Chapter 171

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"Shhh baby, come on" I sighed as I sat back down on the hospital bed, cradling Dylan close to my chest as I swayed us from side to side gently as I tried to stop my new born from wailing.

Justin was currently folding all our clothes that we had worn and packing them back into the bag Justin had packed for us a few days ago, because today, we were going home.


I was sick and tired of this hospital, all I wanted to do was go home and be with my family, ahhh, I love that. Family.

"When we get home, we're going to show you, your new house aren't we baby?" I cooed as Justin looked up at us and smiled wide at us "and then you're going to have to go back to sleep, because you haven't slept much? And neither has me or daddy" I whispered as Dylan's cried softened.

His eyes were still closed, we didn't know the colour yet, he hadn't opened them, which was completely normal for a new born. And although he didn't have many of my features, I wanted him to have Justin's eyes so that he would look like an exact mini me- of Justin. But either way, he was still adorable, beautiful in fact.

As Dylan feel asleep in my arms, I smiled down at him before pecking his forehead and walking over to Justin, still cupping Dylan to my chest closely, protectively, it still seemed so surreal that he was here.

"I think we have everything packed" Justin smiled, his voice quiet in case he woke Dylan up "okay, thank you" I smiled up at him "you're welcome" he smiled leaning down to kiss my cheek.

"now, should I go get the car from the car park and bring it to the back entrance, or do you want to walk out to the car?" Justin asked me "are there going to be any fans or paprazzi outside?" I asked as he shook his head "no, they aren't allowed" Justin promised "well I'll walk out with you then" I smiled at him "perfect" he smiled.

"lets go" he smiled at me, kissing my cheek once again before looking down at Dylan "ready to go home buddy?" Justin whispered as he stroked Dylan's cheek gently.

"I can't believe he is really with us now" Justin shook his head "neither bit I couldn't be happier, seriously, its incredible" I sighed "I know, and Isnt it strange to think that he is a mini us?" Justin asked, still staring at Dylan with pure love.

"it's strange" I giggled lightly as I tore my gaze from Dylan to look at Justin "I love you" I promised "I love you so much" he sighed as he pressed his forehead to my cheek, his breath hitting my neck.

"we better get going" Justin whispered "yeah" I agreed, Justin grabbed our bag with both of our clothes in, Justin insisted that he would stay at the hospital with my over night, as well as during the day, hence the reason why both of our clothes are in the bag.

Justin's hand rested on the small of my back as he guided me trough the halls, thanking the nurses that had helped us, I smiled at them also, whilst holding Dylan and melting against Justin's touch.

Luckily, when we got down stairs it was empty, apart from the workers, although they were all to concentrated in their work to notice us, which I was thankful for because I didn't want people fussing over Dylan, I just wanted to keep everything private for the moment, I didn't want Dylan to be thrown into this lifestyle from the moment he was born, and both me and Justin have agreed that the best thing to do it keep him shielded from the life we live, just until he is a little older.

Of course, everyone knew that I had given birth and the media was going absolutely crazy and I knew it was going to be like that for a long time, it was great to see all of the positive comments and love everyone was sending us, and just about everyone was begging to know the name and for us to upload a picture. but I have to admit, right now, I didn't want my son's face to be plastered on the face of every magazine across the world.

is that such a bad thing?

By the time we reached the car, Justin opened the back car door and took Dylan out of my hands, before placing him in the baby seat and making sure it was secure.

I leaned against the at door, just admiring how good he was with children, our child, sounds silly because it was such a small thing, but it was just such a beautiful thing to watch I guess.

"there we go" Justin mumbled as he kissed Dylan's cheek before closing the door and turning to face me.

"you're really good with him you know" I mumbled as I looked up at him "I hope I am" he chuckled "but so are you" he smiled as he locked his lips "give me a kiss... please" he smiled innocently before he leaned into me, slipping his hands around my waist before lifting me off the ground, my feet dangling as I instinctively wrapped my arms around his neck "mmm I love you" he sang as he pressed his lips to mine firmly "I love you too" I giggled "now put me down" I laughed as I slapped his chest "fine, fine" he shook his head, placing me back down on the floor before opening the car door, letting me climb in before jogging around to his side.

As soon as Justin parked the car in the drive way i let out a sigh of pure relief "I missed home" I giggled as I turned to face Justin "it's only been what?... three days?" he laughed "i don't care, I hate hospitals" I shrugged as I hopped out of the car, immediately pulling the other car door open to reveal Dylan wriggling in his seat, his small hands cupped to his chest as his arms were covered in the simple blue cotton baby grow we had bought him months ago.

"aww, Justin, look at him" I giggled as I felt Justin's presence next to me "aww" Justin laughed, then suddenly, Dylan's eyes fluttered open, only to reveal a beautiful pair of golden brown orbs, ones that you couldn't say no to, ones that were exactly identical to his fathers.

"wow, he looks exactly like you, it's scary" I said amazed as I picked Dylan up, cradling him.

"hey, maybe he will have my looks when he is older" Justin joked "maybe, but let's just hope he doesn't have your arrogance" I smirked back as I walked away, carrying Dylan, it was scary how much he looked like Justin. he had Justin's full, plump lips, Justin's beautiful eyes, the only thing that was similar to mine was his nose, but even then, it wasn't that similar.

it's safe to say he is Justin's child- not that I had any doubts.

opening the door to our house I smiled as I stepped in, immediately walking through to the living room, I sat down carefully, placing Dylan on my lap as I lifted me legs, closing my eyes for a short moment.

Feeling someone pull the shoes off of my feet, I knew it was Justin, so I opened my eyes as smiled at him as he sat down, my legs over the top of his lap, I looked back down at Dylan who was staring up at me, a confused look on his face.

"what's up Dylan?" I asked, in a baby voice "this is your home, and this is your daddy" I said pointing to Justin before looking back at him.

Dylan still looked confused, before laying his head back down, I looked at Justin through the corner of my eyes only to see him pouting, I giggled at looked at him properly.

"why are you pouting?" I giggled "you're ignoring me" he poured once again "no I'm not" I shook my head; but then i thought, maybe i was, because all I did on the way back was talk about Dylan... oh.

"I'm sorry, I'm just excited" I mumbled "it's okay baby, I'm not upset, I'm excite as well" he smiled.

"come here" I smiled as I shuffled over, Justin smiled before laying down next to me, Dylan laid down on my chest whilst Justin laughed a little at the expression that was on his face.

"I love you so much, you know that" I sighed "I love you too, so much more" he replied as he kissed my jaw line.

I know my life isn't going to be easy, it never has been, but I would t change anything for the world, this is the way my life is supposed to be, and it's perfect, completely perfect.

This is just another chapter in my life, I'm starting a family, and I am so ready.

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