Chapter 121

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As soon as we walked out of our gate, the security guards directed us over to where we would collect our bags. Both me and Justin kept our heads low to stop anyone seeing us. Justin once again slipped his hand into my back pocket, pulling me even closer than before.

'Mmm, glad to be back home' Justin breathed in the canadian air. Although Justin no longer lives in stratford, he always calls stratford his home, which I guess it will always be home to him, and although I haven't been to stratford many times, it just feels so homely.

'I love Canada' I smiled, resting my head on his shoulder as we stood waiting for our bags to come round 'yeah, maybe we could buy a house up here when we're older, ya know just so when we have kids and visit we can have our own house not bombard grandpa and grandma' he suggested in my ear, softly pressing his lips to my cheek.

'Sounds good' I agreed giggling as I thought about our future together. although I wouldn't mind living in Canada, although things would be though. Being away from mum, Josh, Millie, and both mine and Justin's career wouldn't be as strong in Canada.

As our bags rolled around, we all dragged them to the entrance as two cars pulled up. The security opened the doors for us and helped us put our bags into the boot of the cars. Me and Justin would go in one, then mum, millie and Josh in the other one.

Justin opened the door for me as he always does and let me in first before slipping in after me, closing the door 'I can't wait to see Jaz and Jax' Justin smiled next to me 'neither' I giggled ' and I can't wait to see them playing with Millie' I smiled 'yeah' he laughed.

Slipping his arm over my shoulder Justin shuffled over to me 'you know, we're getting married in just over a year' I beamed up at Justin 'I know!' He chuckled 'and I can't wait' he murmured, pressing his forehead against mine, smiling wide. Pressing his lips to mine.


'Mr Bieber, we have arrived' the driver said, opening the door. Both of us thanked him and climbed out, grabbing our bags from the boot of the car.

'Let me take it' Justin said, holding out his hands waiting for me to give my bags to him to carry 'Justin' I giggled at him being such a gentlemen 'I can carry it' I protested 'buy.. I want to' Justin smiled sweetly at me, taking the back right out of my hands before I even had time to consider to protest.

We walked up to the front door of Justin's grandparents' house as the others pulled up and climbed out, Justin took my hand in his, interlocking our fingers together as I knocked lightly on the door, waiting for the front door to open...

'Justin! YN!' Diane beamed as she opened the door, pulling us both into a hug 'hi grandma' Justin smiled, kissing her cheek 'hey Diane!' I smiled wide as Josh and Mum walked over to us.

Diane invited us in as she greeted my mum and Josh, scooping up Millie and kissing herm smitten by the little new baby of our family.

'how was your trip?' Diane asked as she let us drop our bags down as she guided us through to the living room 'it was good thank you' I smiled politely 'where's grandpa?' Justin asked, sitting down on the couch and pulling me down with him so I was sat on his lap 'oh he has just gone out to the shops should be back any minute' she smiled as she carried on conversation with my mum and work and other things that didn't interest me.

'so how are you bro?' Justin asked Josh who was glued to his phone 'alright' he shrugged not taking his eyes off of his phone 'Josh!' I scowled 'don't be rude' I muttered ashamed 'I'm not!' he protested 'yes you are, get off your phone' I shot back, un sure of where his rudeness appeared from.

'baby, just leave him, it's alright' Justin told me, snaking his arms around my waist and kissing my jaw, sighing in defeat I shook my head.

'who knows he might have a girlfriend, that's what I was like with you' Justin chuckled lightly in my ear. My eyes widened, how could I not see it?! Of course he has a girlfriend; the signs are so obvious now. He is constantly on his phone, smiling when he reads texts, but forever grumpy when he doesn't have his phone; because he can't talk to her... AWWW!

'I hope she's nice' I bit my lip, staring at Josh, my little brother is not so little anymore, so grown up. 'I'm sure she is' Justin told me.

'Justin!' we heard the husky strong Canadian accent that belongs to Justin's grandpa boom as he jogged into the living room. I jumped up from Justin's lap allowing him to say his hello's

'YN!' Bruce beamed, pulling straight into a hug 'it's been too long, how ya' been?' he asked 'I've been good thanks! How about you?' I smiled politely 'oh I've been good' he chuckle. Bruce said hello to mum and Josh before tickling Millie making her squeak and clap her hands together.

She's only young, so she still can't speak but it is adorable when she screams and giggles, clapping her hands.

After a few hours of chatting and catching up with Diane and Bruce, me and Justin decided to go and see Jeremy and the kids whilst the others stayed. We planned on taking Millie but it seemed as if the flying took a toll on her because she's fast asleep, bless.

'we'll see you soon, shouldn't be too long' Justin yelled as we both walked out of the house after hearing a jumble of responses such as 'okay'. Walking down the drive path, Justin swung his arm over my shoulder as we continued to walk.

'it's so peaceful here' I sighed, loving the fact we hardly got bothered here, there was barely any paparazzi and even when there were they always knew how far to go and not to push to many buttons and respect our boundaries.

The fans were pretty calm here as well, they didn't scream and run over to Justin and attack him, although I did find it quite funny and I loved to see Justin with his fans, it was nice to have a break from everything.

We decided to walk to Jeremy and Erin's house because it wasn't far and it was nice to just walk around take everything in.

Jeremy, Erin, Jazzy and Jaxon didn't know we were coming, we thought it would be nice to surprise them all. I know how much the kids miss Justin and its always amazing to see the smile on there faces when they see him.


Ringing the door bell, we both waited for either Jeremy or Erin to open the door.

The door opened to reveal a shocked Jeremy. Immediately he pulled us into a tight hug, but Justin pulled away placing a finger on his lips, indicating for him to stay quiet. Jeremy nodded in agreement as Justin once again took my hand in his dragging me to the living room where Jazzy and Jaxon were sat watching TV.

Justin snuck up behind Jazzy and started to tickle her as she screeched in both surprise and laughter as she turned around to see Justin 'BIEBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' she yelled at the top of her lungs jumping up and down, smiling as if she had just won an Olympic medal.

The noise caused Jaxon to turn to look at us, a smile beaming on his face as she saw him 'J-Justin!' he giggled running over to Justin, jumping up and down like Jazzy 'hey you two' Justin laughed picking them, kissing them both before putting them back on the floor.

'YN!' they both then yelled running over to me as I hugged them both.

'how have you two been?' Justin asked sitting on the couch with me as both the kids sat down with us 'good! Bieber guess what?!' Jazzy said excited 'what?' Justin asked 'a boy said he loved me!' she squeaked making me 'awww' but Justin had a different reaction 'Jazzy! You're too young for boys! They have cooties!' he told her sternly 'no' she shook her head 'this one doesn't' she protested

'jax! You need to warn off any boys for me, yeah?' Justin asked jaxon who was sitting there cluelessly 'I'm not having no one break my little girls heart' he said sternly.

'Justin! stop being such a bore!' I giggled 'what's his name Jaz?' I asked 'Tom' she blushed 'he's in my class and asked me to play with him at play time' she giggled 'awww! Do you like him too?' I asked her, picking her up and sitting her down on my lap, she nodded and smiled 'Jazzy' Justin said sternly as he stopped playing with Jaxon who was sat on is lap 'this boy has cooties! And you're not allowed a boyfriend, me, daddy and Jaxon are the only boys you're allowed to talk to!' Justin warned earning a pout from Jazzy.

All I know is that this week is going to be amazing.

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