Chapter 76

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Chapter 76 "Dad"

    Jiang Can glanced at Yan Shi, and

    said, "Xiaoyan, stay with the baby up there. I'll go down and settle the matter over there and come back to accompany you."

    Yan Shi quickly shook his head, he had already made up his mind , No matter what happens in the future, he will experience it with Jiang Can. He is afraid that Jiang Can will go alone again this time, and will be separated for another two years, or even longer.

    Hastily stepped forward, Yan Shi held Jiang Can's hand so tightly that it was not worth parting, Jiang Can had no choice but to hold Yan Shi before, and was used to relying on him for everything, when he saw Yan like this, Jiang Can didn't say anything what.     Two years ago, because of the previous car accident, Jiang Can also carried too much on his own. Now that he is with her when he has something to say, Jiang Can seems to feel that the two years of darkness are finally over, because his sun is using his way shines upon itself.     Just as he was about to go downstairs, Yan Shi suddenly thought that it was impossible for the child to be upstairs by himself. Fang Yang couldn't take the child with him at all, so he could only hold the child in his arms.     Yan Shi held the child in one hand, and was tightly held by Jiang Can in the other.     When they went downstairs, it turned out that not only Father Jiang himself, but also Shui Zishan came.     Shuili stood on the side of Shuizhan and lowered his head. Hearing the sound of Jiang Can and the others going downstairs, he looked up. Seeing Jiang Can holding hands tightly with a man, Shuili could also understand that the person he had been secretly in love with for so many years finally became someone else's.     However, Shui Li also heaved a long sigh of relief in his heart. Now that things are like this, he is not a person who is willing to force.     Husband and wife can't make it, but they can still be friends. At least they have met Jiang Can. Shuili is willing to help the two of them. After all, he and Jiang Can have no real relationship.     Jiang Can walked up to Jiang's father with Yan Shi, Jiang's father slowly raised his head, but there was still no expression on his face.     "Dad..."     Jiang Can called Father Jiang Dad, and Father Jiang suddenly looked up at Jiang Can, with an expression on his face that seemed a little excited.

    Jiang Can hasn't called Father Jiang for many years, and Father Jiang has been waiting for this day for a long time.

    Knowing that if it hadn't been for what happened when she made a speech this time, according to Jiang Can's temperament, she would never go home and help manage the company again.

    Jiang's father took a long breath, and tightened his hands on the golden crutch:

    "Old Shui, have you seen it with your own eyes? I have already told you that Xiaocan has someone in his heart. But you brought Xiaoli that day What the family said, I don’t know if the two children really broke up, so I agreed with you.”

    Shui Zishan looked at Jiang Can, and then at the tightly held hands between her and Yan Shi. hands. In fact, at the engagement banquet with Jiang Can, Shui Zishan just wanted to obey his son's wishes.

    Father Jiang and Shui Zishan talked about it, but Shui Zishan didn't tell Shuili.

    Thinking of it, Shui Zishan looked at Shui Li, and Shui Li was still in a daze, and Shui Zishan was a face-saving person:

    "Lao Jiang, these reporters have been there so many times, just waiting to see this century-old marriage between our two families, According to your words, are you planning to lose face in front of the media and the public?"

    Jiang's father ignored Shui Zishan's words, his attention was all on the child that Yan Shi was holding, pointed at the child, and said Immediately understand.

    Just in time, Sibo woke up at this time. He has been very obedient since he was a child and rarely cried. Today Wang Chuanning came down crying in his arms, all because the child was fuzzy and he couldn't coax him.

    Yan Shi hugged Sibo in front of Father Jiang, and Father Jiang put the golden crutch aside, took Sibo with both hands, and his smile exposed all the wrinkles on his face.


    Jiang Can yelled again, but Jiang's father raised his head and gave her a look to stop talking, so Jiang Can could only swallow the words back.

    "Old Shui, we've known each other for so many years, you know I don't like to listen to anything. Since the engagement banquet was arranged by the children, let them solve this matter by themselves.

    As for the media, if you are really afraid of losing face, then this matter will be taken care of by our family. I'm really tired today, Xiaocan, you take care of things well, I'll take Yanshi and the child home first. "

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