "You don't need to prepare anything. What I have done to you this afternoon has surpassed what ordinary friends should do." of. I am not an irresponsible person, I want to give you an explanation, and I also want to give you a home to share your pressure for you.

    Xiaoyan, I'm serious, you just need to give me a reply, no matter what it is, I will respect your choice.

    If you are too shy to respond, here is a pair of rings, which are couple rings that I bought a few years ago, just to wear with my future boyfriend. If you agree, just reach out. "

    Yan Shi's eyes were already red unconsciously, his whole body was trembling, but he slowly stretched out his hand.

    Jiang Can quickly took out the ring and brought it to the middle finger of Yan Shi's left hand. Put on the ring, Jiang Can Only then did he smile, as if he had stamped his own things with an exclusive seal. Jiang Can finally felt at ease.

    Bending, Jiang Can kissed Yan Shi lightly, and Yan Shi suddenly wrapped his arms around Jiang Can's neck:

    "I want to go home. "

    "Okay, I'll take you home." After going

    back, Yan Shi cried for a long time in Jiang Can's arms. He wanted to say something while crying, but he didn't say anything quickly. When Jiang Can comforted Yan with a smile, the two slowly     rushed

    from the sofa to the bed.

He sprang out, sat up and put the restraint ring on his foot.

    In an instant, the irrepressible cappuccino message filled the room. Jiang Can's heart suddenly stopped, the taste was too exciting for her, if she hadn't been strong-willed, she would have already thrown herself to the ground, and there was no gentleness at all.

    Jiang Can has always been curious about where the thing that really suppresses pheromones in Yan Shi is. Although he knew that the bracelet on his hand was just to hide people's eyes and ears, he never thought that the bracelet that could really suppress pheromones in his body was on his feet.

    Yan Shi turned his head abruptly, and pulled Jiang Can's bracelet off. The smell of mint and lime overwhelmed the smell of cappuccino in an instant. Yan Shi knelt down in front of Jiang Can, looking at her with affectionate eyes. Pulse.

    "I've been hiding from you. In fact, I'm not an A. I'm really sorry, but I will spend my whole life making it up to you.

    You said you like children, and I can give birth to one for you."

    Yan Shi moved forward slowly, stretching his neck In front of Jiang Can, the glands were obviously exposed in front of Jiang Can.

    Jiang Can stretched out his hand to touch it, causing Yan Shi to shudder, and his whole body went limp on the bed.

    "Xiaoyan, I actually have something to hide from you. Last time you had a fever, I sent you home. In fact, you suddenly had a fever at that time, so I sent you back after temporarily marking you. We evened out one by one, who You don't have to feel sorry anymore."

    Yan Shi hummed lightly, and said softly:

    "Then I'll give you a chance this time, mark me forever, and bite me."

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