Chapter 47

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Chapter 47 Closing the Coffee Shop

    When he handed over his resume, Yan Shi's name and photo were exposed to Father Jiang's eyes.

    Father Jiang was a little surprised, but there was no flaw on his face. He didn't expect He Yanshi's second meeting to come so soon. Without opening the resume, Jiang's father looked up at the HR manager.

    "Does the legal department still have a vacant position as a vice minister?" The

    personnel manager looked at Jiang's father. Jiang's expressionless face was hard to fathom.

    But listening to Jiang's father's words, do you want this newcomer to take the position of deputy minister of the Ministry of Justice? What is the origin of this speech, so that Director Jiang, who has never cared about superfluous things, asked so many questions.

    "Yes, Chairman Jiang."

    "Finish the entry procedures for him before leaving work today, and let him report directly to the legal department tomorrow."

    "Okay Chairman Jiang, then his position..."

    Because I am too confused about Jiang's father For ideas, the HR manager can only ask one more question.

    "If you don't start from the bottom when you first joined the company, do you still need me to tell you this?"

    "Yes, I understand."

    Father Jiang waved his hand, and the HR manager hurriedly left the office. After watching the person leave, Father Jiang picked up the resume in front of him and carefully looked at the photo of Yan Shi. Father Jiang smiled lightly inadvertently, but only for a moment.

    Yan Shi didn't expect that everything would go so smoothly, so he hurriedly went through the entry procedures with the HR manager, and it was time to get off work.

    The HR manager came out with Yan Shi, but Jiang Can waited at the gate of JA Company after seeing Yan Shi did not come out for a long time.

    After get off work, the employees all came out of the company one after another, and Jiang Can retreated to the side. After all, there are many people from JA who still know Jiang Can.

    After a while, Jiang Can saw Yan Shi, and because he finally expected someone to come out, he didn't notice who the person beside Yan Shi was at all.

    Jiang Can strode towards Yan Shi, Yan Shi saw Jiang Can, because he had already joined JA, so Yan Shi couldn't wait to share with Jiang Can.

    "Why have you been here for so long? If you don't come out, I'm going to call the police."

    Although Jiang Can was joking, she was serious. She didn't want to go in, so she had to find someone to go to Xunyan.

    "Just after the interview, I went through the entry procedures directly, and my mobile phone was left in the car again, so I didn't have time to notify you."

    Jiang Can breathed a sigh of relief, took the briefcase in Yan Shi's hand, and checked that Yan Shi was fine, Only then did I feel relieved.

    "Jiang Can, long time no see." The

    personnel manager was very surprised to see Jiang Can, but she turned her mind quickly, and immediately understood why Jiang's father seemed to be speaking differently.

    It can be seen that the relationship between Jiang Can and Yan Shi is definitely not as simple as friends. Although she knows that Jiang Can and the Jiang family are separated, after all, Jiang Can is bleeding from the Jiang family, and the broken bones are still connected. .

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