Chapter 166

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Of course I was nervous, I couldn't be anything but nervous! Stupid I know, but hey, I was currently sitting at my mum's house, anxiously waiting as I clutched the glass of water firmly in my grasp, waiting for anything from Justin, any sign, a text, a call, ANYTHING!

But yet, nothing was happening; it was the only thing that I could think about, within the next few.... However long0 I had no clue- I would know whether or not I was going to have to say goodbye to Justin for months on end, and I was stressing out!

I know I said to Justin that I did want Justin to go because I didn't want him to, I regretted saying that, I'm such an idiot, oh, for god's sake! Why do I have to be such a nice person and say that I was more than happy for him to go?! WHY?!

I'm not happy, I never will be unless he is with me, call me a selfish so-and-so I don't even care, I just want my husband to be with me and my soon to be born son, is that such a crime? No? didn't think so.

But either way, I had a gut feeling about this, and it wasn't a good feeling, I had those nervous butterflies in my stomach telling me that he was going to go, so I was trying to prepare myself for that news, just so I could hold in the tears for when he wasn't around, because I knew for a fact that if I cried in front of him he wouldn't leave me.

This boy is too fucking amazing.

'Sweetie, what's wrong? And so not even try to tell me that it is nothing because I know you too well' My mother told me as she perched on the red armchair beside me, her eyes burning holes into my skin, she knew something wasn't right, mothers instinct I guess.

When I didn't reply, she began talking again, guessing as to what went wrong 'did you have an argument with Justin?' she asked calmly 'no' I said shaking my head 'then what is it? Because I love you and everything, but you don't come and see me an awful lot, and it is starting to scare me, you have barely said a word since you have got here' my mum sighed as she crossed her legs over each other.

'it's just that... Justin might have to go back on tour, he is over at ours now, talking to Scooter and I guess I am just worried that he'll have to go, and i-I don't want him to, because I'm selfish and he can't leave me, not now, especially now I am going to give birth soon, and he said he doesn't want to go, b-but I just can't help but feel guilty for this, because he is still so young and he should want to tour but he isn't, because we're married a-and I'm pregnant' I sniffed as I felt the tears prick the back of my eyes once again, but I desperately didn't want to cry, I was stronger than that.

Oh who was I kidding? I wasn't strong at all, I was an emotional wreck, damn hormones.

'oh baby girl' mum cooed as she shot up from her chair and practically sprinted to my side, sitting down next to me and pulling me into her chest, clearly seeing my tears in my eyes. Pulling me into her chest, she gently rocked us back and forth soothing my hair out, only making me cry even more.

'right, now you look at me' she demanded, sucking in a breath I looked up at her, my bottom lip trembling 'you listen to what I am going to say now, okay?' she asked, raising both of her eyebrows and cupping my cheeks in her hands, forcing me to look at her.

'That boy, YN, he loves you with every fibre in his being and everyone and anyone could see that! Why do you think he was so desperate to marry you, and why do you think he was so eager to do it? Because he was worried, worried that you'd leave him. It doesn't take a fool to see the look on his face light up the moment you walk in the room, he told me he wanted to be a dad for so long, and I know for a fact that, he, Justin, would do anything for you, absolutely anything, you name it and he would do it. So don't you go thinking that this is all your fault, because it isn't. of course, Justin is a married man now and he is starting a family, and it is only normal for him to put you first, and so he should! But I doubt he wants to go, YN, don't you remember when he went on tour last time and you weren't with him? The look on his face seemed as if he was going to break down at any moment. He needs you just as much as you need him, now don't forget that and wipe those tears away' she told me sternly, but I was stunned, how did she know all of that and I didn't.

'he really looks at me like that? You really think I mean that much to him?' I sobbed quietly 'of course he does, gosh YN, are you blind?!' she giggled 'no' I shook my head 'good, now what have I said, wipe those tears away, while I go and get the door' she smiled, kissing my forehead before standing up to answer the door.

I didn't even hear the doorbell ring, I guess I was probably too busy gushing over what my mum had just told me to think or hear the door bell ring.

I could only hear slight low mumbles between my mum and whoever was at the door before the door shut behind them and silence was brought upon us once again.

Hearing the footsteps approach me, I looked up at the door, happily surprised to see the figure of MY tall, handsome husband walk through the door.

'Justin?' I asked as I stood up and walked over to him 'hey baby, now your mum tells me you were crying? Why?' he asked me, furrowing his eyebrows at me, concern smothered his face.

'nothing, I promise' I shook my head as I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled my body into his, taking in a scent on his godly smell, making it last- just in case he was going to let go and leave me.

'hey baby, there is no need to hold onto me so tight, I'm not going anywhere, just like I promised' Justin whispered into my hair making me snap my attention to look at him, wide eyed.

'you're not?' I asked, fighting back a smile 'no, just like I said, and surprisingly, Scooter understand' Justin smiled down at me 'yay' I smiled as I went on my tippy toes to kiss his lips.

'right now we better go, I'm taking you out for lunch' Justin smiled, his hands roaming down to my bum and giving it a quick squeeze 'but I don't look nice enough to go out' I whined, looking down at my outfit:

'YN' he groaned 'how many times do I have to tell you? You're beautiful, you'd be beautiful if you were wearing a plastic bag' he told me sternly 'okay, I'm sorry' I smiled up at him, keeping my arms around his wasit, I didn't want to leave right now, I was happy standing with him, in this spot.

'nothing to be sorry for baby, you know that, it's just that I hate knowing you don't understand how beautiful you are, because you' he said resting his forehead on mine 'are the most beautiful creation in this whole entire world, and I mean that' he sighed small against my lips, his minty breath making goose bumps rise to the surface of my skin.

I couldn't help but blush and look down making Justin chuckle hoarsely into my ear and peck the top of my head.

'hey Justin' I said, looking up at him 'hey YN' Justin mocked me, smiling from ear to ear 'before we go, can you be honest with me, if we weren't married, would you want to go on tour?' I asked quietly.

'right, sit down' Justin sighed, shaking his head as he sat down on the couch, pulling me down with him lightly, placing me on his lap. 'of we weren't married but still together, no I wouldn't want to go, my feelings grow for you more and more each day and I don't understand how' he sighed 'so even if we weren't married, it still would be ridiculously hard to leave you and I never want to have to again, and I'm going to do whatever I can to not leave you again, you got it?' he asked me

'yeah, I'm sorry' I mumbled 'once again, you don't need to be sorry' he laughed 'I want you to be able to tell me when you don't feel comfortable or you're worried about something' he said resing his forehead to my shoulder.

'I love you' I smiled at him softly as he brought his head up from my shoulder and rested his chin there, smiling wide at me 'and I love you too' he mumbled pouting his lips waiting for a kiss, which I didn't hesitate to give.

'right, let's go to lunch' Justin patted my thigh.

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