Chapter 100

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Chapter 100 The sudden reversal of Jiang's father's attitude...

    The sudden reversal of Jiang's father's attitude cannot be separated from Jiang Can's interference. But the blame can only be blamed on Jiang Yan's mother and son who made the first move. Jiang Can was only trying to protect the person he wanted to protect.

    "Dad, why did you suddenly favor Jiang Can, who didn't recognize you for several years and didn't come home? You forgot that she had severed ties with this family when she left?

    Now she came back to inherit Jiang's family. What do you think, Dad, that you are reprimanding my own son because of her now."

    Jiang Yan's temper is what Jiang's father and Bai Yuting have been used to since they were young. But in front of Jiang's father, Bai Yuting kept telling Jiang Yan to hold back, after all, Jiang's father was still in charge of the family.

    Today, because of Jiang Can's matter, Jiang Yan suddenly talked to Jiang's father in such an attitude after so many years, which surprised Bai Yuting and Jiang's father.

    Jiang Yan basically yelled these words, Sibo was young, and was scared to tears by Jiang Yan's yelling.

    Jiang's father was already so angry that he was about to lose his temper, but when he heard the child was crying, he went back to the room with the child when the aunt first sent the message.

    "Come down!"

    Jiang's father kept holding his breath, Yan Shi and the child were gone now, and Jiang's father was not afraid of scaring them.

    Jiang's father hadn't lost his temper for a long time. Seeing Jiang's father like this, Jiang Yan was also a little afraid of him.

    She hid behind Bai Yuting, but with Father Jiang's appearance, Bai Yuting didn't dare not listen to him, so she could only pull Jiang Yan forward.

    Jiang Can walked up to Jiang's father as if watching the excitement, helped him to sit on the right seat on the sofa, and walked around to stand behind him.

    Jiang Yan's expression became grim when he saw Jiang Can watching a good show.

    But Father Jiang's attention was all on Jiang Yan's face, and he thought he was not convinced.

    "You're getting more and more promising now, and you dare to contradict me in front of others. If I suddenly fell ill, wouldn't you have to walk away in Jiang's house?"

    "No, Dad... I didn't mean it just now .”

    Jiang's father didn't listen to Jiang Yan's explanation. In fact, people from the company have always told Jiang's father that Jiang Yan doesn't always go to work. Jiang's father has always kept his eyes open and closed. But now that Jiang Yan dared not even attend the high-level meeting without permission, Jiang's father felt that he could not continue to let him go.

    "You said that I value Jiang Can, why don't you take a look at what your sister has done for the company in the past two years since she came back? The entire foreign market has been cleared in just two years.     If you are given the position of deputy director, Can you enter the foreign market in such a short period of time? I don't value her because she is my daughter, but because she is really capable.     Now if you look at the senior executives in the company, some of them say that Jiang Can’t say a word? Everyone can’t be convinced. In the future, JA will give her my peace of mind, and Jiang’s family will leave her to her. Just to tell you, if I die, I won't give you a cent of the family property."     Jiang Can didn't expect Jiang's father to say such words in front of Jiang Yan's mother and son, and was shocked for a moment.     Jiang Yan's mother and son probably didn't expect it either, Bai Yuting stared wide-eyed after hearing this, looking at Jiang's father for a while, and Jiang Can for a while.     And Jiang Yan, hearing that he could not get the Jiang family's property, finally broke out.     "Okay, old man, you are finally willing to tell the truth, right? Then I will talk to you today."     Jiang Yan pointed at Bai Yuting, and Bai Yuting realized that Jiang Yan was going to say something even worse because of his impulsiveness.     But Jiang Yan couldn't hold back anymore, he shook off Bai Yuting's hand that stopped him:     "My mother married you, an old man who is more than ten years older than her, at the beginning of her twenties, and she has been a full-time wife for half her life, taking care of you. , Take care of you, and also take care of the daughter left by your ex-wife.     I am afraid that people outside will make irresponsible remarks. She works hard at home and is willing to buy luxury goods, but what about you? Take her as a price.

    When Jiang Can left home, he said so decisively. Obviously, I am also your own son, but when did you treat me the same as Jiang Can, and you gave me so much power when you returned to the company.

    You said I am not capable of doing that, did you give me a chance? Not once! Now you call me a dude instead, isn't it all caused by you? Anyway, it's the same for me, and it's the same for me. It's better to be a playboy, at least I can feel better in my heart. Father

    Jiang stood up abruptly, walked forward in three steps at a time, and slapped Jiang Yan hard on the face:

    "Are you crazy enough?" roll! "

    Jiang Yan turned around, cast a vicious glance at Jiang's father, then cast another glance at Jiang Can, and left Jiang's house angrily.

    Jiang's father was out of breath, Jiang Can hurriedly stepped forward to support him. While

    worrying about her son, Bai Yuting was also afraid that Father Jiang would really get angry with Jiang Yan, so she could only stay to appease Father Jiang.

    "Xiao Yan has this kind of temperament, so don't get angry with him. Bai Yuting persuaded ,

    but Jiang's father's face became more and more ugly, and finally he closed his eyes and passed out.

    Jiang's sudden fainting caught everyone by surprise, and he called the emergency call

    and was sent to the hospital immediately. Knowing that Father Jiang fainted this time was caused by a heart attack, patients with cardiovascular problems are most taboo to be overjoyed, saddened and angry. Jiang Yan said those words today, which almost killed Father Jiang.

    Father Jiang's surgery is scheduled for In the afternoon, Jiang Can could only stay in the hospital. Father Jiang couldn’t hide the situation from the company’s senior management, so Jiang Can called, and more than an hour later, the company’s senior management came to the hospital.

    Bai Yuting just sat Crying and crying on the sofa outside the VIP ward, the high-level executives sat together, comforting Bai Yuting.

    Looking at Bai Yuting's appearance, Jiang Can felt that she was not crying about Jiang's father, but that Jiang Yan had contradicted Jiang's father. If it was true what Jiang's father said, then he should have already made a will. Regardless of whether Bai Yuting can get anything, it is definitely impossible for Jiang Yan to inherit too much.

    Li Qian was the last one to rush to the hospital. Today is not the beginning of the month or the end of the month. It stands to reason that the finance side should not be very busy, but he was the last one to come.

    Li Qian glanced at Bai Yuting first, and couldn't hide the worry in his eyes. Suddenly thinking that Jiang Can was still there, Li Qian turned his head and met Jiang Can's eyes directly.

    Jiang Can saw everything in his eyes, Jiang's father suddenly fell ill, and he said that to Jiang Yan before, so that Bai Yuting could not work with Li Qian to harm the company, Jiang Can had to put on a show first, but he had to be careful in the dark them.

    "Deputy Director Jiang, what is the situation of old Director Jiang now? Why did he suddenly fall ill?"

    Everyone who came would ask Jiang Can this question, and Jiang Can answered them very patiently, but did not mention whether he was with him. Regarding Jiang Yan, he only said that Jiang's father was getting old and was not feeling well all the time. That's why after he returned to the company, he didn't take much care of the company's affairs. It was because of his physical problems.

    Jiang Can's words, no one went to the bottom of it. Now that Jiang's father is like this, everyone knows that if Jiang's father is gone, most of the JA Group and the entire Jiang family will most likely fall into Jiang Can's hands.

    If they want to eat the Jiang family's food every day, they have to see who the successor is. Now Jiang Can is running inside and outside, and Jiang Yan's shadow can't even be seen. Who would want to cut off their own way? ?

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