Chapter 156

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'JUSTIN HURRY UP!' I screamed up the stairs as I impatiently waited at the bottom of the stairs, I'm waiting for Justin because his lazy ass refused to get us, making us late for out doctors appointment.

Usually it is Justin waiting for me, yelling up the stairs. Gosh, this annoying, from now on I'm going to be on time. Well... I'll try my best.

'I'm coming baby, calm down' I heard him mumble as he sprinted down the stairs, his appearance showing he had just woken up, but he looked so sexy. Here we go with the hormones.

He clearly hadn't had time to sort out his hair as it spiked up in different directions, looking like a mixture of bed hair and sex hair, his jeans were sag- even more than usual- as if he hadn't had time to put them on properly as his shirt and leather jacket looked as if they had just been thrown on, which they had. And in some strange way, it worked, and it worked well. I was definitely finding it hard to control my self, wow.

'Let me just get my shoes and then I'm ready' Justin rushed as he pecked my forehead and sprinted off somewhere in the house to find his shoes, I wanted to be mad at him for being late, but I couldn't. He was just to god damn adorable!

'Okay, I'm ready let's go' Justin breathed as he laced our fingers together before he marched us out towards one of his many cars.

Opening the passenger seat he motioned for me to get it 'do you want me to drive?' I asked wary, don't get me wrong he is an... Okay drive, but he's just woken up. 'No, its fine baby' he smiled reassuringly, nodding I slipped into the car, buckling my seat belt.

'So' Justin began, licking his lips as he glanced at me quickly before looking back at the road ahead 'so' I repeated 'what do you think our baby is, a boy or girl?' Justin asked a broad smile fighting its way onto his face 'I'm not sure, but I cannot wait to find out' I giggled as I reached across and held Justin's hand. 'Don't worry baby, we're finding out soon' Justin smiled as he lifted out hands up and kissed my knuckle.

That's right! Today is the day I have been oh so badly anticipating! WE'RE FINDING OUT THE GENDER OF THE BABY!! I'm so excited, I could barely sleep last night I was that eager.

I can't wait to find out, because then I can start decorating the baby room, buying clothes and furniture, everything that's needed, eepp!!


We arrived at the doctor's surgery at 10:15, the time we were supposed to have our appointment, but hey! Atleast we aren't late!

'Hey, err, we have an appointment with Dr Smith' Justin's hoarse voice spoke as he flung his arm over my shoulder 'ahh, of course' the receptionist smiled 'I've just let her know, so if you would like to take a seat just over there in our waiting area and she will be out in just a short moment for you' she smiled politely 'thank you' both me and Justin said at the same time, I smiled up at Justin as we walked over to the waiting area.

Not even a moment later Dr Smith came bouncing out of the doors 'good morning you two!' She smiled 'hello' I waved 'you want to come in?' She asked as we both nodded. Standing up Justin slipped his hand into mine as we followed Dr Smith into her private room.

'Just sit down over there' Dr Smith smiled as she gestured to the bed, laying down, Justin sat on the seat next to me as he always did when we had appointments and held my small hand in his large hands, kissing my knuckles occasionally.

'Right so, let's get started' Dr Smith clapped her hands as she rolled the bottom of my top up, exposing my stomach 'I have to say, I watched you announcing your pregnancy and it was incredibly cute I must admit' she giggled looking up and both me and Justin 'thanks' Justin chuckled.

Squeezing the cold jelly onto my belly I tensed but soon got used to it.

Staring at the screen intently, Justin squeezed my hand as the image of our baby appeared on the screen. Just the image was enough to bring me to tears every time 'aww baby' Justin laughed as he slipped the tears away using the base of his thumb. Dr Smith chuckled at us lightly before beginning to talk.

'So I am able to tell you the gender of your baby if you would like me to' she offered, I took a look at Justin, just for reassurance, nodding my head I took it as a yes so I turned my attention back to Dr Smith 'yes please' I bit my lip 'okay, well I will just print these pictures, and then I'll let you know, I'll be back in just one moment' she smiled before wiping the jelly off my stomach, standing up and walking out of the room.

'I'm so nervous' I giggled 'don't be nervous' Justin laughed 'why? Are you not?' I asked 'no I'm not nervous, just excited, this is such a big thing' he beamed 'I know' I bit my lip.

'Can we go shopping when we find out?' I asked innocently 'we can do anything you want' Justin murmured before pressing his lips to my cheek.

Only a few minutes later Dr Smith walked back in, holding the pictures in her hand and smiling from ear to ear.

'So have you had any guesses about what gender your baby is?' She asked clearly teasing us both as she held the documents close to our chests 'not a clue' I giggled.

'Well you, Mr and Mrs Bieber are having a little baby boy' she smiled handing over the pictures.

Gasping I felt a brand new set of tears form in my eyes 'a boy?' I checked 'a boy' she repeated, nodding her head 'oh my god' I squeaked turning to Justin 'we're having a boy!' I squealed happily 'I can't believe it' Justin shook his head, the smile never leaving his face.

'Thank you so much' I smiled to Dr Smith who smiled back and told me it was no problem 'so I will be seeing you next month?' She asked 'yes' I nodded my head 'hope you stay well' she smiled politely. As I said the same to her.

Walking over to the car, Justin suddenly spun around pushing me against the car and crashing his lips onto mine.

Taken back by his sudden boldness I soon pulled my thoughts together as I instinctively wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling his body closer to mine as my fingernails delve into his scalp.

Justin- unfortunately- pulled away put rested his forehead on mine 'I *kiss* am *kiss* so *kiss* happy *kiss*' Justin murmured, making me giggle 'so am I' I breathed out 'this is so perfect' I bit my lip 'it is and I am even more excited for this baby' he chuckled pecking my lips once more 'so am I' I giggled.

'Do you think we can go and see mum before we go shopping? Its just I promised I'd tell her as soon as we found out' Justin asked, blushing lightly 'of course! We can go and see my mum too' I smiled as Justin nodded 'we better get going then' Justin laughed.

Moving away from my body, Justin opened the car door for me, allowing me to climb in before shutting the door.

Running around to his side, he climbed in and turned to me one time, kissing my lips softly before turning on the engine, and heading off to Patties house.


'Justin? YN? What are you doing here?' Pattie asked shocked as she opened the door 'we have some news' Justin smiled 'oh, come in, come in' Pattie said inviting us into the living room.

'So what's this news?' Pattie asked eagerly 'we had another doctors appointment today' Justin smiled, Pattie's eyes widened as she let out a loud squeal 'did you find out the sex?!' She almost yelled 'yeah, we're having a boy' Justin smiled as Pattie screamed before grasping her hand over her mouth.

Scurrying over to us, Pattie took no time to pull us into a hug and kiss our foreheads 'I'm so happy for you, I'm going to be a nanny!' She laughed.

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