Chapter 55

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Chapter 55 Let me ask one last time, what about Xiaoyan? ...

    Jiang Can rushed home immediately. When she was planning to come back with Rong Rong and the others to find Yan, the traffic jam on the road was severe, so Jiang Can threw the car to Rong Rong and ran back along the way.

    Jiang Can's face was flushed red, his forehead was full of sweat from running.

    Jiang Can looked around the house, and found that Yan Shi didn't even take his cell phone with him.

    The current Jiang Can still believed in Guan Shaocheng's words, and felt dizzy for a moment, so Jiang Can took a step back and was supported by Guan Shaocheng.

    "Xiao Can, I'm so sorry. You believed in me so much, but I lost Yan Shi."

    Jiang Can knew that Guan Shaocheng definitely didn't do it on purpose, but what she didn't understand now was why Yan Shi suddenly left without saying goodbye.

    "It's nothing, Shao Cheng, I'll look for it. Maybe he's just tired of staying at home, so he went out for a walk."

    Jiang Can has been restless today . When I went to the store for decoration, I couldn't calm down all the time, and even bumped my head into a big bag.

    After rushing out of the house, Jiang Can stood downstairs and looked around, she really didn't know where to find Yan Shi for a while.

    Yan Shi didn't have many friends. Except for Fang Yang and those from Ruifeng's office, Jiang Can had never heard Yan Shi mention anyone else.

    First, he called Qi Zhan, but Qi Zhan didn't go back when he spoke, so the only places left to go during the talk were Fang Yang's family and the mental hospital where his mother was.

    Thinking that Yan Shi might miss Yan's mother because of her pregnancy, Jiang Can plans to go to a mental hospital first.

    Guan Shaocheng had already chased him out at this time, and seeing that Jiang Can's car was not there, Guan Shaocheng said,

    "Where are you going? I will drive you there."

    Jiang Can got into Guan Shaocheng's car without hesitation, but when he arrived at the mental hospital, he found that The time of speech never came.

    Not daring to waste time, Jiang Can rushed to Fang Yang's house again, but knocked on the door for a long time, but there was no response from inside.

    Just when Jiang Can thought that there was no one at home, he suddenly heard the sound of things breaking inside, and Jiang Can realized that something was wrong.

    If Yan Shi didn't come back, there was absolutely no need for Fang Yang not to open the door for himself. But if Yan Shi came back, it would be even more impossible not to let Fang Yang open the door for him. Therefore, something must have happened, Yan Shi left home and came back here.

    Knocking on the door again, Jiang Can said while knocking:

    "Xiaoyan, are you inside? Open the door for me. We can discuss what happened. Don't avoid me."

    Let Jiang Can knock on the door , How should I put it, but there is still no response inside.

    "You left your cell phone at home, and I brought it back for you. Even if you ignore me, why don't you take your cell phone back?"

    Jiang Can had no choice but to use this method. After a while, the footsteps inside were getting closer and closer, and the door opened with a click.

    Jiang Can immediately wanted to rush inside, but was stopped by a stranger.

    "Just give me your phone, Fang Yang won't let you in."

    It was Wang Chuanning who opened the door. Just now, when he spoke, he was already soft-hearted and wanted Jiang Can to come in, but Fang Yang persuaded him. Broken glass.

    Fang Yang originally said that he would let Jiang Can knock casually, but the door would not be opened today anyway, but finally he heard Jiang Can holding Yanshi's mobile phone, so he let go and asked Wang Chuanning to open the door to pick it up.

    Jiang Can looked vigilant. The man opposite him emitted unfriendly pheromones, and he was also a strong A, so Jiang Can was a little jealous.

    "Who are you, where is Xiaoyan?" The

    unstoppable smell of cappuccino pheromone wafted out of it, and Jiang Can was sure that Yan was inside.

    "He doesn't want to see you, please give me the phone, or I will close the door."

    Seeing that Jiang Can didn't seem to want to return the phone, Wang Chuanning was about to close the door. Jiang Can quickly reached out and grabbed the door. Wang Chuanning glared at Jiang Can, but Jiang Can had no intention of stopping.

    "I'm asking you one last time, where's Xiaoyan?"

    The pheromone smell on Jiang Can's body erupted in an instant.

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