Chapter 142

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(One month later)

So since me and Justin had that argument, things have gone back to normal, there really is no pressure for us to have a baby, and I'm no as stressed out over work anymore.

Believe it or not but tomorrow is our one year wedding anniversary, time really has flown by, and if I'm being honest, not much has changed. But truth be told, I don't want it to, my life is perfect just the way it is.


I felt my body being lightly shaken causing me to stir and mumble a simple 'leave me alone' under my breathe as I kept my eyes shut tightly as I pulled the cover even further above my body and face. Hiding underneath the covers.

Hearing Justin's soft chuckle fill my ears as the blanket rustled and the bed slightly sunk down. Two strong arms snaked around my waist as Justin began nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck and placing soft kissed on my neck, smiling against the skin as I wrapped my arms around his torso, hugging him tightly.

'Why are you wearing clothes?' I mumbled, finally opened my eyes, confused as to why he was wearing a pair of shorts and a V-neck top with his chains, his hair perfectly spiked and placed- although I would expect anything else.

'and where are you going?' I asked pouting my lips as I wrapped my legs in his, trying to get him to stay. Justin placed his hands on my hips and brought his face away from my neck, his face inches away from mine as he smiled softly at me 'Scooter wants me in the studio' he smiled apologetically 'oh okay' I smiled softly 'I'm er- I'm going to see Mum today, I think we're going for lunch' I lied awkwardly 'okay' Justin said pushing the remainders of my messy bed hair behind my ear 'but once we've finished I might pop into the studio... If that's okay?' I checked 'of course' Justin beamed.

'But baby, I really need to go, so I'll see you later, text me when you're going to come to the studio' Justin said pushing the cover over his body 'okay, have a good day, I love you' I smiled innocently 'I love you too' Justin smiled cheekily as he leaned over and kissed first my forehead, then the tip of my nose, both my cheeks and then finally my lips 'bye' I waved as I bit my lip, watching Justin as he shot me a wink before walking out of the bedroom, closing the door quietly behind him.

Okay, so I feel really bad about lying and saying I was seeing my mum, but I just really didn't want to get his hopes up. But then again, it wasn't exactly a lie, I am seeing my mum today but not to go for lunch. I'm actually going to the doctors.

And the reason I'm going to the doctors is.... I might pregnant. I haven't told anyone, well apart from mum of course because she is coming to the appointment with me today.

See me and Justin have been having sex- obviously, how else would I get pregnant?- and I haven't had my period this month, I was due two weeks ago, so its not even that I'm just late.

I took a home pregnancy test and it came out as positive, my heart swelled when I read the positive word on the test. I was so excited, but I didn't tell Justin, I didn't want to get his hopes up, just in case it wasn't accurate, I didn't want him to get his hopes up just for them to be destroyed.

But either way, I was beyond excited, as soon as I read that the test was positive my whole heart jumped with joy and it made me realize just how much I wanted a baby, I hadn't realized it until now, but I wanted this baby more than anything in the world.

The fact that I might be carrying a little me or Justin inside of me right now is enough to bring me to tears.

Considering I could only be four months pregnant and the maximum, I hadn't started or experienced any morning sickness yet, so Justin wasn't in any way suspicious.

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