Chapter 81

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Chapter 81

    "I haven't thought about this question yet, but since you have asked, I would like to hear your opinion."

    Bai Yuting's nervousness can be seen with the naked eye, and Jiang Can can also see that something is wrong with her, so he deliberately went to her in front of her. Ask Father Jiang for his opinion.

    Jiang's father took a sip from the water glass on the side, and glanced at Yan Shi who was feeding the child:

    "You picked it up abroad, but there is no Yuan Nai here in China, so there is definitely a shortage of manpower. I am now You are not as energetic as before, you are sitting in the position of deputy director, you should stay in China for the time being.

    After all, the child is too young now and cannot leave his parents, so let Yuan Nai take care of the foreign side for the time being."

    Jiang Can clicked Nodding, in fact, even if Jiang's father asked her to go abroad this time, Jiang Can would still discuss it with Jiang's father.

    Leaving two years ago was a last resort, but now that Jiang's father has given the evidence of the car accident to Yanshi, Jiang Can has nothing to ask Jiang's father for.

    But now that the situation is like this, if Jiang Can quits the job again, it will be hard to justify it.

    "Dad, there is one more important matter. I'll talk to you directly today."

    Jiang's father nodded, indicating to Jiang Can to just talk directly.

    "Although I didn't leave out of my heart at the beginning, Xiaoyan is the one who is most sorry. Originally, this decision should have been fulfilled two years ago. If it has been delayed until now.

    Sibo is already so big now, and he has our Jiang family's love in him. I can't let the two of them continue to have a bad name and bad words."

    Jiang's father nodded, but he and Jiang Can thought of going together.

    Although Jiang's father is not 100% optimistic about Yanshi, it is the blood of Jiang's family that flows through Sibo. In any case, Sibo cannot let him wander abroad.

    Now that Jiang Can has come back honestly to manage the company, Yan Shi's marriage to Jiang Can is no longer an important matter to Jiang's father.

    Two years later, Jiang Can still misses Yan Shi in his heart. The relationship between the two of them really cannot be separated, and Jiang's father doesn't want to be this villain.

    "You can deal with this matter according to what you see. The past two years have really suffered for Xiaoyan and the children. Don't make things hasty. If you want to do it, do it well. It can be regarded as our family's compensation for Xiaoyan."

    After finishing speaking, Father Jiang turned to look To Bai Yuting, Bai Yuting's current complexion is too bad to describe, seeing Jiang's father looking at her, Bai Yuting pulled a smile.

    "Don't worry, I will also help Xiaocan with this wedding, and I promise it will be done properly."

    "Jiang Yan hasn't been home for a long time, and he can't be seen at the company every day. You give him Make a phone call and tell him to come home tomorrow night. Jiang Can is also back today, the family should have a good meal together, and for the past, he will also apologize to his future brother-in-law."

    Jiang Yan last time Father Jiang already knew what was going on in suing Yan Shi in court in the name of the company.

    Keeping it silent doesn't mean it's over.

    Jiang Yan was spoiled by Jiang's father and Bai Yuting, he just didn't understand the company's affairs, and he didn't want to make progress every day. Jiang Can has already made such great achievements abroad, and he still doesn't even go to the company in China. Jiang's father really can't stand it.

    After dinner, Jiang Can set up bath water for Yan Shi and Sibo, and after they entered the bathroom, Jiang Can found Jiang's father, and the two came to the yard.

    "Just now, you seemed to have something to say but didn't finish it. What happened abroad? Now you can say it."

    Jiang's father is scheming, and nothing can escape his eyes. Jiang Can licked his lips, thought for a while before speaking:

    "Dad, I found out some things about Aunt Bai abroad. I know you care about family blood, so I really dare not hide this from you."

    After speaking, Jiang Can took out a file bag and put it in front of Father Jiang. After Jiang's father opened it and read some of the contents inside, he raised his head suddenly, his eyes were full of sternness.

    Throwing the document heavily on the table, Father Jiang said:

    "Jiang Can, you should know my temper. If this kind of thing is fake, don't blame me for disregarding the relationship between our father and daughter."

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