Chapter 79

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Chapter 79

    It's obviously in her own home, and Bai Yuting has been married to Jiang's father for so many years, but she doesn't seem to regard this place as her own home.

    It's true that Jiang's father sometimes doesn't let her hear a lot of things, but in the end, there is no major matter in the family that is hidden from her, and there is no need for her to eavesdrop there.

    What's more, Jiang's father usually talks about business in the study, and a wife like her who stays at home all day enjoying happiness doesn't have to worry so much.

    Jiang Can looked at it for a while, and felt a little tired. She wanted to cough lightly to remind her that she was coming, but the phone rang suddenly at this moment.

    Not only Jiang Can was taken aback, but Bai Yuting, who was guilty of a crime, was so frightened that she dropped the things in her hand to the ground.

    Jiang Can and Bai Yuting looked at each other, picked up the phone and went downstairs. After all, the sound of breaking things was not small, and it was still at the door of the study, and it could be heard very clearly inside. Sibo woke up from sleep and was startled crying, Father Jiang also opened the door and came out.

    Although Bai Yuting had time to leave, but there was no way to clean up the broken things, and she couldn't react for a while, so until Father Jiang came out, Bai Yuting was still standing at the door.     Father Jiang frowned when he saw that the person outside the door     was

    Bai Yuting:

    "What are you doing here?" Tea, snacks, and fruit, but I see that the time is almost up, so I want to give you a new cup of tea."     Jiang's father could see that Bai Yuting should have said something, but he didn't say anything to her in front of Yan Shi:     "Okay, kid I fell asleep in it, and you asked you to clean it up, don’t come and disturb the child’s sleep.”     The child Bai Yuting saw it just now, she is very cute in white and fat, and she is very like Jiang Can and Yan Shi when she is thin and long. , so Bai Yuting didn't even ask who the child was, she knew it already.

    In the past two years, Bai Yuting and Jiang Yan actually thought about fighting against Yan Shi in private, but there were always people around Yan Shi secretly protecting him, so Bai Yuting and the others couldn't do anything at all.

    Later, Yan Shi suddenly disappeared, no matter how Jiang Yan's mother and son searched, they couldn't find Yan Shi's whereabouts.

    A few days ago, Jiang's father mentioned that he would be engaged to Jiang Can and Shuili, Bai Yuting thought that Yan Shi had no chance at all, so she gave up the pursuit of Yan Shi, and let him fend for himself.

    Unexpectedly, today, not only Yan Shi was brought back home by Jiang's father, but even the child was brought back by Jiang's father. Only then did Bai Yuting realize the seriousness of the matter.

    At this time, Jiang Can returned after answering the phone. Father Jiang saw Jiang Can going up the stairs, and said directly:

    "It just so happened that you rushed back, the baby was crying a lot, maybe he was scared when he went to sleep, you take it with you first." Xiaoyan and the child go back to your room. You haven’t had a good rest since you got off the plane, the three of you will stay together for a while, and come out for dinner later.”

    Yan Shi heard Jiang’s father’s words from inside, and came out holding Sibo, who was still choking , Jiang Can nodded, stepped forward to wrap around Yan Shi's waist, and led him up to the third floor.

    Jiang's villa has three floors in total. Father Jiang's bedroom and study are on the second floor, and Jiang Can and Jiang Yan's rooms are on the third floor.

    Jiang Can hadn't returned to his room in Jiang's house for a long time. He didn't expect to open the door and enter to find that the furnishings and decorations inside were exactly the same as when he left.

    Without time to read too much, Jiang Can hurriedly coaxed Sibo with Yan Shi for a while. Fortunately, Sibo was obedient, and the room was much quieter than the study. After a while, Sibo fell asleep again.     The horse head was sweating profusely when crying because of thinking about thinness, and it was only now that he heaved a long sigh of relief. Jiang Can was a little distressed, picked up a tissue on the side, and wiped the sweat on his forehead for Yan Shi.     Holding Yan Shi's hand, Jiang Can was a little worried:     "Dad didn't say anything to you just now, right? I hurried back, but it still took a long time."

    Yan Shi shook his head with a smile, and snuggled into Jiang Can's arms.

    He took a long breath, it was Jiang Can's smell, as long as he smelled it, he could feel at ease.

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