Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 is the smell of security

    When he spoke, his consciousness was blurred, and he couldn't recognize that the person he was holding was Jiang Can. He just instinctively felt that the pheromone smell was safe.

    "I'm so uncomfortable."

    Yan Shi's voice was a little hoarse, as if he was trying to suppress something.

    Jiang Can was stunned for a while, reaching out with some hesitation, but finally hugged Yan Shi's thin body.

    Yan Shi's body was very hot, Jiang Can just hugged him for a few minutes, but felt as if he was about to be heated.

    Jiang Can regained his senses, patted Yan Shi's back lightly, and leaned into Yan Shi's ear, Jiang Can whispered:

    "Be patient, I will take you away."

    One sentence may become a reassurance, or it may be It was Yan Shi who couldn't bear the pain in his body. He suddenly lost strength and passed out.

    With sharp eyes and quick hands, Jiang Can hugged him tightly in his arms, for fear of slipping when he spoke.

    Jiang Can's heart is very complicated now, he clearly knows what Yan Shi means to him, and what he said is very clear. But after knowing that Yan Shi might be in danger, he was still desperate, and Jiang Can couldn't figure out what was wrong with him.

    He hadn't known Yanshi for long, so Jiang Can felt that he wasn't really attracted to him, but now there are signs that he really likes Yanshi.     The smell of pheromone in the bosom became stronger and stronger, and Jiang Can's breathing became a little short after smelling it. Before he could think about it, Jiang Can picked him up horizontally, left the office building as fast as he could, and entered the underground parking lot against the rain.     Among the group of people who came to trouble Yan Shi today, some already knew that it was Jiang Can who came to save people, so it was not safe to go back to the coffee shop. Although Jiang Can was not afraid of things, he had to deal with the group of people while he had to pay attention to his words.     In case the other party calls more people, Jiang Can is not sure that he will be able to retreat together with Yan Shi.     Lay Yan Shi down on the co-pilot and fasten his seat belt. Although he has already passed out, the blush on his face is getting heavier and heavier.

    Jiang Can drove straight to Yan Shi's house. Now that Yan Shi is in such a situation, he can only be comforted better by letting him go back to the place where he has always lived.

    But since those people can call the office, it is estimated that Yan Shi's home will not be safe.

    Thinking of this, Jiang Can dialed Guan Shaocheng's phone while driving.

    There was only a 'beep' on the phone, and the other party picked it up.

    "Shaocheng, I have something to trouble you with."

    Jiang Can roughly talked about what happened today, and said it very clearly, and wanted Guan Shaocheng to help deal with those messy people in the office building.

    Guan Shaocheng responded in a very relaxed voice with a smile on his face. Although it felt unreliable, Jiang Can knew that no one would be more trustworthy than Guan Shaocheng.

    Guan Shaocheng always responded to Jiang Can no matter what she said, not to mention that this time Jiang Can clearly wanted to trouble him, Guan Shaocheng was even more happy.

    Without even thinking about it, Guan Shaocheng answered directly. Guan Shaocheng hung up the phone. Guan Shaocheng, who was still smiling when he was talking with Jiang Can just now, suddenly changed his face to a frighteningly black one.

    Guan Shaocheng was standing at the corner of the office building of Ruifeng Office. Beside him were a few people tied up with ropes. They were the people Jiang Can mentioned on the phone just now.

    In fact, Guan Shaocheng never left. When he went to the office with Yan Shi in the afternoon, he already found someone sneaking around here. Guan Shaocheng felt that they were a little familiar, so he stayed behind secretly. After seeing what happened just now, after Jiang Can took away Yan Shi, Guan Shaocheng had already tied up this group of people.

    Lowering his eyes, Guan Shaocheng condescendingly looked down at the people tied together on the ground, and snorted coldly.

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