Chapter 108

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'What the fuck is going on!?!'

My head snapped up into the direction of the front door as I saw Justin staring at Fredo, his eyes shooting bullets through his chest, his jaw was clenched tight defining his jaw, his fists balled tightly as his eyes continued to lock on Fredo's searching for an answer as to what the fuck just happened, truth was I was dying to know the answer as well. I could feel the tears brimming my eyes, I didn't know if Justin thought I was cheating on him, or whether he knew the truth or not. 

Justin marched into the kitchen, grabbed Fredo's neck tight and slammed him against the wall before grabbing my arm tight and pulling me behind him as if to protect me 'what the fuck do you think you're doing!?' He growled pushing Fredo back into the wall harder. Justin's taller than Fredo and seemed intimidating but Fredo showed no sign of fear, nothing, he just stood there 'ask her' Fredo said shooting daggers into Justin 'don't you dare blame her' he spat 'I was here to watch it, but you were to eager to hit on MY fiance to notice' he continued keeping a tight hold on Fredo's neck. Fredo scoffed as if to say Justin was wrong and that it was me. I was scared to say the least, never have I ever seen Justin so angry, the way his face was urging red and his eyes were wide as he never broke his gaze from Alfredo. 

'TELL ME WHY THE FUCK YOU TRIED TO KISS MY FUCKING FIANCE?!' Justin yelled at the top of his lungs his face dangerously close to Fredo's 'BECAUSE I LOVE HER!' Fredo yelled back making everyone and everything in the room stop. Fredo loves me? Since when? Why? He's like my older brother? What the fuck?! 'You fucking love my fiance?' Justin gritted through his teeth in dis-belief, Fredo nodded his head almost proud 'I suggest you fucking stop' Justin spat viciously pushing Fredo further into the wall, before letting him go, Justin stepped away, keeping me shielded behind him as if Fredo was a threat or held some form of danger within him. But what I cannot get over is Fredo loves me?! So every time we hung out on tour and joked around, he loved me?! 'WHY SHOULD I STOP LOVING HER?! YOU DONT TREAT HER RIGHT!!!' Fredo yelled, sudden anger exploding within as he shoved Justin's chest in attempt to make him stumble, but Justin didn't flinch, he stayed still like a rock 'YOU DON'T DESERVE HER, YOU'LL FUCK HER OVER LIKE YOU DO WITH EVERYONE' Fredo yelled at the top of his lungs.

Justin stayed quiet, not knowing how to respond to Fredo 'if I don't treat her right, then why the fuck is she marrying me?' He asked sarcastically as if to rub in the fact that he has me and Fredo doesn't, he was talking about me as if I was some possession of his, keeping me behind his back. 'I don't know, probably because she's blinded by everything, she doesn't know what love is' Fredo gritted stepping closer to Justin 'and she'd love you?' Justin raised an eyebrow at Fredo, stepping closer, challenging him 'I'd treat her right, so yeah' he shrugged 'get the fuck out of my face' Justin said sternly 'why?' Alfredo questioned. Justin shook his head, clenching his fists tighter than before, squeezing his eyes shut as if to believe that everything that was happening was just a stupid dream. 

'YN, why are you with him?' Fredo questioned his gaze turning to me not giving Justin time to answer or move before he stepped closer to me, immediately I stepped away and stuck to Justin's side. 'why? He doesn't treat you right? He doesn't give you everything you need like I could? HE'S NO GOOD FOR YOU' He asked, yelling the last part, searching for eye contact that I was not going to give him. Fredo's like my older brother just the thought of having this conversation was wrong 'because I love him' I spoke up loud and clear 'he treats me right, he treats me better than right' I said anger raging within me, how dare he say Justin doesn't treat me right, how dare he say Justin's no good for me.

'Get out' Justin gritted, Fredo stayed still 'GET OUT' Justin screeched pushing Fredo's chest hard making him stumble back 'I was stupid to even consider you as a friend, and you repay me by trying to fuck my fiance!?' He said anger bubbling inside him once again. Justin raised his fist as if to punch Fredo. But I quickly grabbed his hand 'Justin' I said quietly 'stop' I murmured 'don't, please' I begged. Reluctantly Justin un clenched his fist and grabbed my hand in his, squeezing my hand quickly as if to say okay 'Fredo, just go' I shook my head lightly looking away from him, Fredo shot me a look of pain, but I didn't feel remorse, I don't love him, I could never love Fredo, I love Justin. Fredo sighed before walking away, slamming the front door closed as he left.

As soon as the door was safely shut, I let out a breathe that I was unaware I was holding in. Slumping my shoulders I was more thanking God that all of that was over... Whatever 'that' was, my mind was fucked. I was confused... FREDO LOVED ME?! That's something I will never get my head around. I turned to Justin to see he was already staring at me, I forced a weak smile at him, only for in return he rolled his eyes, slumped his shoulders and dragged his feet across the floor without a single word, I know he's angry but he doesn't need to take it out on me. 

Groaning loudly I ran my fingers through my hair frustrated before following Justin's footsteps. I opened the living room door which had previously been slammed shut by Justin. I opened the door hastily as I stepped in, I sat down on the couch next to him, his eyes stared at the TV, which was on some news channel exploiting everything about ever celebrity they could.

'Justin' I murmured resting my hand on his thigh trying to get his attention 'don't' he snapped 'then look at me' I snapped back 'look, I get that you're pissed off but you don't need to take it out on me' I resorted, standing up to leave the room 'I have every right to be pissed off' he said standing up, his voice increasing 'I never said you didn't' I shrugged shifting my weight onto my right foot 'don't give me attitude' he said clenching his jaw 'don't give me attitude then!' I snapped back aggressively 'I'm not' he scoffed 'then why are you acting like a dick!?' I exclaimed 'WHY ARE YOU BEING A BITCH?! I STUCK UP FOR YOU AND THIS IS WHAT I GET?!' He yelled 'I DIDNT ASK FOR YOU TO STICK UP FOR ME' I screeched 'so you expect me to sit there and watch some dick be all over MY FIANCE' he scoffed 'don't know' I shrugged 'you'd probably like it' he shot back 'what the fuck is that supposed to mean?' I said getting more angry with him 'do you know what? I don't even want to know, fuck you Justin' I shook my head before walking away making sure to slam every door I passed until I reached the bedroom, walking in I slammed the door shut louder than any of the others I locked it to make sure Justin couldn't get in. 

Walking to the en suite I slammed the door shut, making sure Justin heard it. Locking it behind me as well before running a nice hot bath, hoping that it would relax me in some way, I sat down on the floor leaning against the door, closing my eyes I sighed, no matter how perfect things are, they never stay that way for long, my life is never perfect. Why can't everything be good in my life? Why does nobody want me to be happy? Do I not deserve to be happy? I slipped off my clothes and wiped away my make up, hoping to wipe away the events of today as well.

Slipping into the hot water I sighed, relaxing my body, onto to hear banging on the bedroom door 'YN?' 'Baby?' I heard Justin call through the doors, I just ignored it, shutting my eyes and leaned my head back taking in a deep breathe before letting it out once again, the knocking on the door continued as Justin carried on calling my name 'YN please open the door' he begged 'I'm in the bath' I yelled back more aggressively than I planned 'can I come in? I just want to talk' he begged once again 'no' I spat 'I don't really want to talk to you right now' I sighed 'please, you know I hate fighting with you' he told me 'shouldn't have been a dick then' I muttered to myself, not bothering to reply to him.

Stepping out of the bath, I wrapped the towel around my body and unlocked the bathroom door stepping out. I slipped on some underwear before dropping the towel and then slipping on a pair of sweats and a strappy vest top. I walked over to the door, unlocking it and opening it, only for Justin -who was leaning against it- to fall on the floor... Let's get this over with.

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