Chapter 67

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As soon as I stepped into my house I knew all hell was going to break loose because my bitch of a mother was well… being a bitch. I sighed as I dropped my keys on the table, took off my shoes and headed towards the kitchen, knowing that is where my mum would be, and oh yes I was right. There she was standing with a cup of hot coffee in her hands looking pissed off ‘oh so you finally decided to return home?’ she asked sarcastically ‘seems that way doesn’t it’ I said as I smiled sarcastically ‘what has gotten into you?’ she spat at me ‘nothing is wrong with me! I’m perfectly fine’ I said calmly ‘NO! it’s that Justin kid! All he is, is a bad influence!’ she said getting angrier and angrier, but I was confused, my mum loved Justin, she was always so nice to him and was always giving him hugs and having a proper conversation with him, so confusion doesn’t even show how I am feeling right now, I scrunched my eyebrows up at her showing her my confusion ‘but you liked him?’ I asked in pure confusion ‘I LIKED HIM FOR YOU! BECAUSE HE WAS YOUR BOYFRIEND AND HE MADE YOU HAPPY! WHY DO YOU THINK I NEVER WANTED YOU TO DATE HIM IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!’ she exploded ‘MADE ME HAPPY?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN ‘MADE’? HE STILL DOES…. And to be honest I don’t care what you think’ I told her finally raising my voice at her, I just hate how she thinks she can walk all over me when I never do anything wrong, I just need to stand up for myself, my mum just stared at me her face was clearly infuriated ‘I’m your mother. You’ve changed. From now on you’re not allowed to see him’ she said slamming her cup of coffee down on the table ‘you can’t tell me who I can and can’t see’ I scoffed ‘and have you ever thought that maybe YOU have changed mum? Ever since Dad died… not me, YOU’ I added ‘HOW DARE YOU’ she screamed ‘HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT TO ME, I WORK FOR YOU, I GIVE EVERYTHING TO YOU!’ she screamed once again ‘NO! YOU THINK YOU DO BUT I PAY FOR EVERYTHING HERE! THIS IS MY HOUSE!!!!’ I yelled at the top of my lungs ‘you’re grounded’ she then said, this is all she ever does when we argue, she just changes the subject and tried to punish me when she has nothing left to say or she knows that I am right but she is just too stubborn to admit it ‘you can’t ground me, I’m an adult and I’m going to date Justin whether you like it or not, I did if before so why can’t I do it again?’ I said sarcastically ‘the fame has got to you, what happened to spending time with family, you never see me or you brother anymore!’ she snapped ‘HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT?!’ I yelled angrily ‘I GIVE EVERYTHING TO YOU TWO, I work, I see Josh, I try to see you but you are always too busy with William, I have Justin! I need to find a balance! He goes away for months on end and I don’t see him so I think when he is home it’s acceptable to see him!’ I snapped aggressively at her but I didn’t raise my voice I didn’t see the point ‘well you will not have that problem anymore because you are banned from seeing him’ she said making me groan in frustration ‘watch me’ was all I said before I walked out of the kitchen and walked up the stairs and into my room.

As soon as I got in my room I slammed the door shut and collapsed onto my bed and put my head in my hands, my life never goes good for long, I lost Justin, and then as soon as I got him back my mum now hates me but what I don’t get is that she liked him, she generally did so I don’t see why she all of sudden hates him, and how can she say that I don’t spend enough time with Josh and her, I live in the same house as them and maybe if she wasn’t too busy with William every fucking minute of the day she could actually spend time with me and josh. Ergh this women drives me insane, I took my phone out of my side pocket and placed it on the side before grabbing the TV remote and turning it on and as soon as I did, I saw mine and Justin’s face pop all over the screen, news travels fast, really fast. I hate that I have no privacy, and then I got a text from Justin saying ‘about to go on watch me! I love you xxxxxxxx’ oh yeah Justin had an interview with Ellen today, so I turned on the correct channel and waited for my baby to come on.


I wondered how things were going on with YN back at her house as the makeup artists did there thing, eergh I have makeup so much. I grabbed my phone and decided to text YN ‘about to go on watch me! I love you xxxxxxxx’ I sent it and then placed my phone in my back pocket as I got called to go on stage, and I knew that in this interview I would have to explain everything, qand everything being me the pap, and also me and YN.

‘everybody welcome Justin Bieber!’ Ellen yelled over the roars coming from the audience, I smiled as I stepped onto stage waving at everybody, giving Ellen a big bear hug as I walked over to go ‘good to see you Justin’ she smiled ‘you too it’s been a while’ I said chuckling ‘it has, it has’ she sighed ‘so how have you been?’ she asked me ‘I’ve been good yeah, touring is amazing, doing what I love to do’ I said smiling wide, it’s true, being on stage is where I belong ‘ahh yes, so you are currently on your Believe tour?’ she asked me ‘I am’ I smiled and nodded ‘wow, so what is that like?’ she asked me ‘ahh I mean it’s amazing, seeing all the beautiful fans from across the world and performing for them, I love it! Their energy when I’m onstage is amazing like whenever they scream so loud, I just want to perform to the best I can for them, like everything I do is for all my fans’ I said smiling ‘aww, do you ever miss being at home?’ Ellen asked ‘yeah, a lot. The fact that I’m touring for months, moving around all the time gets difficult because I miss everyone back home and I’m always so tired but I wouldn’t change it’ I told her, and when I say I miss people I mean YN and my mum ‘so er Justin, yesterday you were in the news for two reasons’ Ellen said and I knew where this was heading I just nodded awkwardly ‘so the first was that you apparently attacked a pap?’ Ellen asked ‘that is not true!’ I exclaimed ‘i mean –i- we had like an argument but I never hit him or anything!’ I promised ‘what were you arguing about?’ she asked me ‘I hate how they always invade my personal space and never give me any privacy, but usually I just ignore them but this dude was getting really pushy and up close so I just asked him to back off and then he started being really rude and having no respect and then obviously I’m not just going to stand there’ I shrugged ‘but I’m not saying what I did was right’ I added Ellen just nodded at me ‘and secondly’ she sang ‘this is what EVERYBODY is dying to know… are you and YN back together?’ she asked with s cheesy grin plastered on her face… her we go.

‘yeah, you could say that’ I said as I blushed slightly looking down ‘awwww!’ Ellen cooed ‘did you break up in the first place… if you don’t mind me asking?’ ‘we did’ I nodded unhappily ‘why?’ she questioned ‘well with like me being on tour and her working in La isn’t the best situation like I can’t just pick her up and take her with me… she has to work so I think a lot of it is that us being apart for so long was hard on both of us’ I sighed ‘aww well I’m glad you’re back together!’ she said happily making me chuckle ‘what is the best thing about YN… in your opinion?’ she asked me sounding super interested ‘the best thing’ I sighed, everything about her is amazing ‘I think the best thing is that she makes me really happy. Like if I am ever down or upset she can just come and give me a hug and I’ll feel better, and I can really trust her and talk to her about anything, she’s amazing’ I smiled goofily ‘and I love how she is so natural, like she doesn’t care about wearing all this make up and stuff, she’s beautiful as well. And I love her laugh it’s so cute, and her smile, I would literally do anything to make her smile, I like to be the reason why she is smiling… and I know for a fact that if she is watching this she will be blushing, that’s another thing I love she literally blushes at everything!’ I said smirking as I rambled on about the stuff that I love about YN making everyone in the audience ‘aww’. Which then made me blush which was embarrassing, because I never blush! ‘but what are you going to do when you go back on tour? When do you go back?’ she asked me ‘I go back in about three weeks’ I sighed ‘and I mean of course it will be hard just like it was before and I know that when I’m on tour and don’t sleep I can get a little cranky but I have already lost her, so I don’t really want to do it again’ I told Ellen, this is the most I have ever spoken about YN but for some reason I couldn’t help myself from stop talking about her, but I guess that’s because I love her so much and I am just happy that she’s mine again.


Okay so throughout that whole interview I was literally like a bright red tomato all the time, I don’t think it is fair how he can make me blush so easily but right now I don’t even care. I waited for Justin to come off of Ellen and then as soon as he did I reached across to grab my phone only to see that it wasn’t there, what? I put it right there, where could it have gon- MUM! I stormed down staird and barged into the kitchen where mum was now sat with William ‘GIVE ME MY PHONE!’ I yelled ‘do not be so rude’ she scowled ‘give me my phone and I won’t be’ I told her clenching my jaw in pure anger ‘NO’ she said ‘you’re grounded so you don’t have a phone, and don’t even try to use Josh’s because he’s grounded to’ she said smugly ‘I hate you’ I spat before storming away, okay I know saying I hate her was a little harsh but right now I do hate her, she is doing this just to annoy me.

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