Chapter 81

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After watching Justin’s dress rehearsal and pissing about with Fredo we were told by Scooter that people would be coming in soon so we should go and wait backstage unless we wanted to get trampled on by thousands of people, which to be honest would not have been too good. I have been waiting forever to go and see him and just tell him how amazing everything looks, I’m proud of Justin. Watching Justin rehearse was amazing, he is so talented but whenever he looked over at me he would roll his eyes and look the other way which made me confused because I haven’t don’t anything wrong… well at least I don’t think I have done anything wrong? He would often mess up dance steps –something that he never does- I knew something was up with him but I had no idea what was up with him I mean he was fine before he started rehearsals, I don’t know maybe he is just tired or something. ‘Better run along, Justin will be waiting to probably have sex with you right then and there’ Fredo said smirking beside me and holding back his laughter ‘FUCK OFF!’ I yelled in embarrassment as I covered my blushing face, this has been happening basically all day, he has been either complaining about how lonely he is and how much his life sucks or… how me and Justin are constantly fucking –which we are not- and then he went all girl mode on me and started screeching saying ‘oh my gosh, you guys are going to be together forever whoooo’ never have I laughed so much in my whole life, I was laughing so much that I was convinced I might actually of wet myself in that moment, but I didn’t so it is all good! ‘at least I have someone who loves me!’ I smirked back at him before standing up and beginning to walk away ‘THAT HURT YN’ Fredo yelled making me turn to him ‘THAT HURT RIGHT HERE’ he yelled playfully as he pointed to his heart making me once again laugh at how ridiculous he was being, I can see why him and Justin are such close friends, he can always put a smile on your face no matter what mood you’re in, I shook my head at him as I laughed once more before walking away to Justin’s dressing room.

I knocked lightly on Justin’s dressing room door before walking in smiling wide as I saw him slouched back on the couch shirtless with his sweats sagging low, he was breathing heavily and had several sweat beads dripping down his face, so mother fucking sexy. ‘Hey good looking’ I said as I winked at him, giggling, as I walked in and sat on the other side of the couch to him, Justin scoffed at my remark and rolled his eyes at me, once again ‘are you alright?’ I asked furrowing my eyebrows ‘never better’ he said sarcastically, he knows how much it pisses me off when he does that so he is clearly doing it on purpose, I rolled my eyes at him and clenched his jaw getting pissed off with him being pissed off at me for NO reason ‘clearly something isn’t right though’ I said trying to remain calm ‘I have no reason to be angry so why would I be?’ he said anger dripping off of his voice ‘okay so when you’re ready to tell me what is okay, you can, so have a good show’ I told him giving him a sarcastic smile before standing up and beginning to walk out of the room and gaining a sigh from Justin ‘break a leg’ I growled and walked out the door, slamming it behind me, if he is going to be a dick for no reason, then I’m going to be a bitch, simple as. Funny how my mood was so happy and smiley what… thirty seconds ago and now I’m pissed off. Does he not know that whatever he does or say effects my mood so much? I stomped down the corridor until I bumped into someone ‘sorry’ I muttered looking down at the ground ‘what’s up?’ they said, I looked up and saw Fredo furrowing his eyes brows at me ‘Justin’ I sighed ‘want to talk about it?’ he asked sounding like a girl, I just nodded and slid down the wall behind me as Fredo did the same ‘he’s being a complete dick for no reason’ I sighed ‘do you want me to talk to him?’ Fredo asked ‘no you don’t have to’ I said shaking my head ‘no I will’ he said quickly jumping up and jogging over to Justin’s dressing room.


I immediately jumped up as soon as YN slammed the door to follow her –as if by instinct- and opened the door and followed behind her, but I soon stopped when I saw her bump into Fredo and at that point I could take it anymore I didn’t want to watch this and I knew I didn’t have to. so I turned on my heels and stomped back onto my dressing room and slammed my door shut hoping they would hear it and stop talking because even them talking pissed me off. I slouched back down and shut my eyes hoping everything that was happening was only some fucked up dream but moments later my door knocked, I stood up and pulled the door open only to see Fredo standing there, I clenched my jaw just by looking at him, I knew exactly what he was doing, I knew he was trying to fuck my girlfriend, I’m a guy I know how they think. ‘What?’ I growled ‘what’s up bro?’ he asked furrowing his eyebrows and walking into the room, shutting the door behind him ‘like you don’t know’ I scoffed ‘okay you’ve lost me’ Fredo replied ‘YOU’ I yelled viciously ‘what about me?’ he said acting dumb ‘YOU’RE ALL OVER MY GIRLFRIEND’ I shouted walking up to him and pushing his chest causing him to stumble backwards ‘you’ve lost it’ Fredo said shaking his head ‘I get that you’re lonely or whatever but you don’t try and fuck my girlfriend got it?’ I gritted through my teeth, as I walked up to him so we were chest to chest as I looked straight at him, with anger written all over my face ‘I’M NOT TRYING TO FUCK YOUR GIRLFRIEND’ he screamed at me now pushing my chest ‘JUST ADMIT IT’ I yelled pushing his chest back, harder this time making him stumble back a little ‘when did you become such a dick?’ Fredo spat ‘SINCE YOU TRIED TO FUCK MY GIRL’ I yelled ‘I’M NOT FUCKING YOUR GIRL BRO’ he yelled back at me ‘LOOKED LIKE IT WHEN YOU WERE ALL COZY IN FRONT OF ME’ I said pushing his chest once more ‘I’M YOUR FRIEND BRO, HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU SAY THAT?!’ he screamed, never have I even seen Fredo angry so to have him screaming at me was… different but I wasn’t fazed by it ‘BECAUSE I HAVE FUCKING EYES’ I gritted through my teeth once again. Fredo let a laugh escape his lips only making me angrier ‘what’s so funny?’ I spat ‘you’ he said looking at me ‘you have trust issues bro’ he said patting my chest ‘I’M NOT YOUR BRO’ I yelled only getting angrier and angrier with every word he spoke ‘WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT ME TO DO? NOT SPEAK TO HER BECAUSE YOU SAID SO, I’M HER FRIEND. DO YOU EXPECT HER TO SIT ALONE WHEN YOUR WORKING, THINK ABOUT IT’ he said as he finally lost it and exploded with anger ‘just leave her the fuck alone and we won’t have a problem’ I warned him stepping closer into him, intimidating him.

‘Stop’ I heard a female voice from behind me making both me and Fredo turn out attention there only to see YN looking pissed off ‘what the fuck are you doing?’ she spat at me ‘me?’ I asked in pure dis-belief ‘yes you’ she spat walking up to me ‘can I talk to him alone?’ she asked Fredo nicely which only made me want to punch him even more ‘sure’ he muttered walking out, slamming the door behind him ‘WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?’ she screamed, whoa don’t hold back ‘WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING?!’ I screamed back at her ‘YES!?’ ‘I haven’t done anything wrong’ I said in defence ‘you have got to be kidding me’ she muttered under her breathe ‘I can’t believe you got jealous over Fredo’ she scoffed ‘you really are ridiculous’ she said raising her voice at me ‘I’m not jealous’ I spat back to her ‘STOP BEING A PRICK’ she yelled taking me off guard and then sighed ‘I’m not fighting with you here’ she began ‘so when you’ve grown up and decided you are in the wrong you can fucking apologise, but until then, I’ll see you later’ she said glaring at me, turning on her heels and stomping away not giving me any time to reply. If she thinks I am going to apologise she has another thing coming, I didn’t nothing wrong and therefore I will not be apologising. 


I understand that Justin gets jealous but this time he has taken it too far and I am raging, its Fredo his BEST FRIEND how can he even accuse either of us ‘fucking each other’. I guessed that Justin didn’t realise I could hear both him and Fredo screaming at each other, and It is ridiculous that Justin would even think I would flirt with Fredo, he is like my brother just the thought of it makes me cringe. I was so angry with Justin and I had every right to be, Justin didn’t trust me, after everything we had been through, he still didn’t trust me, he thought I would actually cheat on him but what makes it even worse is that he thought I was cheating on him with Fredo. I stomped out of his dressing room, ignoring Justin calling me back and him clearly running after me, I picked up my pace until Scooter stopped me ‘Justin?!’ he yelled staring at him wide eyes ‘GET CHANGED YOU’RE ON IN LIKE TEN MINUTES!!’ Scooter screeched, I guess with all of the arguing none of us realised the time, I heard Justin groan before his footsteps began to get quieter and quieter until I heard a door slam so I knew that he was back in his dressing room, I slumped my shoulders and turned back to Scooter ‘you coming out to watch?’ he asked clearly oblivious to everything that had gone on ‘err’ I began ‘i-I’m not feeling to good but I’m just going to watch a film on the bus’ I muttered ‘Justin being a brat?’ Scooter guessed obviously not buying my evident lie, I sighed and nodded ‘do you want me to talk to him?’ he asked in a fatherly tone ‘no’ I said immediately shaking my head, I didn’t want Justin to then accuse Scooter of trying to ‘fuck me’ as well, I think I have caused enough damage for one day ‘it’s okay, just let him calm down it’s probably best’ I sighed Scooter chuckled and nodded ‘well if you need anything just give me a call’ he said giving me a kick hug and ran off to check everything was in order before Justin’s performance.

I quickly snuck out of the back exit of the arena and sprinted to the tour bus, hoping nobody saw me, and once I was in I let out a deep sigh as I slumped my shoulders as I walked into our bedroom, the tour bus was ridiculously hot so I changed into: once I was changed I sighed as I sat down on the bed just thinking. What could I do to make Justin trust me, what could I do to prove that I love him and that I am not leaving him? I thought I already proved that by moving in with him? Clearly he doesn’t think that. I don’t understand how Justin gets so jealous even when I take a picture with someone that is a boy, sometimes yeah I think that it is cute but at other times – like this- I find it completely ridiculous and he just takes it too far. He always says that he is just worried that I’ll leave him despite how many times I tell him that I don’t want anyone else, I want to be with him he just doesn’t believe me, and every time I have been sensitive with him and giving in to him straight away, but I can’t this time, I need to get it through to him that I’m not going anywhere, and if that means shouting at him at the top of my lungs so be it. I decided to watch a film to get my mind off of things, so I threw in ‘Friends with Benefits’ and snuggled down into the bed whilst admiring the beauty that is Justin Timberlake. But about half way through my eyes began to get heavy and soon enough I was asleep.

I felt a pair of arms wrap tightly around my waist, waking me up, I knew it was Justin and as much as I wanted to just cuddle with him, I couldn’t because I was angry with him ‘get off me’ I mumbled tiredly as I tried to wriggle out of his grasp which only made him tighten his grasp ‘baby, just go back to sleep’ he sighed and kissed the back of my neck ‘no’ I said firmly as I sat up straight in bed, Justin then realised his grasp on me and sat up as well ‘what is wrong with you?’ he snapped ‘what’s wrong with me?!’ I asked in pure dis-belief ‘yes you’ he repeated ‘you’re what’s wrong with me’ I said getting up and beginning to walk out of the room, but Justin jumped out of bed and sprinted to the door, stood in front of it and shut it ‘Justin’ I said firmly ‘I’m in a pretty shit mood and I don’t want to argue so please just get back in bed’ he said clenching his jaw and squeezing his eyes shut ‘no’ I said crossing my arms in front of him making him snap his eyes open and stare at me ‘why?’ he scoffed ‘because you’ve been a dick for NO reason so what makes you think that I would want to stay in here with you?’ I asked him, turning around and grabbing a blanket and pillow from the bed ‘do you want to know why I was being a dick?’ he asked me clearly becoming more angry with me ‘oh please, enlighten me’ I said flying my hands around above my head and throwing the pillow and blanket aggressively on the ground ‘because YOU were flirting with Fredo’ he spat at me ‘I knew you didn’t trust me’ I scoffed ‘after everything’ I added ‘I did trust you until you started flirting with Fredo’ ‘I WASN’T FLIRTING WITH FREDO, WE WERE TALKING LIKE NORMAL PEOPLE DO’ I yelled at the top of my lungs ‘I get you’re jealous but it’s Fredo, don’t get jealous of your best friend, it’s pathetic’ I said trying to be calm and trying to get out of the door but Justin wouldn’t budge ‘i’m pathetic’ he said raising his voice ‘THAT’S RICH COMING FROM YOU’ he yelled making my eyes widen ‘WHAT’S PATHETIC IS YOU FLIRTING WITH MY SUPPOSED BEST FRIEND RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY EYES’ he yelled making me stumble back from the un expectedness ‘WHEN WILL YOU GET IT IN YOUR HEAD THAT NOT EVERY BOY I TALK TO I AM FLIRTING WITH’ I screamed ‘I WATCH YOU EVERY SINGLE DAY FLIRT WITH GIRLS AND I DON’T SAY ANYTHING BECAUSE I TRUST YOU’ I added my voice continuing to raise ‘IT DON’T FLIRT’ he defended ‘I’m not arguing with you over this’ I said firmly ‘too late for that’ he spat ‘I’M NOT IN THE FUCKING MOOD FOR THIS’ I screeched ‘AND YOU THINK I AM?!’ he yelled viciously ‘WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO TO PROVE TO YOU THAT I LOVE YOU AND THAT I’M HERE FOR YOU, AND I’M NOT GOING TO LEAVE YOU, WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT ME TO DO?! TELL ME!!!!’ I screamed at the top of my lungs ‘MARRY ME’ 

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