Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 He's an O

    Rongrong heard Jiang Can's conversation at the counter, and watched the people from Ruifeng Law Firm order coffee and sit at a table in the corner, and hurried to Jiang Can's side.

    That group of lawyers clearly wore straight-faced suits, but what they did was simply not human affairs.

    "Boss, are you really going to help them? If someone really drinks the coffee in our shop and has diarrhea, it will be our fault."

    Jiang Can was playing with the small bottle in his hand. The quality of the bottle was not good. The lid fell off after playing with it a few times.

    When Jiang Can bent down to pick up the bottle cap, he inadvertently smelled the contents inside, and his eyes widened suddenly.

    His cheeks turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and beads of sweat suddenly appeared on Jiang Can's forehead.

    Rongrong kept peeking at the group of pious lawyers, seeing how each of them was smiling, Rongrong felt disgusted. Turning his head, he saw Jiang Can's chest rising and falling, gasping for breath.

    "My God, what's wrong with you boss? Why is your face so red?"

    Jiang Can hastily put the cap on the bottle and put it in his pocket, waving his hand:

    "It's too hot in the store, I'm going out to get some air."

    Jiang Can Suppressing the pheromone that he was about to be unable to restrain, he fled the store at the fastest speed.

    Jiang Can stepped up his pace and walked to the pool in the center of the buildings, took out the inhibitor that had been prepared in advance, and stabbed it firmly on his neck.

    Panting heavily for two or three minutes, Jiang Can's breath slowly calmed down.

    Speaking of it, it was Jiang Can himself who was careless and took out the small medicine bottle given by Ruifeng's lawyer just now. Jiang Can couldn't help sneering when he saw it.

    They really dare to say that it is really stupid to call this thing a catharsis.

    What was contained in the vial was not a laxative at all, but a tidal agent that could make Alpha unable to control himself.

    The concentration of this thing is not low, not to mention drinking it into the stomach, a strong A like Jiang Can just smelled it, and he was obviously wearing a pheromone-suppressing bracelet, but he almost burst out.

    Rongrong said that the man in the morning was also an A. It seemed that Ruifeng's lawyers did it on purpose, and they probably lied to Jiang Can if they wanted to teach him a lesson.

    Fortunately, Jiang Can didn't think about putting this thing in the coffee at the beginning. If he did, wouldn't it be a trending topic this time?

    With great difficulty, Jiang Can opened a coffee shop here and spent three years doing what she likes with peace of mind. She doesn't want to go back to the old life.

    Frowning, Jiang Can walked to the trash can with the small bottle in his hand, and threw the bottle into the 'Hazardous Trash' bucket without thinking.

    Standing in front of the trash can and sighing, just as he turned his head, he happened to see Yan Shi and Director Qi Zhan walking this way together.

    Qi Zhan also saw Jiang Can, raised his hand and waved at her, and stepped up his pace.

    "Why is Boss Jiang staring blankly in front of the trash can? He's so idle."

Addicted to his pheromone [Female A Male O]Where stories live. Discover now