Chapter 144

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'So Justin, my surprise...' I trailed off nervously as I kept my gaze locked on the floor, nervous to say the truth and hear what Justin has to say. I didn't know what or how I was going to explain to him that I was pregnant but I knew that I had to, I wanted to tell him. I was going to tell him.

'Oh wait, before you carry on- and I forget- do you want some red wine? I brought some with me because I thought it would be all romantic like it is in those girly films' Justin laughed and shook his head lightly clearly not sensing the urgency to tell him my 'surprise' as he dug his hand into the small brown picnic basket and pulled out two small wine glasses and a bottle of wine.

'So, you want some?' Justin asked me referring to the wine 'oh, no thanks, I cant' I shook my head and laughed nervously 'oh. Why?' Justin asked completely clueless to the fact that I am pregnant and therefore cannot drink alcohol. 'If you let me carry on with my surprise then you'll know' I mumbled, interlocking my hands together, playing with my thumbs nervously, avoiding eye contact with him.

'You okay baby? You seem nervous, what's wrong?' Justin's voice dripped with concern as he snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me onto his lap so I was facing him 'I'm fine honestly' I sent him a weak but reassuring smile 'I just hope you like this surprise' I mumbled as I placed my hands on his shoulders 'I'll love it no matter what it is baby' Justin promised as he pecked my lips softly.

'So what is it?' Justin asked eagerly, his head spinning around as if he was looking for the surprise to appear from somewhere in the distance, but little did he know the surprise was right in front of him, literally. 'I'll need to explain a little bit, so bare with me' I smiled small 'okay...' Justin trailed off, clearly confused.

'So you know yesterday when I said I was going to go for lunch with my mum yesterday?' I asked him 'yeah?' Justin asked, now completely and utterly confused 'well I didn't go for lunch... Or for coffee for that matter' I mumbled 'what? Where did you go?' Justin panicked as if he was worried I had cheated on him 'me and mum actually went to the doctors' I sighed looking into his creamy brown orbs 'is everything okay? What's wrong?' Justin asked, his grip on my waist tightening in a protective manner 'everything is fine, more than fine... Perfect in fact' i promised him 'then why did you go to the doctors?' Justin asked clueless 'because I wanted to get something checked out' I told him 'get what checked out? YN you're really confusing me here' Justin told me 'I know but I'm getting there don't worry' I giggled as I ran my fingers through the back of his scalp.'And well, I got some news yesterday' I smiled at him 'what news?' He asked, cocking his head to the side cutely.

'I'm pregnant Justin' I bit my lip as I eagerly waited for a reaction.

Looking up at him to meet his gaze as he stared at me with a completely unreadable expression on his face, no, no, no, no, no, this can't be good, he doesn't want this baby, but what can I do, there is no way I'm giving this baby away, or aborting it, never, those aren't even options.

But suddenly I felt a warm hand come into contact with my stomach causing me to drag myself away from my thoughts as I looked up at Justin, who still had an unreadable expression on his face but this time he locked eyes with me, and licked his lips before he began to speak.

'You're pregnant?' He whispered 'yeah' I nodded as his hand rubbed my still flat and toned stomach threw the floaty material of my dress 'and the baby's mine?' He checked 'of course it is, who else's?' I giggled as he looked up at me before a massive smile broke out onto his face. I mentally let out a sigh of relief knowing he was happy.

'you're pregnant' he repeated as he beamed 'you're finally pregnant' he beamed 'I can't believe it' he shook his head 'this is the best surprise ever, I'm going to be a dad!' He exclaimed before looking at me 'I'm so happy, thank you... So much' he whispered, resting his forehead against mine 'you have nothing to thank me for, you helped create he/she as well you know' I giggled 'I know but I just can't believe it, I'm going to be a daddy' he chuckled.

Now placing both of his hands on my stomach he pressed his lips firmly to mine before pulling away smiling so wide you couldn't explain 'I love you so so much' he sighed happily 'I love you too, so so much' I giggled 'and I love you to little baby' Justin laughed as he rubbed my stomach making my heart melt.

'How far along are you?' Justin asked me 'only three weeks' I smiled 'so the little mini us hasn't started growing properly yet' I giggled 'this is so surreal, there is a mini you and me in there' Justin laughed as he placed his forehead against mine 'you make me so happy I can't even begin to explain' Justin smiled 'and you make me so happy' I smiled.

'So was that a good surprise?' I asked him 'the best!' He exclaimed 'I'm glad, can you believe it? we're having a baby' I squeaked excitedly 'I can't believe it, it feels like I've been waiting so long' he sighed as he rested his head in the crook of my neck, kissing just below my ear lobe 'but it was more than worth the wait, because I'm so happy to have a family, I knew it' Justin continued to smile.

'This is one of the best days of my life you know' Justin admitted 'really? What has been the best day of your life?' I asked him as I ran my fingers through his hair, one of Justin's hands on my hips as the other remained on my stomach 'when we got married' Justin admitted 'really? Even over playing madison Square Gardens?' I asked him, genuinely shocked 'by far' Justin shrugged 'don't get me wrong playing MSG is one of my biggest highlights, but marrying you, I can't describe how good it feels knowing that you're my wife and that we're together... Forever' he smiled shyly 'you're so perfect you know' I sighed 'you're pretty perfect yourself' Justin wiggled his eyebrows making me laugh and kiss the tip of his nose as he then scrunched up his nose cutely.

'We better head home, its getting late' Justin smiled as he motioned to around us where it indeed was almost pitch black, we had basically forgotten about the time. 'Okay' I smiled as I climbed off Justin's lap and stood up 'let's go baby mamma' Justin smirked as he kissed my cheek as I giggled 'okay baby dadda' I winked back at him as he wrapped an arm securely round my waist and guided me to the car.


'Here we are' Justin smiled as he pulled into the driveway of our house 'thank you for today Justin' I smiled as I leaned across and kissed his cheek 'you are more than welcome baby' Justin smiled cheekily at me before jumping out of the car and running over to my side and opening the door for me. But before I had time to begin to slid out of the car, Justin had already picked me up bridal style and had began to walk into the house.

'What are you doing?!' I giggled as Justin pushed the front door shut with his foot and began walking up the stairs 'I'm carrying my wife' he shrugged as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Placing me down on the bed lightly Justin crawled over me so he was hovering above me 'do you want anything?' He murmured smiling softly down at me 'no, I'm good, thanks though' I giggled as I slipped my hands around his back 'okay, so how about you go get changed and ready for bed, I'll get some food and we'll watch a film?' Justin smiled 'mmm, yeah okay, thank you' I smiled at him 'you're more than welcome baby' he smiled as he crawled off of me.

'Wait!' I stopped him short as I grabbed hold of his shirt and pulled his lips to mine, crashing them together as I pulled away beaming at him 'I love you' I squeaked 'I love you too baby' Justin smiled as he kissed my lips once more before climbing off the bed and wondering out of the room.

Climbing off the bed, I quickly slipped off my dress and threw it into the hamper before slipping on one of Justin's t-shirts that had just been thrown on the floor before I crawled back over to the bed and slipping underneath the covers.

'I er- didn't know what you'd like so I got loads' Justin smiled innocently as he looked down to his arms filled with popcorn, sweets, ice cream, sour patch kids, everything sweet to be honest.

'You're the best, thank you' I smiled as he placed them on the bed before taking off his clothes, leaving him in nothing but his boxers as he climbed under the covers and immediately pulled me into his side, kissing my temple.

'You can pick the film considering you have done nothing but spoil me today' I smiled, looking up at Justin. 'Mmmm' he thought for a moment 'step brothers' he grinned 'okay' I laughed as he pressed a load of buttons making the film play.

All I will say is... My life is perfect.

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