Chapter 7

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i was woken up by my phone vibrating violently against my bed side drawer, i groaned loudly and rolled over, i checked the time at it was 9:10 am, SHIT! i was supposed to be at a photo shoot ten minutes ago! i jumped out of bed and threw on the nearest clothes possible to me which were my purple hollister sweats and and a white Beatles top, i grabbed my white converse and slipped them on. i didn't have enough time to sort out my hair or make up so i threw on my glasses and shoved my hair into a high, messy bun. i ran downstairs, grabbing my car keys and ran straight out the door, without saying bye to anyone. i checked my phone and i had 3 missed calls from Lacey and 3 from Zack, i called Lacey back straight away, i put it on loud speaker so i could drive 'YN where are you?!' she said angrily down the phone 'there is so much traffic i'm sorry! i will be there soon!' i assured her, even though i just left my house. it was lucky that the set wasn't a long drive away from my house, she sighed loudly in reply and hung up on me, okay she is not in a good mood this morning! i then thought that i should call Zack back, so i did, after two rings he picked up 'YN!' he beamed through the phone, how is he happy this early in the morning? 'hi Zack' i replied 'what happened yesterday?' he asked in a serious tone, then i remembered Justin, oh yeah! this will be a good one to explain 'oh, err that was Justin we had a photo shoot together' i told him 'don't lie to me, i am a model, you don't laugh a lot and joke around at a photo shoot, i'm not stupid' he said in a very serious tone 'he's a friend, calm down' i said getting a little pissed off 'are you cheating on me?!' he practically screamed down the phone to me 'CHEATING ON YOU, WE AREN'T DATING?!?' i screamed back, getting more and more angry by the second 'SO YOU LEAD ME ON?!' he screamed back 'NO I DIDN'T, YOU WANTED TO SEE ME, I MADE IT CLEAR THAT I WANTED TO BE FRIENDS, NOTHING MORE' i shouted causing people in the cars around me to look, oops. 'no you didn't look, lets forget this and get back to how we were, all the paps thought we were a great couple' he said in a much calmer tone, paps, that's all he wanted 'fuck you' i gritted through my teeth and hung up before he could even reply. luckily i had just arrived at the set for my shoot, i left my phone in my car knowing he would call me non stop. i climbed out of my car and locked it, throwing the keys in my bag and practically ran towards Lacey 'i'm so sorry' i said apologizing to everyone 'it's okay, just get your ass in hair and make up, now!' she said and pointed in the direction, so i did what i was told. Today i was doing a shoot for a new Mascara, i wasn't even sure what one i was advertising, but all i have to do is 'look pretty' and they edit the other stuff on after the shoot, i had fairly natural make up on and they straightened my hair, so it rested on my hips 'okay you are ready to go!' the make up artist told me 'thank you' i smiled and gave her a hug 'YN, let me take a picture, you haven't been on twitter in a while' Lacey told me, it's true i haven't, but honestly i am a little scared to i know that i will be getting hate and i always said that i will deal with it, and i understand why i get it from Justin's fans even though we are just friends, but i am a little scared just to see how much and how bad it will be! 'wait, Lace i don't have my phone!' i told her 'just use mine!' she said, so i did what i was told, and pulled a funny face and posted it on both instagram and twitter saying 'looking forward to this shoot, love the new mascara!' i logged out before i could even get any responses let alone read them 'okay, everyone on set!' the director said, i walked onto set, as they blasted the wind so my hair was blowing in the wind as i looked deeply into the camera, it was basically a pretty average cosmetic shoot, but it was fun! 'thank you' i said to them all as i left i heard a bunch of responses such as 'you're welcome' 'great job' 'bye'. i sighed heavily as i climbed back into my car, i picked up and as i expected i have thousands upon millions of both text messages and calls from Zack saying how sorry he was, but i am having NONE of it, he is a prick, this is why i find it so hard to trust people now days, you never know who is using you and who isn't i mean, i don't even think that i am that famous.. just well known. i drove home, and as i got in i chucked my bag and keys on the side, grabbing my phone from my bag. 'MUM, JOSH?' i called out but there was no response, mum be at work, she works as my part manager, she helps Lacey but she mainly decides what photo shoots i will do, like if play boy ever asked me to do a shoot, she would not let me, not that i would wan't to because i want to be a role model to children, someone they can look up to, and Josh i don't even know where he is, i slouched down on the couch and began to watch all the re-runs of Jersey shore, oh this program never gets old, my phone was practically ringing every few minutes, but i just ignored them, until another text message came through and i was about to call him telling him to leave me alone, but i was surprised to see that, the text wasn't from Zack, it was from an un-known number, hmm, i opened it and it read 'hey beautiful Scooter just sent me the finished girlfriend shoots with all the finished touched, i just need to pick but i need your help, wanna come round? -Justin xx' i found my self blushing when he said beautiful i replied 'how did you get my number? and sure! where so you live?xx' i sent it and got a response instantly 'aha i have my ways;) and here ************ xx' 'okay, on my way:)xx' and i left, not really caring that i was in my sweats i mean i have my make up done so i don't look completely awful! if i am thinking right i know where he lives and it isn't to far away about a ten minute drive.. i got up and left, leaving my empty house alone again. i thought i better text my mum so she doesn't freak out when she gets home and i'm not there 'just gone out, do you need anything, i can get it on my way back?x' she text back a few minutes saying 'no i'm good, where are you going?x' 'just gone to Justin's x' she didn't reply so i just left it assuming she read it and went back to work. after about a ten minute drive i pulled up at a massive house with gates in front and everything, it makes my house look like a cardboard box. there were millions of paparazzi around, so i tried to keep my head down and focus on the road and not kill any of them, i knew this would be all over the news by tomorrow. i drove over to the gates and pressed on the buzzer 'hello?' i heard Justin's voice ring through the buzzer 'its YN' 'okay, come on in!' he said and opened the gates, i slowly drove closer to the house and parked, i jumped out locking my car and throwing both my keys and phone into my pocket, i was about to knock on the door, when Justin beat me to it and opened the door, he was wearing sweats just like me so i didn't feel so casual and lazy 'hey!' he said happily and pulled me into a hug 'hey' i said with a smile as i pulled out of the hug 'let's go inside' he said and led me into his house, it was MASSIVE, actually massive would be an understatement! 'whoa' i said as i gawped in amazement, looking around 'what?' Justin asked confused 'your house is amazing!' i told him 'thanks' he said politely 'okay come through here i put the pictures over here' he said leading me into a smaller room, which had a TV and a few couches in, with a table in the middle where the pictures were placed it was nice, warm and very homely, i sat down, i pulled my phone and keys out of my pockets and laid them down on the table, every so often my phone would vibrate but i would just ignore it and act like it didn't even happen knowing it was Zack trying to reach me 'what's your favorite?' Justin asked me 'hmm' i paused for a moment and thought 'personally i love this one, but i love them all' i said as i pointed to the one of us laying down together holding hands. the pictures we're the same as yesterday although they all had 'GIRLFRIEND' written on them, with other writing in smaller print and a picture of the bottle 'me too' he smiled, as my phone went off again 'you can answer it you know' he said a little confused 'i don't really want to' i said hoping me would remember Zack 'that guy still isn't leaving you alone?' he questioned i just nodded my head in agreement 'do i have to beat him up?' he asked as he looked into my eyes 'trust me, he would run away to protect his face' i said rolling my eyes and he just laughed, i decided to go onto twitter and i saw Zack tweeted '@zacksmith: being lead on is horrible.' IS THIS KID HAVING A LAUGH?! so i thought two can play at that game but i tweeted at him '@______: @zacksmith i didn't lead you on, you used me for fame.' i then heard Justin chuckle next to me 'what?' i asked 'i saw your tweet' he said 'he is such a dic-idiot' i stopped myself from swearing, in case anyone else was here and i didn't want to be rude or disrespectful 'no one is here, it's fine' he assured me 'he is such a dick!' i exclaimed! Justin just laughed next to me he grabbed mt hand and dragged me out of the room and upstairs to his bedroom 'here' he said giving me his laptop 'if you are going to have a twitter war do it on here, it's easier' he said 'thanks' i said and laughed a little, i logged onto my twitter sitting down on his bed and sure enough he had replied along with millions of other people he said @zacksmith: @______ don't make me out to be the bad person here!!' i replied instantly, with my fingers tapping eagerly away at the laptop with Justin sitting right next to me, our legs touching, i could feel his eyes staring at me, his eyes travelling down my body and back up to my face again i looked at him through the corners of my eye and he looked like he was smiling. i replied to Zack saying '@_____ @zacksmith you are the bad one, you used me for fame?' i'm going to try and play it cool, not to swear, he replied instantly again '@zacksmith: @_____ everything isn't about you, grow up and get over yourself, leave me alone you stupid bitch.' my eyes widened, this is a side to him i have never seen before and i am shocked, he is such a dick it's unreal, before i could reply i had another mention '@justinbieber: @zacksmith @_______ dude, she has been trying to get you to leave her alone for days, not the other way round, don't be rude, have respect' i stared at the screen almost in dis-belief, i waited for a few minutes and there was no reply. i turned to face Justin and just tackled him into a hug 'thank you' i mumbled into his chest, he chuckled slightly and laid back down his arms wrapped around me giving me a hug as i had my arms wrapped around his torso, lightly leaning my head on his chest 'no worries' he said 'i mean it he probably would have never left me alone' i said pulling away from our hug and sitting up 'i know, that's why i stepped in, i'm not going to let someone be rude to you' he said looking directly into my eyes making me loose my breathe for a moment 'you're amazing' i said honestly.

something just came over me, when he called YN a bitch i got really angry and i felt like i needed to defend her, almost protect her and help her i wasn't just going to let her be called a bitch by some douche who hasn't left her alone for the past few days. she turned around and faced me moving the laptop away form her as she tackled me into a tight warming hug, the best hug we have shared from ones we have had, causing me to lay down on the bed, i keep my arm around her because it just felt right, as she had her small arms wrapped around my torso, she kept saying thank you to me, but i really didn't do anything i just helped her out, but i wanted to help her. when she pulled away from the hug i just wanted her to lay back down with me, does that mean i have feelings for her? i don't know. all i know is that i love spending time with her although we haven't spent much time together, and she is definitely the most beautiful person i have ever seen 'i know, that's why i stepped in, i'm not going to let someone be rude to you' i told her looking directly into her eyes getting lost in them, at this moment in time i wanted to kiss her put i couldn't, she probably does not even like me 'you're amazing' she said with a warm smile again. we both just sat there for a few minutes just staring at each other, it sounds creepy but it wasn't it was just peaceful 'when is the premier?' she asked me breaking the silence ' 2 weeks tomorrow' i said with a smile 'aah so soon, i need to get a dress!' she said almost panicking 'what colour are you getting?' i asked 'not sure, why?' 'we have to be matching' i admitted well, it't true if we are going together then we have to match! she giggled a little and then blushed. she is so adorable 'how about we go together, then it will be matching?' i said, hoping she would say yes so i get to spend more time with her 'deal' she said and giggled again and smiled 'when are you free?' i asked 'not to sure, i think i have the next 2 weeks pretty open, only a few shoots' she explained 'okay, well i will text you when i am free and let you know' 'okay' she said sweetly, her phone then vibrated and she sighed heavily, i swear if it's that Zack kid again i won't be happy 'i have to go home' she said almost sadly 'oh, well i'll show you to the door' i said, i took her hand and practically pulled her off the bed, although when we walked out of my room, neither of us pulled our hands away and i noticed that how our hands fit together perfectly and locked together.

My mum text me saying i had to be home for dinner, way to ruin the day mum! Justin grabbed my hand and pulled me off the bed, when we both walked out neither of us pulled our hands away, they fit together perfectly, they locked together like one. as we were walking down the stairs none of us spoke, Justin rubbed his thumb against mine sending butterflies through my stomach, i'm so confused, i'm not sure if i have feelings towards him, i really enjoy spending time with him, he is a really nice boy, and he is also beyond good looking but for me that is a bonus, the more time i spend with him the more i like him, i'm just not 100% sure yet, as we reached the door he pulled our hands away and gave me a hug 'i'll text you?' he said, although it sounded more like he was asking if he could text me 'i'll be waiting' i said with a smile 'bye' i said as i went onto my tip-toes and kissed his cheek 'bye beautiful' he said as i walked out the door, beautiful. every time he calls me that whether it is in person or over text i blush, i just can't help it! i drove straight home, as i got in, i noticed that only mum was in, Josh must still be out 'hey mum' i said as i walked into the kitchen 'hey hunny' she said as she severed up out dinner, we decided to eat it on the island in our kitchen as it was only us to 'so YN i er want to speak to you' my mum started 'okay.. go' i told her 'i'm not happy with you spending time with Justin Bieber' she said fast 'why?' i said confused, she doesn't know him? why would she say that? 'i don't want you getting hurt' 'mum i'm not going to get hurt, we are just friends and you don't even know him!' i snapped back at her, ever since my dad died she has been so protective over who i date and who i am friends with 'and i don't want to know him, i just don't think that he has good intentions. now i know that you are going to the premier together but after that i don't want you to speak to him' she said as took her food and walked away. okay i know she is protective, but she has never told her who i can and can't speak to 'you're kidding right?' i said a little taken back as i followed her into the living room where she was now eating 'no, and i am your mother so you should listen to me and do NOT even try to argue back my decision is final' she said sternly, i just scoffed and walked away, i'm not going to let her decided who my friends are? what she doesn't know can't hurt her? right?


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